Could anyone recommend a programme for editing digi pics. I have some really nice photos but before priniting I want to get rid of red eye etc etc. Any ideas - Free Ware would be best !!!
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
photoshop very good - but perahps too much. Try in this order:
-photo express ( generall bundled free with Xp)
-photo impressions ( from HP normally free if buying a HP relevant product)
-XP Micro Soft Office photo manager.
These are pretty basic and if you can handle a RIB you should be able to use
the above quite easily. If you have to correct for red eye- its better to look
at the camera rather than the soft- i,e a bad workman grumbles at his tools"
AS regards the last one- it just arrived on my lpatop when I installed XP SP2.
dont know the history of this one.