Originally Posted by falcon0310
ive not looked back on my van, but where you are you do more distance than i do in london
We're in Aberdeenshire. Average daily run is 50 mile round trip over 4 days and occasional jaunts here and there in the area. It's fine for the daily commute.
Looking specifically at range extender version as if it were me I'd have range anxiety. I like the fact you can run it on petrol until you charge it so Edinburgh and back is a distinct possibility between charges and tank top-ups.
I've discounted the Nissan Leaf as it looks plug ugly for a new car and it's pure electric and I don't like the idea of leasing battery on the Renault Zoe. The whole point is to plug and play, I don't want hidden extras apart from routine servicing. I think if you weigh up average running costs and fuel saving it pays for itself second hand over a defined period. That's not true if you buy new as the technology is still evolving.
I service the cars in the household, but given this stuff is a little more hi-tech I've been banned from tinkering!