30 September 2006, 18:31
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Thanks Toby
However, mine were edited also. and I also apologise for any offence caused. You Sir are a true gentleman. Just as an aside: the term racist is misused 99.9% of the time and we all know the reason why. Just do a Google on the word and select Wikapedia. and read it fully. The language that we both used does not even contraven the EU definition. Needless to say, the misuse of this term is a major problem in the melting pot of the USA. I have no intent to hi-jack this thread thus diverting the important subject matter.
Regards, to all
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
30 September 2006, 18:37
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That is murder folks. Cold blooded murder.
Let's hope Leanardo Da Vinci's words hurry up and come true.
30 September 2006, 19:16
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Originally Posted by Limey Linda
Thanks Toby
However, mine were edited also. and I also apologise for any offence caused. You Sir are a true gentleman. Just as an aside: the term racist is misused 99.9% of the time and we all know the reason why. Just do a Google on the word and select Wikapedia. and read it fully. The language that we both used does not even contraven the EU definition. Needless to say, the misuse of this term is a major problem in the melting pot of the USA. I have no intent to hi-jack this thread thus diverting the important subject matter.
Regards, to all
If you are going to "claim" stuff like that Linda its usually a good idea to get make sure you knowledge is accurate. Whilst google and wiki are unbelievably useful they are not definitive answers. JK probably has his own opinion of what is or is not racist and where he draws the line. However for legal purposes in the UK the issue that he might be concerned with is the Race Relations Act (1976 and subsequent ammendments). The definition used in the act is the definition which in my experience has become popular usage in the UK.
Discrimination in the Act is defined on the following grounds: Race, Nationality including citizenship, Colour [of skin], Ethnic or National Origin. I believe the sampe definition is used in the UK law defining "racially motivated attacks".
Generally speaking the term Racist is used in the UK for any of these (although the Act doesn't use the word Racist itself).
The original thread title did appear to be unfairly tarring all Japanese people as "Bastards" IIRC - in my opinion that may contravene the UK law as racial harrasment (it being "racially" based, on the grounds that Japanese people, were being treated differently on the grounds of their Nationality/Citizenship). I also believe the new title is better, more informative, and more likely to get the attention of your intended "reader". You should thank JK rather than slate him - until he reworded it I didn't even watch the video.
And finally, if the term is "misused" 99.9% of the time as you suggest - then perhaps language has evolved since the definition was created? Another similar example is the term "forensic" which actually means legal - but which has gradually come to mean one specific instance (i.e. forensic science).
We could start a big debate here - but that would detract from the legitiamite purpose of your thread - to highlight mistreatment of some of the ocean's most loved creatures. You can do that (as all the posts that haven't been edited by JK show) without resorting to streotyping.
30 September 2006, 19:25
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Originally Posted by Limey Linda
However, mine were edited also. and I also apologise for any offence caused.
Yes, I changed the thread title and edited a few words of one post.
Just as an aside: the term racist is misused 99.9% of the time and we all know the reason why.
I don't know the reason why, but I suspect that I might not agree with you.
There's an interesting essay about the meaning of the word racism here if you're interested. In any case, I'm not going to argue the semantics of Wikipedia's definitions, or anyone else's for that matter. I think it is reasonably clear to most people what is acceptable here, but just for the record here is some further clarification:
"Jap bastards" as a thread title is unnecessarily inflammatory. "Jap" in itself is a disparaging term (have a look a Wikipedia since you set so much store by it!) and why focus on the nationality plus a bit of abuse rather than the actual issue?
I have no intent to hi-jack this thread thus diverting the important subject matter.
A bit late now!
30 September 2006, 19:38
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Further to my previous post the responce from the other RIB forums is the same as yours as you m ay expect.
We have now contacted Green Peace and other authorities to verify the validity of this video as the moderators of the two German RIB forums, Italian RIB fdorum and our Greek RIB forum will stage a protest with the backing of Green Peace and full TV coverage (even CNN ) if the events on this video are verified as true and correct.
JK ... do you want to join us from RIBNet??
30 September 2006, 19:57
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This is a beautiful creature that’s is being killed world wide in many different ways( not normally as bad as this) but it does happen and its sick. i would like to tow them around like that
I have not posted on here as it makes me so f*()ing angry and now its getting turned into a discussion about this racist malarkey. What a joke polwart you told me a Scottish joke was racist, it’s all over the top. have you ever been at the end of racial abuse? If you haven’t then you haven’t met many different people from different religions and backgrounds as you would know it’s a 2 sided stick and the other end is far heavier. Go to south America and tell me you don’t get called a gringo or ripped off when you buy something, that’s racial abuse they are categorising you because you are white with money, go to Johannesburg and tell me its not a racist place honky this honky that.
It’s all bad news but to be honest I don’t care what you say or anyone else, most people don’t let it destroy their day and if it does so what it might be the message that’s makes the change from this sort of crap happening to peace if there is such a thing.
JK has to police his site look at HMS but polwart your like a fact machine shut up its about animals not law
there fishing numbers are on the side if we all pay £10 we could blow there boats up hahahahaha get more done that way
30 September 2006, 20:34
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Originally Posted by Manos
Further to my previous post the responce from the other RIB forums is the same as yours as you m ay expect.
We have now contacted Green Peace and other authorities to verify the validity of this video as the moderators of the two German RIB forums, Italian RIB fdorum and our Greek RIB forum will stage a protest with the backing of Green Peace and full TV coverage (even CNN ) if the events on this video are verified as true and correct.
JK ... do you want to join us from RIBNet??
This is a disgusting example of callous inhumanity that should rightly be denounced by all, however, the fact that the dolphin belongs to the cute and cuddly class of animal seems to provoke a more emotional reaction than other equally abhorrent behaviour which is perpetrated much closer to home.
Before we all get over excited about stopping this cruelty how about we have a go at cruelty to children first. Maybe we could all right to our MP to demand child protection is given greater prominence for starters.
30 September 2006, 20:47
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Racist. Now theres a bag worms.
For my pennys worth. Its the Japanese doing this. Not the Greeks, English, Scottish or Germans so its right for it to be pointed out so.
As for the shortening of the the word Japanese (I Haven't done it because i don't want editing ). It annoys me that people take offence at it. When all the time I hear Jewish people being called Jews and nobody takes offence at that. But do it with some other countries and they cry foul.
The trouble with all this PC stuff is that it hides the real issues. And that seems to be the case with the way this thread is going.
30 September 2006, 22:08
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Originally Posted by Manos
JK ... do you want to join us from RIBNet??
I won't be organising anything, but you're welcome to.
30 September 2006, 22:09
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OK .. thanks ... will keep everyone posted if and when anything transpires.
01 October 2006, 06:36
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I'm not sure about the accuracy of the narration (Joaquim Phoenix is a strident vegan ARA), nonetheless, the images in the video are extremely gruesome and disgusting. If the info in the video is in fact accurate (always take info presented by animal rights acvtivists with a grain of salt), some form of sanctions should be applied against japan. However to entirely boycott all japanese products you'd pretty much have to live in a cave.
To compare this to the Canadian seal hunt is absolutely inane.
02 October 2006, 10:03
Country: Greece
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I think that just to talk about this issue is fine .... but if you expect anyone to take any notice ... may be will have to wait for some time
Here is the responce I got from WWF in Greece when I posted the video link with a question. Can you pelase verify if this video is an actual fact and is there anything we can do about it.
Originally Posted by [email="support@wwf.gr
From: WWF-Greece [mailto:support@wwf.gr]
Sent: 02 October 2006 09:30
To: Manos K
Subject: Not read: The slaughter of Dolphins
Importance: High
Your message
To: support@wwf.gr
Was deleted without being read on Mon, 2 Oct 2006 09:30:17 +0100[/b]
Need to say anything else?
02 October 2006, 12:14
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Originally Posted by Manos
I think that just to talk about this issue is fine .... but if you expect anyone to take any notice ... may be will have to wait for some time
Here is the responce I got from WWF in Greece when I posted the video link with a question. Can you pelase verify if this video is an actual fact and is there anything we can do about it.
Need to say anything else?
Two possibilities I suppose:
1) They don't give a fig
2) They have had 7,554,329 emails about it already and are on the case but have neither the time or resources to answer all the emails.
Could easily be either!
02 October 2006, 12:53
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Originally Posted by BogMonster
Two possibilities I suppose:
1) They don't give a fig
2) They have had 7,554,329 emails about it already and are on the case but have neither the time or resources to answer all the emails.
Could easily be either!
..or, as a lot of companies do, they may have a filter that automatically deletes mails with attachments/embedded links
02 October 2006, 14:05
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Originally Posted by Jono
..or, as a lot of companies do, they may have a filter that automatically deletes mails with attachments/embedded links
Kind of a stupid thing to do?! If my PC at work did that it would delete about 3/4 of the legitimate email!
Then again it would cut down the workload a lot. "Nope, sorry, never got that one, could you try re-sending"
03 October 2006, 23:06
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fu----ing people, maybe the japanese fu-- wits who do this should be dealt the same blow,
04 October 2006, 07:56
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Truly sad and inhumane!!! Disrespect for the other animals of this planet is a disrespect for ourselves. When will we learn to get along with our world instead of destroying it?
Its very easy to attack those Japanese fisherman but the same attitude towards nature is perpetuated all over the world.
04 October 2006, 16:19
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One of my colleagues passed me this info.....
Hi Everyone
I have spoken to the information desk at the Japanese Embassy in London. They will accept letters addressed to:- The Japanese Embassy
101 - 104 Piccadilly
Contact No:- 0207 465 6543 or 6544.
E-mail:- info@jpembassy.org.uk
I did ask them if the letters would be read or binned and they assured me that no letter is binned. Bear in mind this is a country that did not recognise the Geneva Convention, is THE biggest culprit for deforestation of the rainforests and THE biggest users of ivory. I find it very hard to believe anything they say.
Another place worth protesting to would be the Japanese Information & Cultural Centre. Can't find an address but the contact No is 0207 465 6588 - Fax No 0207 491 9347. Judging by the number they are probably within the Embassy itself.
I am too angry and upset at the moment to write anything, if I do it will be rude and derogatory in the extreme.
Hope some of you will put pen to paper.
04 October 2006, 21:44
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Talking of the Geneva convention they aren't the only ones - there are a few other large countries who bend it to suit. Don't get me wrong I am not trying to defend the Japs - just that they aren't the only evil ones around!!!
04 October 2006, 22:12
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Talking of the Geneva convention they aren't the only ones - there are a few other large countries who bend it to suit. Don't get me wrong I am not trying to defend the Japs - just that they aren't the only evil ones around!!!
Including the UK who waited until northern ireland was "sorted out" in 1998 to sign the 1977 aditional protocols!
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