Hi guys...
just in case any of you who dive are down in our neck of the woods /would like to fill some spaces we have on a few days over Easter (RIBnet spaces would be cheaper

We have 3 to 4 spaces on 3 days which we are yet to fill.....
I've just dropped a round robin to our local club offering the same...If it's of any interest drop me a line and I'll forward on the planned itinerary etc....Theres a fair mix of dives planned.
Further ahead, we may also have some spaces on the weekend of 14th and 15th May (a couple of people have just provisionally booked but we need to advertise to fill the boat) if that was of interest.......
Slightly off topic, did my first BDMLR rescue last night....great outcome too! More here if it's of any interest...
PS think this is my first proper use of my 'Trade Membership' here.......Exciting!