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Old 15 September 2008, 21:59   #1
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Anyone tried it ? .. I'm interested .. and would be keen to learn some tips of those who have done it
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Old 16 September 2008, 07:30   #2
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
Anyone tried it ? .. I'm interested .. and would be keen to learn some tips of those who have done it
Hi Bigmuz7

We used to Geocache a few years ago and found it very interesting. It gets you out to places you would never find otherwise and can be lots of fun. Not really something where you meet other people though if thats what your after as you try to keep the caches hidden from other people.

We set of a geotag a few years ago from Torquay and it's now down in Spain and still going.

I say do it and if you don't like it then stop as there is nothing you have to sign up for we only stopped because we don't have the time at the moment.

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Old 16 September 2008, 09:57   #3
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
Anyone tried it ? .. I'm interested .. and would be keen to learn some tips of those who have done it
my brother does it. I just don't get it. if you want to wander about in the coutryside then on you go - but why spend your time hunting for a box of tat left by someone you don't know.
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Old 16 September 2008, 11:40   #4
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I would be interested in a marinised version.
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Old 16 September 2008, 12:16   #5
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Originally Posted by Andy Moore View Post
I would be interested in a marinised version.
I believe it's now called diving, seems to be quite popular. It does however retain a passing resemblance to a comment made earlier...the box and the tat appearing slightly larger underwater.
New boat is here, very happy!
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Old 16 September 2008, 16:59   #6
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
my brother does it. I just don't get it. if you want to wander about in the coutryside then on you go - but why spend your time hunting for a box of tat left by someone you don't know.
You got any kids Polwart ?

Originally Posted by Simon B View Post
I believe it's now called diving
.. but this doesnt involve a sail, the gear, the gas, and so on and so forth, does it ?
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Old 16 September 2008, 17:23   #7
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
You got any kids Polwart ?
Yes. Oldest is just about old enough to think this is good fun. He was very excited about the prospect of hiding "treasure" for his Uncle to find. BUT that wasn't for some random stranger. We haven't "published" the coordinates anywhere - just made a treasure map for his Uncle.

My brother doesn't have any kids. I assumed it was the sort of thing that people did if they had too much time on their hands. Going by my brother's success rate it might not keep children amused for long!
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Old 16 September 2008, 18:16   #8
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
Yes. Oldest is just about old enough to think this is good fun. He was very excited about the prospect of hiding "treasure" for his Uncle to find. BUT that wasn't for some random stranger. We haven't "published" the coordinates anywhere - just made a treasure map for his Uncle.

My brother doesn't have any kids. I assumed it was the sort of thing that people did if they had too much time on their hands. Going by my brother's success rate it might not keep children amused for long!
Well I gather its quite addictive you see, and gives kids (and us adults ) the chance to get out to do a bit of adventuring, and learn a bit about their surroundings in the process .. right now.. dragging my teenager son out from behind a laptop seems like a plan and I'm getting less bothered about how I do it as even boating has lost the battle with hormones
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Old 17 September 2008, 15:29   #9
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You'll find that the entertainment lies in solving the clues to the location, not just picking up co-ordinates and going to it. There's obviously different levels of difficulty and some of them are a series of caches.

It's a nice extra dimension if you're going out for a walk or bike ride anyway. My youngsters have enjoyed it the few times we've looked for them. Make sure you take the details for all the ones in an area so avoid disappointment.
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Old 18 September 2008, 10:26   #10
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Originally Posted by Simon B View Post
I believe it's now called diving, seems to be quite popular. It does however retain a passing resemblance to a comment made earlier...the box and the tat appearing slightly larger underwater.
God, how true! Divers will walk through a busy port full of trawlers without a sidewards glance and cross oceans while risking life and limb to gawp at a wrecked one in 30m of water. Then there's "oh look!" aka frenzied pointing "there's a piece of sanitary ware from a scrapped boat!let's sit on it and take a photo for the club mag." This is perfectly normal BTW.
Geocaching, on the other hand, is The Work of Satan. I know...
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Old 18 September 2008, 10:40   #11
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
Anyone tried it ? .. I'm interested .. and would be keen to learn some tips of those who have done it
Never done it before but just googled it and found this

Put my postcode in and there's 60 within 10 miles
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Old 21 September 2008, 13:59   #12
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entertain the kids?


Would adding to this help to entertain the kids?

Seems more constructive than littering the countryside with tupperware!
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Old 21 September 2008, 17:17   #13
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Well Well, Polwart is quite unwise about lots of things... (take the use of wind power to move a boat for instance!) I wouldn't trust anything he says about geocaching... since he's never tried it.

I have - and therefore everything I say is the law.

Originally Posted by polwart
my brother does it. I just don't get it. if you want to wander about in the coutryside then on you go - but why spend your time hunting for a box of tat left by someone you don't know.
The tat's not for the grown ups. Occasionally there is some decent tat that might be - but on the whole the tat is exactly that... but kids don't seem to object to swapping matchbox cars etc via a GC. For grown ups either set about moving on some geo tags (travel bugs or coins {I don't get coins by the way}) or just go with the mission of finding the thing and signing the log book...

Its about the find not the content. Polwart I seem to remember chasing you round a forrest in your younger days looking for red and white canvas shapes hung from trees with a hole punch attached... don't remember you saying "I don't get it... its just a hole punch" But that was in the days when you considered using wind to power a boat a reasonably sensible option...

There are good caches and bad - and unfortunately no particularly good way to find the difference. There is a UK site affiliated with (other caching sites do exist too) - the UK site has a ratings system but I don't think I rate my caches the same way as others...

To me a good cache would take you someplace you wouldn't usually go. That could be a hill top, a path or for you guys - an island! The place should be nice. I've been to some right s&&t holes caching! The cache should be well hidden. If there is a clue it should be cryptic (look under the third rock doesn't exactly make it hard to find). BUT it should be achievable... I've been to a few that are just impossible.

I haven't cached for about a year... but thats a time factor and a weather factor (if its good I'll be on boat with a big flappy white thing above it... where there are sadly no caches).

Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
Would adding to this help to entertain the kids?
Seems more constructive than littering the countryside with tupperware!
I'd say OSM is more of a teenager thing... than young kids. I may be wrong.

As for littering the countryside - two things apply here:
- it doesn't have to be a tupperware box... and if its well hidden you'll never know!
- have fairly strict rules on where caches can and can't be placed and on archiving etc to try and prevent geolitter.

I've always thought that caching and ribbing had great opportunity... Putting a cache on one of the islands on Loch Lommond makes it a fairly select cache... Just beware if you are going hunting while wearing your oilies etc you will stand out a mile away and as someone said before the idea is that muggles (non-cachers) don't find the cache as they have a nasty habit of trashing them....

Finally someone said its not social - there are social gatherings of these weird beings if you so desire... guess its like ribbing - you get together with like minded types if you want to...
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Old 21 September 2008, 17:26   #14
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Originally Posted by Andy Moore View Post
I would be interested in a marinised version.
There are a few underwater caches. Most of which you need to dive to get to.

I had a tidal cache which lasted from August 2007 till February this year. It was submerged in a cove but the dynema holding it in the cove got worn away by some sharp rocks and now its out in the hands of neptune... ..I'm still constructing its replacement as when I announced its demise there was some local dismay! The replacement will be designed to be even more indestructible.

You can of course use the boat to access land based caches... and if that works for you you could then plan some water based ones... someone has to start them off. You are of course ideally positioned as theres a good amount of traffic round you.
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