Came home from our Dublin trip to find a letter from HMRC on the doormat. According to their system I failed to submit a contractors monthly return for December 2014, unless I write to them with a suitable reason/excuse within 30 days, dire consequences will follow. Call me meticulous, but when I pick fights, I usually do my homework first & choose my opponents carefully, HMRC ain't high on my list of contenders, so I tend to be scrupulous in my dealings. All my paperwork, tax returns are invariably submitted early, so I checked my records & could find no evidence of a late/missing submission, rang the "Helpline"
after waiting 12minutes, they could find no reason either why the letter had been sent & suggested I fax some office in Hull, "can't I ring them?" "No sorry". So I sends a fax to hull, gets a return call "Hmm! we've looked into it & it appears to be an error, ignore the letter. We'll send you confirmation in the post"
So, how come when I make an error, HMRC slap me with a £100 quid fine? When THEY make an error, I just have to ignore it