Originally Posted by Jimbo
Not sure if this has data protection issues though?
Some useful info here:
Essentially there is no case law yet so it is not clear - but the guidance is that pictures which enable a person to be recognised are personal data but (in this circumstance) would not be "sensitive person data". So you would have certain requirements - for your own customers this is easily dealt with (by a modification of your 'if you fall out the boat its your own fault' form that they sign).
The 'risk' is from other boats that may get snapped, can probably be mitigated by just deleting them, or if you do decide to publish them on the web for "sale" then do so at such small scale/resolution that no one could reasonably be recognised.
Personally I wouldn't pay a fiver for a generic picture of the boat - but I might if it was taken when I was on it (I wouldn't need to recognise my face, just be sure it was actually me sitting "2 from the front on the port side") How close can you get to the camera? How fast can you go (or can you do a sharp turn there - something to create interest). The tower in the background would be nice rather than essential...
You can't come up with a partnership with the boatphotos guys that when you are busy/have a likely bunch of people coming that they take the pics and 3g them back to you live for you to print and share the proceeds? Seems they are already in the area doing some of the work...