This is some information on HMS Redpole, the ship my grand father was on during 1943 and 1944...
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June Contractors trials and commissioned for service in 7th Escort Group.
26th Build completion and commenced Acceptance Trials
July On completion of trials and storing took passage to Tobermory to commence Work-up for
operational service.
Carried out work-up at Tobermory
Passage to Scapa Flow to complete work-up with ships of Home Fleet.
August On completion took passage to Greenock
Joined Group based at Greenock for convoy escort and support in Atlantic.
September Detached for service at Gibraltar for convoy escort and support in Mediterranean and Atlantic.
October Deployment at Gibraltar in continuation
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January Nominated for return to 7th Escort Group.
February Passage to UK to rejoin Group and deployed on convoy defence in Home waters.
March Deployed in NW Approaches and UK coastal waters for convoy defence.
May Nominated for duty with Support Force G during Assault Phase of planned allied landings
in Normandy (Operation NEPTUNE).
For details of naval activities before and during landings see OPERATION NEPTUNE by
K Edwards and LANDINGS IN NORMANDY June 1944 (HMSO).
3rd Took part in Final Rehearsal for NEPTUNE landings with ships of Force G
4th Took part in Exercise FABIUS at Hayling Island with ships and craft of Forces G, J and G.
See references.
18th Took part in Defence exercise off Brighton with Forces S, G and J.
21st Preparation for NEPTUNE.
June Passage to Solent.
Nominated for escort of Assault Convoy G5 to Gold beach head
HM Trawler BOMBARDIER joined
5th Passage through swept channel with Convoy.
6th On arrival at Lowering position detached and returned to Portsmouth to join HM Sloop
STORK and HM Escort Destroyer EGLINTON in 116th Escort Group for defence of follow-up
27th On termination of NEPTUNE deployed for Channel convoy escort and patrol.
July Nominated for duty in Eastern Fleet on completion of refit.
5th Passage to Clyde
6th Taken in hand for refit in Clyde commercial shipyard
August Under refit
September On completion of post refit trials took passage for work-up.
Passage to join military convoy in Clyde on completion of work-up.
1st Sailed from Clyde as part of escort for Convoy KMF35 during passage to Port Said.
11th At Gibraltar and joined escort of Convoy KMS65 during passage in Mediterranean to Port
21st Arrived at Port Said and detached from KMS65.
Canal transit and passage in Red Sea.
November Passage in Indian Ocean
6th Joined Eastern Fleet at Trincomalee.
Transferred to East Indies Fleet of formation when some Eastern Fleet ships transferred to
British Pacific Fleet
December Deployed for convoy defence.
Prepared for support of planned landings in Burma.
(For details of Eastern Fleet activities see OPERATION PACIFIC BY E Gray, THE