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Old 20 June 2007, 11:42   #1
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Global warming

China is now building 2 massive new coal fired power stations per WEEK!!! A really scary prospect. Each one puts out as much CO2 as 2 million cars. That's an extra 4 million cars on the road each week or 208 million per year. If Britain banned all cars overnight it wouldn't make much difference would it?

That is why my blood boils when the bloody greens in this country FORCE us to cut back on everything and push up the prices of our own power. If it made a difference to the planet we live on fair enough - but it doesn't. It is peeing in the wind - literally.

And then I read this - one of the last great wilderness areas in Southern Britain - unchanged since the Ice Age - and they are going to cover it in these monsters - as a token gesture!!! It is an area I know and love well. It really does upset me greatly.

The Greens say we must lead by example - that's like the CND lot who think that if we give up Nukes countries like China and Korea will - no chance. China is NOT going to give up on building power stations - and there is no way they will start using windmills!!!
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Old 20 June 2007, 12:15   #2
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There's so much money to be made from persuading Joe Public that we are facing global catastrophe, that almost all common sense has flown out the window.
There's sod all that the UK can do to affect global warming.

depressing but true
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Old 20 June 2007, 12:27   #3
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I don't have a problem with doing my bit, especially if it saves me money. Stuff like driving a fuel efficient car in a fuel efficient manner and turning off appliances - its all easy and it doesn't affect my life. We even recycle.

BUT I will NOT be made to feel guilty for my lifestyle choices or what I choose to drive / ride / sail whatever. This constant guilt trip takes the p*ss.
I don't have an attitude, I have a personality you can't handle.
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Old 20 June 2007, 16:20   #4
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Originally Posted by three-rex View Post
There's so much money to be made from persuading Joe Public that we are facing global catastrophe, that almost all common sense has flown out the window.
There's sod all that the UK can do to affect global warming.

depressing but true
There's sod all we can do about global warming full stop. Out of all the potential warming factors, carbon dioxide has probably the smallest effect (certainly smaller than solar strength - sun spots- and water vapour in the atmosphere). So we're pissing in the wind by tring to reduce it.

The earth's climate has been in constant flux since the day it was formed and this will always be the case. If it's going to get hotter it's going to get hotter. End of story.
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Old 20 June 2007, 18:18   #5
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Originally Posted by GuyP View Post
There's sod all we can do about global warming full stop. Out of all the potential warming factors, carbon dioxide has probably the smallest effect (certainly smaller than solar strength - sun spots- and water vapour in the atmosphere). So we're pissing in the wind by tring to reduce it.

The earth's climate has been in constant flux since the day it was formed and this will always be the case. If it's going to get hotter it's going to get hotter. End of story.
Totally agree - once upon a time the Bristol Channel was home to loads of exotic aninmals such as rhino and gazelle - obviously a lot warmer than now. Also the sea levels were about 300' higher at some times in the past than they are now - a bit worse than what they are predicting now!!!
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Old 21 June 2007, 04:54   #6
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And that wonderful monument of liberal moonbatism, the Kyoto Accord, will only encourage the Chinese commies to do whatever they please, while wiping out western economies.

As far as I am concerned, Al Gore & David Suzuki can KMA.

This Dilbert comic sums up the mentality of these 2 supreme hypocrites very well;
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Old 21 June 2007, 08:04   #7
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Originally Posted by GuyP View Post
There's sod all we can do about global warming full stop. Out of all the potential warming factors, carbon dioxide has probably the smallest effect (certainly smaller than solar strength - sun spots- and water vapour in the atmosphere). So we're pissing in the wind by tring to reduce it.

The earth's climate has been in constant flux since the day it was formed and this will always be the case. If it's going to get hotter it's going to get hotter. End of story.
Phew! so glad to see someone with the correct information!

i'm sick of hearing about Co2 and how it's buggering up our planet. The 'industry' of misinformation must be worth a trillion globally by now.
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Old 21 June 2007, 08:08   #8
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The trouble is, people like Gordon Brown have twigged that the "environment" is the next great Excuse to Tax and so will love it...

The Great Green Con is so loved by politicians of all sides simply becuase it gives them more reason to :

Tax - saying it helps the environment, who could possible be against that...
Do less - less rubbish collections, etc
Control more - vehicle charging will also have the added benefit of being able to tell anyone where every car is in the UK at any time - think of the benefits of self-invoicing speeding fines, etc
Talk more - more excuses to fly around the world to "summits" whilst doing bugger all

If they were serious, there are a few simple things that could be done overnight and without cost to the taxpayer -

All new houses to have solar panels, rainwater recycling, and natural wool insulation (plus the benefit of restoring sheep farmers to decent income levels)

Double the tax on fuel companies' profits made from selling petrol / diesel (but not allow them to pass this to the consumer) but half company tax on sales of biofuels, and no tax at all on new oil-less engine fuels

Generate fuel from waste incineration

But of course, this is sensible and would work, so it won't happen

And Codders - know this place well, it's a lunatic idea - wind farms only ever really work at sea or on flat land, ask the Dutch (wind in mountains is too variable in strength and direction).
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Old 21 June 2007, 11:09   #9
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When you say solar panels I hope you don't mean photovoltaic? They don't even cover their costs during their lifetime. Water heating solar panels are fairly cheap though and do make a difference although in the UK you only get lashings of hot water in the middle of summer!!!

As to profits from fuel companies totally disagree there - they make nowhere near as much as the government from petrol - remember without any taxes petrol is about 32p per litre - I could live with that!!!

As to waste incineration I would much rather they buried the stuff underground - since an incinerator opened near us I have had a sore throat and bad eyes - for the last 2 years!!! Can't be good for people putting all that crap into the air we breathe!!!
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Old 21 June 2007, 11:20   #10
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
As to profits from fuel companies totally disagree there - they make nowhere near as much as the government from petrol - remember without any taxes petrol is about 32p per litre - I could live with that!!!
For most of the last decade we had the cheapest pre-tax petrol prices in the western world.
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Old 21 June 2007, 11:43   #11
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Originally Posted by GuyP View Post
For most of the last decade we had the cheapest pre-tax petrol prices in the western world.
I know - and yet some people still blame the oil companies for the high prices. If I was them I would have a sign up at every petrol station showing the before tax price - maybe then people would realise what our glorious leaders are doing to us!!!
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Old 21 June 2007, 11:44   #12
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I don't have an attitude, I have a personality you can't handle.
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Old 21 June 2007, 12:59   #13
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It's refreshing to see a number of other people here also see recognize this whole global warming alarmism insanity for what it is - a power seizing, money grubbing scam perpetrated by a few social engineering political elites who have brainwashed a sizeable population of sheeple.
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Old 21 June 2007, 13:40   #14
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I like the word sheeple. That's going in my personal dictionary.
I don't have an attitude, I have a personality you can't handle.
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Old 21 June 2007, 13:57   #15
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I also try and do 'my bit' where I can and I have taught my daughter what can and can't be recycled. I try to not make unnecessary journeys - we eat organic food, I try to switch off unncessary stuff. However, I drive a 4x4, another car and now have a RIB.

As I understand - but I am not an expert - most of the pollution with regards a car is during its manufacture, therefore buying an eco-friendly car which on average only lasts 6 years produces more pollution than my Series 1 Disco - although to be fair I only get 260 miles to 80 litres of fuel.

Why can't they find a petrol-free solution that can be used in my petrol car now that will not cost me me thousands to have adapted and will help the environment. If they are serious about Global Warming, help people to become more environmentally friendly.

Furthermore, governments should target the largest polluters. When driving through any City or Town, how many buildings have all their lights on - all night. Do China really need all these power stations - if so, why? Does our consumerism create this need and therefore do we need to look at making companies make products that are upgradeable rather than throw away and start again.

Lastly, then I'll get off my soap box, I remember all the hype about the OZone layer and how this would be the end of the world. Clearly it was a huge problem but now miraculously it is repairing itself.

I can't help wondering whether it is a cycle, and that the earth just does this. Before the last ice-age, where the dinosaurs driving around in 4x4's living in plush houses with power stations? I don't think so.

I'll shut up now ;o)
Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to use it.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
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Old 21 June 2007, 14:30   #16
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Sorry accidentally posted message twice.
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Old 21 June 2007, 15:06   #17
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First they came for the Pistol Shooters, and I did not speak out
because I was not a Pistol Shooter.
Then they came for the Foxhunters, and I did not speak out
because I was not a Foxhunter.
Then they came for the Smokers, and I did not speak out
because I was not a Smoker.
Then they came for the 4x4 Owners, and I did not speak out
because I was not a 4x4 Owner
Then they came for the Moderate Drinkers, and I did not speak out
because I was not a Drinker.
Then they came for Me
and there was no one left to speak out for Me.
I don't have an attitude, I have a personality you can't handle.
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Old 21 June 2007, 15:09   #18
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Listening to people being united against the greatest threat to our planet is great, and i'm not talking about global warming being the biggest threat to our well being, NO! thats 20% reality and 80% tax scam, its the governments their selfs, Where is our democracy? If we all stood up and told this pathetic government that we are not going to take there lies and cheating anymore then they would have no choice but to listen. Democracy is only a word that they use to mislead us people, they the governments have created the modern day terrorist because of all of there ridiculous legislation!, that is a bigger threat to us than global warming and one cheating lier is replacing the other. Gordon brown goes on about education, well the first thing that our children need to know is that this countries leaders are dirty, corrupt, ignorant, pig headed, greedy retards that have no regard for its people and our freedom.
This government have made its people's heart sick, and the fools talk of what a formidable politician that blair was, well the reality is the formidable mess he has created with his legacy.
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Old 21 June 2007, 15:13   #19
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Originally Posted by Tims Osprey View Post
Listening to people being united against the greatest threat to our planet is great, and i'm not talking about global warming being the biggest threat to our well being, NO! thats 20% reality and 80% tax scam, its the governments their selfs, Where is our democracy? If we all stood up and told this pathetic government that we are not going to take there lies and cheating anymore then they would have no choice but to listen. Democracy is only a word that they use to mislead us people, they the governments have created the modern day terrorist because of all of there ridiculous legislation!, that is a bigger threat to us than global warming and one cheating lier is replacing the other. Gordon brown goes on about education, well the first thing that our children need to know is that this countries leaders are dirty, corrupt, ignorant, pig headed, greedy retards that have no regard for its people and our freedom.
This government have made its people's heart sick, and the fools talk of what a formidable politician that blair was, well the reality is the formidable mess he has created with his legacy.
You tell um!
Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to use it.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
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Old 21 June 2007, 15:17   #20
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Originally Posted by prairie tuber View Post
It's refreshing to see a number of other people here also see recognize this whole global warming alarmism insanity for what it is - a power seizing, money grubbing scam perpetrated by a few social engineering political elites who have brainwashed a sizeable population of sheeple.
I like that attitude mate, you can be in my party
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