Don't know about you Guys and I know for some The Covid Debacle has made things much more difficult...but we couldn't wait to get on the Water soon as was practical within the advice and UK protocols.
Had a few local fishing trips......a Great weekend in Cornwall including a really nice Scillies isle run...and a recent Week on the West Coast of Scotland with friends

I do think if you're waiting for things to return to the way they were before the Wohan Pendemic was spread around the Globe you may not be getting out for quite a long time!!
With the proper precautions and social distancing within the Sea ...within you're own "Bubble" must be one of the safest places to be!
I know getting out and doing our favourite pursuit again has certainly helped me and my the lockdown aftermath.
Covid or no The Clock is still ticking
My thoughts and advice ....Keep up the Protocols keep The S.D ..take all relevant precautions and Fck em! the Bard said.
"A Coward Dies a Thousand Deaths.... A Brave Man Dies but a Once!"