24 October 2006, 04:27
Country: USA
Town: Anchorage
Boat name: Trojan
Make: Zodiac Hurricane 590
Length: 5m +
Engine: Twin Yamaha 70's
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 72
All this because I mentioned a little hunting trip? Sorry, I know to avoid this in the future. But to add fuel to the fire for a little fun, what point does a boat have if it is not to harvest fish, possibly find food, and go to remote places? I realize we all have fun boating, but burining a finite natural recource for pure pleasure, this sounds about as bad as killing an endangered whale.
P.S. Please let it be known that I tend to be a smartass yank quite often, so take me with a litte humor.
"Ribbed, for her pleasure"
24 October 2006, 07:10
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
Length: 3m +
Engine: 44lbs of thrust....
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Posts: 2,127
Originally Posted by prairie tuber
I'm not the one posting on rib.net that someone whose nutritional choices do not meet your approval should get his throat slashed because of it. Or was it my choice of implement used to harvest food that you disapproved of so severely that you wish me dead?
True, but you were the one who opened the debate by bragging about killing bears for sport. Don’t think people are so naïve as to believe it’s for the nutritional value of Bear meat, or is that how you justify your killing.
Originally Posted by prairie tuber
You seem to think that you can say whatever simply because we will probably never meet in person.
Why would I give a damn whether we meet up or not? I’d certainly say it to your face.
Originally Posted by prairie tuber
What would happen if your students choice of food, clothing, music did not conincide with your preferences - would you also tell them that they should get their throats torn out?
Words mean things whether they are spoken in person or posted on the internet.
So now you associate a persons choice of music to be on the same level as killing for fun.
Bowhunting is, as the scientific evidence overwhelming demonstrates (Benke (1989) and many others studies), an extremely cruel form of hunting. "For humane advocates (and many hunters), bowhunting is set apart from other forms of sport hunting chiefly by its appalling high wounding rate - greater than 50%. In other words, it has been conclusively documented that for every animal hit by a broadhead arrow and retrieved by a hunter, at least one is hit and not retrieved, usually to die after prolonged agony from septic infection, peritonitis, blood loss, or other complications. The broadhead arrow is intended to kill primarily by circulatory haemorrhage. It is extremely difficult to shoot an arrow into a vital organ in a large ungulate such as a deer, and thus, a 'clean kill' is nearly impossible in bowhunting."
24 October 2006, 07:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
Length: 3m +
Engine: 44lbs of thrust....
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 2,127
Originally Posted by Jimmy_Beam
.... but burining a finite natural recource for pure pleasure, this sounds about as bad as killing an endangered whale.
True..Most of us exhibit some form of hypocrisy or another.. but perhaps, when we’ve burned ourselves out as a race, any other of the Earth’s creatures that we haven’t slaughtered in the name of fun, food or “scientific research” will breathe a collective sigh of relief…..
Originally Posted by Jimmy_Beam
P.S. Please let it be known that I tend to be a smartass yank quite often, so take me with a litte humor.
…no one like a smartass….. especially a “Yank”….and “Humour” has a “u” in it….
24 October 2006, 07:28
Country: UK - N Ireland
Town: Newry
Boat name: Nothing Yet.
Length: no boat
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 16
Ranting and Debating site.
try www.grumpieroldmen.co.uk
you may have more fun there.
24 October 2006, 07:39
Country: USA
Town: Anchorage
Boat name: Trojan
Make: Zodiac Hurricane 590
Length: 5m +
Engine: Twin Yamaha 70's
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 72
Originally Posted by Jono
True..Most of us exhibit some form of hypocrisy or another.. but perhaps, when we’ve burned ourselves out as a race, any other of the Earth’s creatures that we haven’t slaughtered in the name of fun, food or “scientific research” will breathe a collective sigh of relief…..
…no one like a smartass….. especially a “Yank”….and “Humour” has a “u” in it…. 
Yes, hypocrisy runs rampant. Without it, would life be any fun.
Also, the other earth creatures wont sigh until the acid rain stops, the spent fossil fuels quit choking them, the raw hydrocarbons in the ocean quit killing their baby's, and their food sources quit poisioning them, until then we all shall feel the responsibility of the slow death of the mother that so kindly rears us.
HUMOR, can be spelled both ways, look it up.. However, Little does have an L in it to correct myself.
"Eat Moose, 10,000 wolves can't be wrong"
"Ribbed, for her pleasure"
24 October 2006, 07:49
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
Length: 3m +
Engine: 44lbs of thrust....
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 2,127
Originally Posted by spynappels
Top find !.. http://www.grumpieroldmen.co.uk/prod...for=&pID=ra003
Sorry...JW.. but it made me smile.
24 October 2006, 11:02
Country: Canada
Town: British Columbia
Make: Gemini
Length: 4m +
Engine: 40hp 2 str
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 2,151
Originally Posted by Jono
True, but you were the one who opened the debate by bragging about killing bears for sport. Don’t think people are so naïve as to believe it’s for the nutritional value of Bear meat, or is that how you justify your killing.
Bragging? Expressing that one engages in a particular interest is not bragging. Yes their is a recreational aspect to bowhunting. Being in the the woods observing large wildlife at very close ranges (20 yards and less) is exciting, and contributes to the preservation of our wildgame. The reason why North America has such an abundance of wild animals is because of legalized hunting. Without regulated hunting much of the large wildlife here would have been extirpated years ago as has happened in most of Europe where the antihunting culture is chic.l
Originally Posted by Jono
Why would I give a damn whether we meet up or not? I’d certainly say it to your face.
I doubt very much you would. But this much I would tell to your face - you are a sociopath - pure and simple. Nonetheless, I do not wish you be killed violently as you do me. I wish you well and that you get help because you are a very sick person.
Originally Posted by Jono
So now you associate a persons choice of music to be on the same level as killing for fun.
Performing (I sing) and or listening to music is a recreational pursuit I enjoy. As is Bowhunting. The killing involved in bowhunting is a very small (yet important) of the whole process of bowhunting successfully. The fact that you post the quote below and don't see the BS in it shows your vast knowledge and experience about big game hunting (shooting bunnies with a rifle was it?)
Originally Posted by Jono
Bowhunting is, as the scientific evidence overwhelming demonstrates (Benke (1989) and many others studies), an extremely cruel form of hunting. "For humane advocates (and many hunters), bowhunting is set apart from other forms of sport hunting chiefly by its appalling high wounding rate - greater than 50%. In other words, it has been conclusively documented that for every animal hit by a broadhead arrow and retrieved by a hunter, at least one is hit and not retrieved, usually to die after prolonged agony from septic infection, peritonitis, blood loss, or other complications. The broadhead arrow is intended to kill primarily by circulatory haemorrhage. It is extremely difficult to shoot an arrow into a vital organ in a large ungulate such as a deer, and thus, a 'clean kill' is nearly impossible in bowhunting."
You don't reference the above quote, but from the rhetoric, it is cut and pasted from some animal rights website since it is wildly inaccurate. The most intensive rigorous scientific study on bowhunting wounding rates (Kruger, 1995) show that the rate of unrecovered deer from bowhunting to be at most 13%. Of that 13% the majority would most likely fully recover (which would not be the case with gun hunting) because of the razor sharp cut that a broadhead makes. In Manitoba, more deer are killed and wounded by vehicular colisions than by hunting (bow and gun combined). Nonetheless hunting helps reduce the number of vehicle wildlife accidents significantly. The Bowhunters Wildlife Management Association of New Hampshire expresses the facts well when they state;
* Bowhunting is a low profile method of managing deer herd numbers.
The average shot is less than 20 yards or 60 feet.
* A safe and effective way to hunt in heavily populated area's close to houses, farms and roads.
* Bows and bowhunters are quiet and unobtrusive; not disturbing inhabitants of the area.
* Bows in use today are extremely effective and will shoot a razor sharp broadhead tipped arrow completely through a deer causing massive and immediate hemorrhaging. The resulting blood loss causes dulling of thesenses and death is painless and swift.
* If a deer is wounded it immediately secrets hormones (endorphins) from the brain which dull pain and promote rapid healing. These same endorphins allow an injured deer to recover quickly from the clean cutting wound of a broadhead.
* A scientific study "Aspects of wounding of White Tailed Deer by Bowhunters" written by Wendy J. Krueger in 1995 revealed that less than 13% of bow shot deer are not recovered (many of these deer survive their wounds).
* Bowhunting is a popular and challenging method of hunting with the emphasis on hunting. Bowhunting is recognized by the F&W departments throughout the United States as a sound game management tool.
24 October 2006, 12:39
Country: USA
Town: Anchorage
Boat name: Trojan
Make: Zodiac Hurricane 590
Length: 5m +
Engine: Twin Yamaha 70's
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 72
Calm down oh mighty hunter, by the time they make it across the pond and this far north/northwest they'll have forgotten about killing us, and they'll be happy to see a fellow ribber waiting to take em for a ride.. Live life and smile, have a drink for your enemies, have one for your friends, and have one for me, for we are all assholes, but we all have a similar interest: Either finding a cove to sleep it off, or finding a sober driver.
"Ribbed, for her pleasure"
24 October 2006, 13:36
Country: Other
Town: Christiansted.V.I.
Boat name: Froggy
Make: Avon SeaRider
Length: 4m +
Engine: Johnson 50
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 312
Hunting ---Island Style
Down here we take it easy on the wildlife and hunt each other with machetes on Saturday night. The rum deadens the pain!
24 October 2006, 13:43
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
Boat name: War Machine
Make: Falcon U.S.A.
Length: 9m +
Engine: twin 250 Yamaha
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 936
Originally Posted by codprawn
The mind boggles as to what sort of lady goes moose hunting......
You might be suprised....
24 October 2006, 13:55
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
Boat name: War Machine
Make: Falcon U.S.A.
Length: 9m +
Engine: twin 250 Yamaha
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 936
Originally Posted by codprawn
To be honest though I wouldn't have the same reservations about killing certain people in the right situation!!!
Cod, does this include the guy who did not include a trailer with your boat purchase?
Obviously Canadian women are different to British ones - most of the females I know wouldn't do anything that would mess up their hair or their nails!!! Maybe that's a good thing - especially considering the bitches I know....
You know Cod, to us "YANKS" those British lasses are quite sexy, cute accent, usually well mannered... if they are bitches they probably don't get out on the water enough, my friend Carol (Brit expat) is splendid company, as nice a lady as you'll meet. She does love the water and the boat though!
24 October 2006, 14:05
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
Boat name: War Machine
Make: Falcon U.S.A.
Length: 9m +
Engine: twin 250 Yamaha
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 936
Originally Posted by Jono
I think the excuse of "it's socially acceptable here" is poor. Stoning and bride burning are social acceptable in some parts of the world, but that doesn't make that right, does it?
Of course I'm baiting you....so what criteria do you use to determine whether it's acceptable to hunt a species? Do you support hunting for "sport" ?
..and to be fair.. I think it a “Prairie Tuber” that started the debate again….
In the United States fees collected on licensing from fishing and hunting go in large part towards supporting animal and fish populations, as well as preservation of environment, (building artificial reefs, preserving land) for the same, when I was growing up in Ohio I never saw a single deer until I was fourteen years old, now I have four or five of them in my back yard almost every night. Wild turkeys are now frequently seen in surburbia around here, this is in large part due to hunters and fisherman, who support the species...
24 October 2006, 14:20
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
Boat name: War Machine
Make: Falcon U.S.A.
Length: 9m +
Engine: twin 250 Yamaha
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 936
Originally Posted by Jimmy_Beam
All this because I mentioned a little hunting trip? Sorry, I know to avoid this in the future. But to add fuel to the fire for a little fun, what point does a boat have if it is not to harvest fish, possibly find food, and go to remote places? I realize we all have fun boating, but burining a finite natural recource for pure pleasure, this sounds about as bad as killing an endangered whale.
P.S. Please let it be known that I tend to be a smartass yank quite often, so take me with a litte humor.
You don't need to apologize for any hunting trip Jimmy, especially as you are sitting at your computer in the U.S.A. It's O.K. to hunt in our "neck of the woods". I hunt hardly at all anymore, but I have spent and will in the future spend many a hour in the woods with a gun, and will continue to do so, a fine activity if ever there was one... many times I never fired a shot, sometimes I did, if they haven't done it they won't understand...
24 October 2006, 16:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
Length: 3m +
Engine: 44lbs of thrust....
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 2,127
(Long and rambling reply cut)
Ah bollix.... life's too short... not as short as the Bear that's about to get the good news from a broadhead, obviously.... but too short to argue when there is no possibility of either of changing our standpoints.... I think, for the sake of other board uses..we must agree to disagree….
24 October 2006, 17:39
exspyrd trayd membir
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Posts: 962
Originally Posted by Jono
..we must agree to disagree….
fink yorrsellf lukky. dat prairy toober iz wan ov de lasst sirviviin membirs ov de pottawatamie trybe ov naytive injuns an itt aynt lonng agow dat hee woz killin yew pail faicis wiv iz boe an arrer nevver mynd de bares
myynd yew hee wud av bin waystin iz tyme tryin too scallp yew
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
24 October 2006, 17:53
Country: Other
Town: San Carlos, Mexico
Boat name: INDE
Make: LOMAC 730
Length: 7m +
Engine: 200 Merc.
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Posts: 1,688
Well done garfish. That was one of your best.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
24 October 2006, 18:10
Country: Other
Town: San Carlos, Mexico
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Make: LOMAC 730
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Jono, I think you "screwed the pooch" on this one. There is a need to understand the subject you are being critical about before you pass an opinion. I am a hunter and along with millions of others probably contribute 10 times as much to wildlife conservation than you do ( for your major sport) to the RNLI etc. through hunting/fishing licenses, permits etc. As it happens: I also object to bow hunting as it is not an efficient or humane method of hunting game. ( sorry PT, you need to get be realistic). A 300 WM, or 375 H&H does a better job on large dangerous game and it is your responsibility to do the best job you can.
Just my humble opinion. Thanks for the reminder; I will go dig a nice plump pheasant out of the freezer. Eat what you shoot!!!!
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
24 October 2006, 18:21
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
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Posts: 2,100
Originally Posted by Limey Linda
Eat what you shoot!!!!
Or what you hit with the motah....... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Original-Roa.../dp/0898152003
Out of the fog......
24 October 2006, 18:23
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Alan
Sprinter van bumpers are just the right height to break a pheasant's neck without damaging the rest of the bird.
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