Originally Posted by Peter J
Whilst smiling wryly at the latest email asking me to enter my bank details at the link below I wondered - is there any way of making an email address receive loads of spam?
I can extract the email address from which it was sent easily enough but then where do I input it to make sure it get sent as much spam as possible?
Any ideas?
If it genuinely belongs to the spammer - no one will be picking it up / reading it anyway.
The address is probably either completely non-existent or spoofed - i.e. belongs to someone else who has done nothing wrong (not even a virus infection) but made to look like it comes from him.
if you get lots of spam - then I think Spamcop have a personal (free) service which effectively lets you report the spam. Based on these rapid real time reports mail servers can quickly reject mail coming from hosts being used to relay spam.