23 September 2015, 08:37
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Originally Posted by Dry Run
Hi, I can hear the Treasury calculating an income opportunity
How long do we think before the letter drops through your door telling you that "you have been driving a vehicle with higher emmissions than your road tax allows - we have calculated your shortfall in road tax to be £ ...........?
Do you think that likely? My guess that this might only affect brand new cars. I'm looking at 4 year old Fabia diesels for my missus at the moment. The considering factor being the £20 tax band. Do you reckon I'll be hit with an increase in tax should that be an affected car?
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23 September 2015, 08:52
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Originally Posted by Hightower
. Do you reckon I'll be hit with an increase in tax should that be an affected car?
A bit risky. What would you do if the RFL shot up from £20 to £30 a year?!
Starve the kids?!
23 September 2015, 09:08
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Originally Posted by Mollers
A bit risky. What would you do if the RFL shot up from £20 to £30 a year?!
Starve the kids?! 
Might shoot up to £200/year though!
Perhaps get rid of the wife and save £20
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23 September 2015, 09:11
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23 September 2015, 16:52
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Originally Posted by Hightower
Do you think that likely? My guess that this might only affect brand new cars. I'm looking at 4 year old Fabia diesels for my missus at the moment. The considering factor being the £20 tax band. Do you reckon I'll be hit with an increase in tax should that be an affected car?
Best forget koda UK's official fuel-efficiency figures then.
I drive a 2010 koda Fabia 1.6 TDI CR 105PS (77kw engine) when my V6 quattro avant isn't hauling the boat - (emissions similar to an E-Type Frigate.)
The Fabia costs £20 road-tax and about £45 to fill the tank. That equates to a maximum 500 mile range on a mix of A-class and motorway driving as long as you don't have a heavy right-foot. Fuel consumption, then expect minimum of mid-50s mpg. Should be able to get a MKII Fabia Monte Carlo, say 2011/12 with 30k miles for £7,500.
Is that with or without VAT?
23 September 2015, 18:55
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If you want some real world data
Browse All Cars | Fuelly
I was clocking top range 40's per gallon on a 2008 1.9TDI Octavia until last month when I replaced it... Thats pretty much text book.
23 September 2015, 20:22
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Originally Posted by ShinyShoe
Although when I bought my Ssangyong they specifically said they had not tried to create an engine to pass emmissions tests at the loss of power - so perhaps not everyone has.
Wow did you go to Korea to get your car or do you just believe whatever the sales guy says? Although I think you'll find there's a lot of "german" in your engine so don't rule out the possibility it was optimised for tests not real life!
23 September 2015, 21:17
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Originally Posted by Poly
Wow did you go to Korea to get your car or do you just believe whatever the sales guy says? Although I think you'll find there's a lot of "german" in your engine so don't rule out the possibility it was optimised for tests not real life!
No their emissions are sh1t! They've optimised it for towing and are quite open that that means they aren't as 'efficient' as their competitors in the Euro Test. They also haven't stuck a 1.2l engine in and pretended it will be 'just as powerful' as the 2litre used to be because of all the technology...
The ECU is entirely theirs not Mercedes. The block is theirs it just happens to be a bit like a Mercedes one
23 September 2015, 22:32
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Originally Posted by spartacus
Best forget koda UK's official fuel-efficiency figures then.
I drive a 2010 koda Fabia 1.6 TDI CR 105PS (77kw engine) when my V6 quattro avant isn't hauling the boat - (emissions similar to an E-Type Frigate.)
The Fabia costs £20 road-tax and about £45 to fill the tank. That equates to a maximum 500 mile range on a mix of A-class and motorway driving as long as you don't have a heavy right-foot. Fuel consumption, then expect minimum of mid-50s mpg. Should be able to get a MKII Fabia Monte Carlo, say 2011/12 with 30k miles for £7,500.
Thanks for the info, however after today I've never going to go car hunting with my missus....Ever! I ended up telling her to oil her push bike up lol
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24 September 2015, 08:37
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I phoned Audi yesterday to book in the Mrs A3 for a service, we went through the usual questions like mileage, when to drop it in etc., then the guy said do you want a treatment to clean the engine it can also improve mpg and emissions. I don't know what came over me but without even thinking I said does it have a VW badge on the bottle? The guy continued reading through his script for a couple of seconds then paused sucked his teeth and said that's really not appropriate I could here the tumbleweed in the call centre. Oooops. I don't think VW will be the only fall out of this scandal.
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24 September 2015, 08:56
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Originally Posted by AJ.
....... I don't think VW will be the only fall out of this scandal.
Absolutely. VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat/Bentley  I would be EXTREMELY surprised if other manufacturers aren't doing the same. There is a deafening silence from the rest of the industry, I'm not hearing Ford-GM-BMW-JLR-Mercedes coming out & saying "we'd never do that" This is another banking scandal; one gets found out & the rest come crashing down behind. VW have some of the most technically advanced diesels on the planet & if they are having to fiddle the figures to make them fit, how can other diesel manufacturers produce engines that don't need fiddling, go figure
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24 September 2015, 10:55
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Originally Posted by AJ.
...and said that's really not appropriate
Ooooh! Lucky he had you on the phone and not me....
....I would have had "one of my little moments" at that point! That pup needs to man up and take his licks. His employers effed up and so long as you're not abusive to him personally he should put up and shut up! All IMHO natch
24 September 2015, 11:52
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Originally Posted by Bigtalljv
I have no love for the EPA and California air quality board, most of what they do seems to lack any scientific basis.
as I don't own a VW but my biggest gripe is they they probably just killed diesel in the USA. It was already just a niche fuel, other than for our (my) giant pickup trucks, but this is probably the last straw for consumer vehicles. Now we just have the ridiculous hybrid crap.
Completely agree and that's the way our government wants it. It's no accident. The Obama administration had declared war on fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine long ago.
24 September 2015, 12:10
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
Absolutely. VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat/Bentley  I would be EXTREMELY surprised if other manufacturers aren't doing the same. There is a deafening silence from the rest of the industry, I'm not hearing Ford-GM-BMW-JLR-Mercedes coming out & saying "we'd never do that" This is another banking scandal; one gets found out & the rest come crashing down behind. VW have some of the most technically advanced diesels on the planet & if they are having to fiddle the figures to make them fit, how can other diesel manufacturers produce engines that don't need fiddling, go figure 
Like the banking scandal the government is playing the lead role. When regulation is hammered in without economic consideration, affected parties will find a way to stay economically viable. Some might cheer the heavy hand, but be careful what you wish for.
The global warming hysteria is unfounded, dangerous and costly. The economic impacts are massive and the less fortunate will ultimately suffer. This "scandal", created by the government, can push Europe into a recession. Enjoy the corporate witch hunt with peril.
24 September 2015, 12:45
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Originally Posted by Geoellis
Like the banking scandal the government is playing the lead role. When regulation is hammered in without economic consideration, affected parties will find a way to stay economically viable. Some might cheer the heavy hand, but be careful what you wish for.
The global warming hysteria is unfounded, dangerous and costly. The economic impacts are massive and the less fortunate will ultimately suffer. This "scandal", created by the government, can push Europe into a recession. Enjoy the corporate witch hunt with peril.
Tempting as it is to answer this post, I must resist as RIBnet doesn't do Politics - which is where this is headed, IMO. Any debate on the wrongheaded Government insistence that the planet is warming up, populated by the decendents of apes or is spherical in shape must be conducted on another forum
24 September 2015, 13:05
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An interesting topic this, but I still don't know what the consequence for me as the man on the street is yet.
I have three modes of transport with VW derived engines in them. Am I going to get a recall on the diesel ones for some sort of software update? Will that have any impact on my day to day fuel economy or driveability? TBH I really don't care about NOx issues etc as I'm not in the habit of running a pipe from the exhaust for any extra curricular activities and I didn't make my purchases based on environmental qualities. Nor do I pay tax based on specified emissions. IMHO it actually goes to show how clever the VW boffins are!
24 September 2015, 14:21
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Originally Posted by Geoellis
Like the banking scandal the government is playing the lead role. When regulation is hammered in without economic consideration, affected parties will find a way to stay economically viable. Some might cheer the heavy hand, but be careful what you wish for.
The global warming hysteria is unfounded, dangerous and costly. The economic impacts are massive and the less fortunate will ultimately suffer. This "scandal", created by the government, can push Europe into a recession. Enjoy the corporate witch hunt with peril.
Originally Posted by willk
Tempting as it is to answer this post, I must resist as RIBnet doesn't do Politics - which is where this is headed, IMO. Any debate on the wrongheaded Government insistence that the planet is warming up, populated by the decendents of apes or is spherical in shape must be conducted on another forum

Yes, fair enough.
24 September 2015, 14:23
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To much fuss over nowt prob won't make much difference it's all these Greenies that's fussing 😉 BTW what's a Ssangyong 🙈
24 September 2015, 14:26
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Originally Posted by mick
..... BTW what's a Ssangyong
I didn't like to ask
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24 September 2015, 14:34
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Geoellis
Yes, fair enough.
Blimey, you're a pushover
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