[QUOTE][/QUOTObviously PC's have anti virus programs but there's constant maintenance and you only have to let down your guard for a second and you're infected. Let's not forget a significant proportion of your Window's computer's performance is used protecting against viruses.
Oh! and the inefficiencies of Windows - Just type in %temp% and press return in the 'search programs and files' window on the start menu, when you have no applications running, and see how many hundreds or even thousands of files the search returns . These are supposed to be temporary files which the operating system should delete when its finished with them, but seldom does - you can safely delete all files found here - don't worry Windows won't let you delete files it is still actually using (maybe a handful of what it finds)!! keeping the temp directory clean significantly improves the performance of Windows.E]
what a told of tosh.
all virus programs need updating and 999.999% auto download the updates and that includes anti virus for macs which you still need!
re temp files. small point but bang for buck who cares as the performance per ££££ spend is far better. you can not find me a mac that will get close to an i5 processor with 8gb memory for less than £350.00 new. Macs are also a pain due to running none standard software ( I am taking pc's as standard due the fact that 17 are sold for every mac) so the choice of open source software is also limited. also... also...... mmmm I could go on and on and probably will do.
so why spend £500+ let alone the daft money for a mac when a laptop will do the job for £300 inc vat and delivery?
re the i5 and i7 comment. v v true a stupid amount more a fraction more speed.
oh and John lewis would not be my first choice as they will be far more expensive than any computer shop, be that retail or on-line
the spec you need is it processor, 500mb hard disk, 6 to 8gb memory with windows 7 or 8, 64 bit operating system.
oh and the bigger the screen the bigger the cost.
good luck
ps Marmite is yuk!