Long Bendy Buses (sitting in bus lanes blocking all juntions & left turns filled to the brim with....5 people)
Traffic Lights (you cant get across because of the above busses & jonny foreigner dont seem to understand how to use um)
Bus Lanes (filled with Polish/chinese/indian ect,ect food/builders delivery vans parked)
Red Routes (to make you use the meters at 20p for 3 min's!)
'CON'gestion Charge (never actually proven to stop any traffic so just a revinue making machine)
Speeding/Safety Camera's (as above)
Commission Based Traffic Wardens (this one's a F**king joke, they ticket everything in sight regardless of you having a ticket or not)
Filter lane's (i forget how many foreigner's a day i see driving down the ajacent lane & cutting everyone up to get to the front)
Park & Ride (yeh right!)
Ring Roads (M25 & north & south circular's turn into a car park in rush hour, wouldent be supprised if G-B does'ent recomend Pay & Display on these on shortly

M25 extra lanes (just more space for the parked car's)
I work in West/Central London that has um all, but as the majority of the people in West/Central London are not actually from this country they ignore them all & just drive like they did at home & as for politians

every time i see a police escort (daily) it's followed by a group of (armoured) V8 Range Rover's, a big fat Jaguar or two then more Rangies & police & they tell us to lower our carbon footprint!!!!

PUT UM ALL IN SMART CAR'S then i might make an effort to lower my CO output.
Mike (sorry about the spelling but i just gave up smoking & am going through cold turkey
