Just got the go ahead to order a company car
Now to replace my freelander V6 with a diesel model (all I'm alowed)
Car Tax - £2931 (2004/2005) - £3029 (2005/2006)
Fuel - £1728
Total £4659 tax to be paid in first year (40%)
...... or.......
Twin Cab pick up
£200 tax to be paid a year until 2007, then £1400 (van+fuel)
so on that basis, the twin cab I think it will be!!
So, anybody with L200's, Nissans, Isuzus got any comments - The Nissan seems to have the most power and torque for towing.
The hard top seems the way forward - the way I read the tax rules the hardtop counts as 45kg - and you need to have a payload of over 1 tonne - so aslong as the payload is +1045kg then the hardtop is OK - is that correct?