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Old 15 November 2006, 13:21   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
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Global warming - food for thought

I have thought for long enough that there is a lot of self-interested smoke-screening going on over climate change ... Then I received this extract by mail ...

thought the following might be of interest to people not entirely convinced with the media's love affair with global warming:

Petr Chylek

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Space and Remote Sensing Sciences, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA

M. K. Dubey

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA

G. Lesins

Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Received 10 April 2006; accepted 9 May 2006; published 13 June 2006.

extracts from this paper: (from CCNet, Benny Peiser)


We provide an analysis of Greenland temperature records to compare the current (1995-2005) warming period with the previous (1920-1930) Greenland warming. We find that the current Greenland warming is not unprecedented in recent Greenland history. Temperature increases in the two warming periods are of a similar magnitude, however, the rate of warming in 1920-1930 was about 50% higher than that in 1995 - 2005.


5. Discussion and Conclusion

[14] We have analyzed temperature time series from available Greenland locations and we have found that:

[15] i) The years 1995 to 2005 have been characterized by generally increasing temperatures at the Greenland coastal stations. The year 2003 was extremely warm on the southeastern coast of Greenland. The average annual temperature and the average summer temperature for 2003 at Ammassalik was a record high since 1895. The years 2004 and 2005 were closer to normal being well below temperatures reached in 1930s and 1940s (Figure 2).

Although the annual average temperatures and the average summer temperatures at Godthab Nuuk, representing the southwestern coast, were also increasing during the 1995-2005 period, they stayed generally below the values typical for the 1920-1940 period.

[16] ii) The 1955 to 2005 averages of the summer temperatures and the temperatures of the warmest month at both Godthaab Nuuk and Ammassalik are significantly lower than the corresponding averages for the previous 50 years (1905-1955). The summers at both the southwestern and the southeastern coast of Greenland were significantly colder within the 1955-2005 period compared to the 1905-1955 years.

[17] iii) Although the last decade of 1995-2005 was relatively warm, almost all decades within 1915 to 1965 were even warmer at both the southwestern (Godthab Nuuk) and the southeastern (Ammassalik) coasts of Greenland.

[18] iv) The Greenland warming of the 1995-2005 period is similar to the warming of 1920-1930, although the rate of temperature increase was by about 50% higher during the 1920-1930 warming period.

[19] v) There are significant differences between the global temperature and the Greenland temperature records within the 1881-2005 period. While all the decadal averages of the post-1955 global temperature are higher (warmer climate) than the pre-1955 average, almost all post-1955 temperature averages at Greenland stations are lower (colder climate) than the pre-1955 temperature average.

[20] An important question is to what extent can the current (1995-2005) temperature increase in Greenland coastal regions be interpreted as evidence of man-induced global warming? Although there has been a considerable temperature increase during the last decade (1995 to 2005) a similar increase and at a faster rate occurred during the early part of the 20th century (1920 to 1930) when carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases could not be a cause. The Greenland warming of 1920 to 1930 demonstrates that a high concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is not a necessary condition for period of warming to arise. The observed 1995-2005 temperature increase seems to be within a natural variability of Greenland climate. A general increase in solar activity [Scafetta and West, 2006] since 1990s can be a contributing factor as well as the sea surface temperature changes of tropical ocean [Hoerling et al., 2001].

[21] The glacier acceleration observed during the 1996-2005 period [Rignot and Kanagaratnam, 2006] has probably occurred previously. There should have been the same or more extensive acceleration during the 1920-1930 warming as well as during the Medieval Warm period in Greenland [Dahl-Jensen et al., 1998; DeMenocal et al., 2000] when Greenland temperatures were generally higher than today. The total Greenland mass seems to be stable or slightly growing [Zwally et al., 2005].

[22] To summarize, we find no direct evidence to support the claims that the Greenland ice sheet is melting due to increased temperature caused by increased atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. The rate of warming from 1995 to 2005 was in fact lower than the warming that occurred from 1920 to 1930. The temperature trend during the next ten years may be a decisive factor in a possible detection of an anthropogenic part of climate signal over area of the Greenland ice sheet.
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Old 15 November 2006, 21:54   #2
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Exactly, so its mostly a load of baloney. Climate change was invented long before mankind and man flatters himself to think he is that important. Maybe he has slightly modified the natural process, but not THAT much.... and I bet there will be another ice age one day so who will get the blame for that one? Maybe the environmentalists, for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Save your CFC fridges and old gas guzzling cars for your grandchildren, they might need them one day
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Old 16 November 2006, 17:52   #3
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I'd have to put it as "It might be a load of baloney".

There is ample evidence that climate change has happened before, and to greater degrees than what we're seeing, but certainly we (that's the global "we") are having an effect on climate.

Your statement about refrigerators and such is not that far off; no matter who or what is the cause, if things continue the way they are going, we're going to have an awful lot of adjustments to make: everything from different weather cycles (no more sunny California?) to where and how we grow our food.

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Old 16 November 2006, 20:25   #4
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Hmm. Well its a month from mid summer and its friggin snowing here today, which it never used to. So if anybody has got some spare global warming in their shed, I'll take it off your hands

Wonder if you could sell global warming on Ebay?
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Old 17 November 2006, 14:22   #5
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As far as global warming goes, let's remember it's not the planet we are 'saving', it's a way of life the western world has got used to.

The last ice age was only 10,000 years ago, so really we're still just warming up from that one.

Michael Crichton's 'State of Fear' is an entertaining yarn based on the subjexct.

I don't think we're all doomed . .
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