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Old 21 June 2007, 16:30   #21
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I feel a JK coming on...................
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Old 21 June 2007, 16:52   #22
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post

China is now building 2 massive new coal fired power stations per WEEK!!! A really scary prospect. Each one puts out as much CO2 as 2 million cars. That's an extra 4 million cars on the road each week or 208 million per year. If Britain banned all cars overnight it wouldn't make much difference would it?

That is why my blood boils when the bloody greens in this country FORCE us to cut back on everything and push up the prices of our own power. If it made a difference to the planet we live on fair enough - but it doesn't. It is peeing in the wind - literally.

And then I read this - one of the last great wilderness areas in Southern Britain - unchanged since the Ice Age - and they are going to cover it in these monsters - as a token gesture!!! It is an area I know and love well. It really does upset me greatly.

The Greens say we must lead by example - that's like the CND lot who think that if we give up Nukes countries like China and Korea will - no chance. China is NOT going to give up on building power stations - and there is no way they will start using windmills!!!
it is hard to imagine the scale of the economy and workforce in china, two large power stations a week is mind blowing!
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Old 21 June 2007, 17:54   #23
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We can't do anything about what the Chinese choose to do, but sitting back while we let are own government dictate to us and put more restrictions and taxes on us for the so called good of the planet that we now know are not going to make even 1% difference is insanity. Fair enough if china were to commit to cleaner energy then we should do the same, brown robbed from the pension fund now he is robbing again to try and balance his books.
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Old 21 June 2007, 18:47   #24
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Originally Posted by Tims Osprey View Post
"this countries leaders are dirty, corrupt, ignorant, pig headed, greedy retards that have no regard for its people and our freedom."
I take it you dont vote Labour then?

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Old 21 June 2007, 20:22   #25
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I would rather give my rib away to somebody rather than vote for any of them morons, anybody who votes for so called labour needs to be educated for the benefit of their own sanity.
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Old 21 June 2007, 21:38   #26
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Originally Posted by Tims Osprey View Post
I would rather give my rib away to somebody rather than vote for any of them morons, anybody who votes for so called labour needs to be educated for the benefit of their own sanity.

I dont know if id want to give up the boat but id rarther move to a different hemisphire than put my vote in the Labour box, but lets face it dont seem to matter who you vote for based on the vote rigging story i read that went on last time round as New Labour cheated to get in & got caught out ......& still got in , In my humble opinion i think they buy extra votes by looking after the immergration service & incombe support service's by bringing voter's in from abroard. But what can you do? GIVE UP MY BOAT.......NEVER !

The Titanic was built by professionals - The Ark was built by one man!
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Old 21 June 2007, 21:58   #27
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Unfortunately we must be in the minority because, for whatever reason, more people are voting for our present government than the opposition.

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Old 21 June 2007, 22:16   #28
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I don't know what's going on in their minds? i can't even think of anything positive or nice to say about them let alone vote them to stay in power are these people suffering with some sort of contagious disease or have the government found a way of mass hypnotizing the nation to vote for them, well come to think of it is that not sort of what they do anyway
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Old 21 June 2007, 23:30   #29
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It's called income support look how many unemployed there are that the goverment look after just before voteing day so that's the young vote taken care of, now over to the old folk, example; my farther 72 had a guy from the local council? (Alerdale) turn up out of the blue just a few weeks before voteing was due & this guy was showing him how he could claim for this & that & what a lovely house he had then as he was leaving left his card with his name & LABOUR PARTY written on it, he asked the guy if he was trying to buy vote's the guy just walked off.......card went in bin & we all know how the immergrents feel about New Labour.......they let um in. So Biggles your so right....we are in the minority .

The Titanic was built by professionals - The Ark was built by one man!
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Old 22 June 2007, 01:45   #30
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What I find incredible is that someone from another country can vote in UK elections even though he's not a citizen of this country.

I know a really nice chap from Sierra Leone who is hanging on in here by the skin of his teeth and yet he is allowed to vote. He thinks Blair is wonderful for letting him stay - wonder how he will vote???
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Old 22 June 2007, 06:57   #31
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
I know a really nice chap from Sierra Leone who is hanging on in here by the skin of his teeth
I'm sure he's a lovely guy, but WHY THE HELL is he here?

We've had peacekeepers in Sierra Leone for years now - therefore the argument of an unsafe country can't hold... so he should be back at home helping rebuild his country, not here avoiding it all...
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Old 22 June 2007, 07:51   #32
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If i said in words if (i could find words bad enough) what i thought about are leaders and politicians then i would probably get banned from the forum.
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Old 22 June 2007, 08:39   #33
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There are lots of up side to Global warming.

1) Warmer UK, so you dont have to go abroad

2) Warmer Sea so that sea spray in the middle of February wont be as cold

And heres the best one

3) If sea levels rise then my house will be closer to the sea which means I wont have to drive as far which gives...

4) The shorter journey means less wear and tear on my car so I dont have to replace my car as often - good for the environment

5) I dont use as much fuel - so its cheaper

6) Its better for the environment cos Im not driving as far - less emmissions

7) I get to stay in bed longer cos I dont have to travel as far

So wheres the problem

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Old 22 June 2007, 09:13   #34
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They also said on the news this morning that the melting ice-caps are releasing tonnes of nutriants into the waters, which is increasing the amount of Plankton and in turn benifiting sea life in the area...
I don't have an attitude, I have a personality you can't handle.
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Old 22 June 2007, 09:26   #35
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Originally Posted by havener View Post
I'm sure he's a lovely guy, but WHY THE HELL is he here?

We've had peacekeepers in Sierra Leone for years now - therefore the argument of an unsafe country can't hold... so he should be back at home helping rebuild his country, not here avoiding it all...
I have a number of groups of british friends in the US . They now have US citizenship, their children are American, they work in American companies paying American taxes and yet they are still not allowed to vote. In many European countries, if you are not a national, you cannot claim state benefits, vote or even buy a house!
Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to use it.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
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Old 22 June 2007, 09:47   #36
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Has anyone seen the new government adverts on tv advising people that they should pull away slowly from traffic lights and accelerate gently to economize and reduce CO2 emissions? - the one where it's all engines with wheels on the road?

it has quite the opposite effect on me, especially when i get to a local set of lights and i'm sitting there rather annoyed that they've just ripped out a perfectly good roundabout, replaced it with 25 sets of lights at a cost of about 3million - and the two new lanes that go straight on merge into one in the space of about 60 feet - do i accelerate gently then? do I.....

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Old 22 June 2007, 09:59   #37
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Actually I think the point of the ad (rather badly put) was that if you can, try not to stop at all... with practise and a little local knowledge its possible to slow up sufficiently early enough so that the lights have changed to green before you get to them.
I don't have an attitude, I have a personality you can't handle.
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Old 22 June 2007, 10:04   #38
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Originally Posted by Sixy_the_red View Post
Actually I think the point of the ad (rather badly put) was that if you can, try not to stop at all... with practise and a little local knowledge its possible to slow up sufficiently early enough so that the lights have changed to green before you get to them.
wot?! seriously, is that the point of the advert?
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Old 22 June 2007, 10:19   #39
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There are too many people over here that are just sat on the fence that don't have a clue in the world whats going on! and probably don't care either? and they all say well leave it up to the politicians to sort out, but they don't sort it out do they they mess it up. politicians rarely give you a straight answer to a question they just put up smoke screens and mirrors and try and convert your mind with their ideology, usually based on statistics they justify there policy even when clearly in reality it isn't working, they tell us foolish things like are streets are 25% saver than what they were say 10 years ago, what a load of rubbish! it really is the blind leading the blind over here isn't it. Politicians may start there careers with honorable intentions but they some become dishonorable as they move there way up the ladder.
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Old 22 June 2007, 10:20   #40
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Originally Posted by Sixy_the_red View Post
They also said on the news this morning that the melting ice-caps are releasing tonnes of nutriants into the waters, which is increasing the amount of Plankton and in turn benifiting sea life in the area...
Plankton which 'eats' CO2 during photosynthesis, therefore helping to reduce air born carbon dioxide levels. The earth is a system and thus always has a way to reach equilibrium.
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