My other half is a long term supporter of Hillside Animal Sanctuary in Norfolk , who have been busy recently rescuing swans . Does anybody have a suitable small inflatable in half decent condition that they might like to donate or part with at " charitable price " . I wonder if any of our Trade Members might assist . I would be happy to pay for its transport and new oars etc .
please see....
Hillside animal sanctuary
" Keeping Afloat...
We were lucky enough for some time to have the use of an inflatable dinghy like the one pictured, which was perfect for rescuing wildlife in situations such as this. It had been kindly lent to us by a local supporter but, unfortunately, when they moved away, the dinghy went with them.
If anyone should have a similar boat that they are not using and would like to help, we would be very grateful for the use of it. Thank you "