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Old 22 June 2007, 10:33   #41
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Originally Posted by wavecrosschris View Post
wot?! seriously, is that the point of the advert?
That's the way I was taught to drive fuel efficiently. You have to remember that its a government commissioned advert. If you told them to advertise that the sky is blue they'd get it wrong...
I don't have an attitude, I have a personality you can't handle.
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Old 22 June 2007, 11:05   #42
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Originally Posted by Sixy_the_red View Post
Actually I think the point of the ad (rather badly put) was that if you can, try not to stop at all... with practise and a little local knowledge its possible to slow up sufficiently early enough so that the lights have changed to green before you get to them.
Not any more you can't - the lights are deliberately set these days to interrupt traffic flow as much as possible.

Junctions that USED to have left filter lanes are also now light controlled and as Chris says many roundabouts etc now also have traffic lights.

Everyone knows stop start driving uses lots more fuel - and what do Labour do? Introduce ever more "traffic calming" measures. I wonder if the fact that when people waste more fuel the government gets more tax revenue has anything to do with it???

Just remember the Conservatives have officially pledged to remove speed cammeras and speed humps etc - trouble is it's taken Labour over 12yrs to do all this so it will take a very long time to undo all the damage. In our area thyey have even made the main roads narrower and the pavements about 15' wide - even though there are NO pedestrians!!!
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Old 22 June 2007, 11:26   #43
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Pull away nice and slow to cut down on emissions what a laugh and all this when country's like china haven't even begun to start polluting the world in the way that their going to, not to mention all the other country's that are yet to even start their industry's. I remember the famous blair speech education! education! education! well he was right, this nation does need educating, educating about how we are continually be mislead by political jargon and lies, what makes me laugh most of all is how many people actually listen and buy it.
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Old 22 June 2007, 11:34   #44
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Oh but Tim, as a modern, civilized western nation its our JOB to save the world from itself
I don't have an attitude, I have a personality you can't handle.
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Old 22 June 2007, 12:04   #45
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Originally Posted by Sixy_the_red View Post
Oh but Tim, as a modern, civilized western nation its our JOB to save the world from itself
Oh yer i forgot that we are the saviors of the world no need to worry then, all other nations will see that we lead by example go on a big guilty trip and all sign up to be mega green. More like laugh at us while we sit back being ruled by a group of disillusioned morons
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Old 22 June 2007, 12:20   #46
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Originally Posted by Tims Osprey View Post
Oh yer i forgot that we are the saviors of the world no need to worry then, all other nations will see that we lead by example go on a big guilty trip and all sign up to be mega green. More like laugh at us while we sit back being ruled by a group of disillusioned morons
I wish Friends of the Earth would read this comment - sums it up perfectly!!!
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Old 22 June 2007, 13:13   #47
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Originally Posted by Sixy_the_red View Post
Actually I think the point of the ad (rather badly put) was that if you can, try not to stop at all... with practise and a little local knowledge its possible to slow up sufficiently early enough so that the lights have changed to green before you get to them.
Yet it doesn't ever really work that way does it? Similarly screwed up traffic planning here in my city. Here they call the planners 'traffic control engineers' when what we really need are 'traffic flow engineers'

What's wrong with having a few more overpasses so traffic can keep moving? Problem is that the meddling control freak city politicians don't want that. They want to make driving as awkward as possible because they are paranoid that if you can conveniently blow straight through the center of the city you are more likely to take up residence in the country, or in a small satellite community. So their 'solution' is to make traffic movement in the city inefficient requiring you to burn through far more gas than you would otherwise need to, all the while preaching about the importance of going green. Idiotic hypocrites.

I should note that not all Canadian cities think like that. When Calgary and Edmonton set up roadways they implement throughways with the necessary overpasses. Then again there are centers like metro Vancouver, where the roadways are complete chaos with absolutely no cohesion whatsoever between individual municipalities within the greater Vancouver area.
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Old 22 June 2007, 13:25   #48
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The reason they are doing this in Brtain is to FORCE people to use pubic transport instead of their cars. All the politicians live in London where I wouldn't bother with a car either but the rest of the UK is NOT the same.

In Swansea they have park and ride schemes where you get a bus into the city centre. They are spending millions and altering all the roads despite the fact the buses typically have about 3 or 4 passengers each!!!

The latest scam is the introduction of "bendy buses" - so long they have had to rip up most of the roads so they can get around!!!
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Old 22 June 2007, 13:35   #49
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
In Swansea they have park and ride schemes where you get a bus into the city centre. They are spending millions and altering all the roads despite the fact the buses typically have about 3 or 4 passengers each!!!
bradders was saying that they introduced that in swansea to make it easier for the swansea jacks to do their daytime job!
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Old 22 June 2007, 20:11   #50
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Long Bendy Buses (sitting in bus lanes blocking all juntions & left turns filled to the brim with....5 people)
Traffic Lights (you cant get across because of the above busses & jonny foreigner dont seem to understand how to use um)
Bus Lanes (filled with Polish/chinese/indian ect,ect food/builders delivery vans parked)
Red Routes (to make you use the meters at 20p for 3 min's!)
'CON'gestion Charge (never actually proven to stop any traffic so just a revinue making machine)
Speeding/Safety Camera's (as above)
Commission Based Traffic Wardens (this one's a F**king joke, they ticket everything in sight regardless of you having a ticket or not)
Filter lane's (i forget how many foreigner's a day i see driving down the ajacent lane & cutting everyone up to get to the front)
Park & Ride (yeh right!)
Ring Roads (M25 & north & south circular's turn into a car park in rush hour, wouldent be supprised if G-B does'ent recomend Pay & Display on these on shortly )
M25 extra lanes (just more space for the parked car's)
I work in West/Central London that has um all, but as the majority of the people in West/Central London are not actually from this country they ignore them all & just drive like they did at home & as for politians every time i see a police escort (daily) it's followed by a group of (armoured) V8 Range Rover's, a big fat Jaguar or two then more Rangies & police & they tell us to lower our carbon footprint!!!!
PUT UM ALL IN SMART CAR'S then i might make an effort to lower my CO output.
Mike (sorry about the spelling but i just gave up smoking & am going through cold turkey )

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Old 22 June 2007, 21:47   #51
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
I feel a JK coming on...................
Well, I let it run a while but I reckon we've reached that point now. Bye!

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