17 September 2008, 19:32
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Originally Posted by Jono
...and your presumption that we have "no idea what hunting is all about" shows your ignorance. I fully understand the nature of hunting for survival.. it's killing for "fun" that I disagree with.
That comment is proof that you. Do not know what you are talking about. If by 'killing for fun' you are referring to people who just go out and shoot animals then leave them to waste, you are talking about an illegal activity that has nothing whatsoever to do with hunting.
The fact is that all legalized hunting is all about survival. It is about the long term survival of the species that is hunted. It is about the survival of a very basic aspect of our humanity that has been part of us from the dawn of human existence. Something which antihunters are fiercely trying to extinguish.
Originally Posted by Jono
I still stand by my comment that anyone who chooses to hunt higher mammals (Bears in this case)with a bow and arrow for "fun" deserves to be on the receiving end of a Bear's teeth and claws...
Anyone who values the life of an animal more than that of a human, is IMO, subhuman.
17 September 2008, 20:43
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Originally Posted by Jono
it's killing for "fun" that I disagree with.
I think the logic of your argument is out of context on this thread though. You dont really know the reasons for the OP's reason to hunt, so putting in a statement about your own dissafection with the morals of killing game is not really relevant.
The notion of people killing game for fun is .. for the most part ill informed , and rarely is it connected, with the business of hunting for a purpose ,.. now read that again .. 'for a purpose' ... sure there are idiots who like to get dogs to fight and kill each other, cocks, or other animals or so called persuits such as badger baiting, and for that I am in complete agreement with you, and that is not acceptable..and there is no place for those activities . However, that is a world away from taking an animal, for your own needs, in the context of this thread,... there is a huge difference, so perhaps you want to get a better understanding for those that might get offended by such a statement as you made, from different parts of the world, who wont see things the way you do, and for whom a hunt is normality
I think you will find what the OP and my own point was, (since you quoted my text although on exactly what grounds your reply was in rebuttle to, I'm not sure) and part of the notion of the thread is, that for those who hunt, killing is actually a minor part, in what requires immense skill to achieve, and why you, and DD have stated, 'you are quite happy to get it from a tin', but you wont do it yourself.. I dont really understand ..Do you hope some mindless automaton will keep feeding you ? is that it ? because if they don't .. what will you do then ?
Then If you morally take that view ,.. you shouldnt be eating meat in the first place if you think about it ... dont post a comment saying its not ok but it is, when it suits me !!
17 September 2008, 20:54
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Originally Posted by TubrOnCrakberry
Anyone who values the life of an animal more than that of a human, is IMO, subhuman.
Not quite what I meant. I value the life of a "civilized" human quite highly..but not that of someone who encourages the base traits of the barbarian that you appear to prize so highly...or don't you believe in evolution?
17 September 2008, 21:01
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
.. and why you, and DD have stated, 'you are quite happy to get it from a tin', but you wont do it yourself.. I dont really understand ..Do you hope some mindless automaton will keep feeding you ? is that it ? because if they don't .. what will you do then ?
Then If you morally take that view ,.. you shouldnt be eating meat in the first place if you think about it ... dont post a comment saying its not ok but it is, when it suits me !!
Wrong. I've never said that I'm not willing to kill. If I needed to kill to eat, I'd be quite happy to do so. I'm quite happy to kill "fluffy creatures" when it has to be done, don't misunderstand me. I have a gun cabinet full of lethal weapons that I will use without hesitation if needed..and that's the point, isn't it? It's not a "sport" it's not to be glamorized and turned into something it's not. It's just killing and should be done as quickly and cleanly as possible without emotion.
17 September 2008, 21:11
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Kennett you're a git.. I just spat read wine over the keyboard when I read your new thread title...
17 September 2008, 21:38
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Why is it you kill these debates John ?  I was about to get fired up but I cant be arsed now
17 September 2008, 21:44
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Originally Posted by Jono
Not quite what I meant. I value the life of a "civilized" human quite highly..but not that of someone who encourages the base traits of the barbarian that you appear to prize so highly...or don't you believe in evolution?
Now isn't that calling the kettle black? As much as your attitude digusts me, I have no desire that you be killed because of it. That is something which differentiates a 'barbarian' such as yourself from the rest of us 'civilized' folk.
17 September 2008, 22:56
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I'd far rather eat something that hasn't been living in its own excrement all its life and has had a quality of life somewhat better than this:-

then mechanically killed,scalded and processed. I'd far rather it hadn't been handled by enough migrant workers to cover the whole thing in fecal bacteria afterwards then left on a supermarket shelf for a week either. Or does that make me a barbarian?
Still, we can't all be royal and have swans butchered and prepared for us by our manservants...
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17 September 2008, 23:12
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
I'd far rather eat something that hasn't been living in its own excrement all its life and has had a quality of life somewhat better than this:-

then mechanically killed,scalded and processed. I'd far rather it hadn't been handled by enough migrant workers to cover the whole thing in fecal bacteria afterwards then left on a supermarket shelf for a week either. Or does that make me a barbarian?
Still, we can't all be royal and have swans butchered and prepared for us by our manservants...
Is the one just right of centre with it's head up Dirk ?
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
18 September 2008, 00:12
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A great first hunt for Dirk
Thought this would be a great hunt for Dirk.
18 September 2008, 02:41
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Nothing like a topic like hunting to get the crowd fired up. I propose that Ribnet have a policy that topics such as religion, politics and hunting not be allowed...
I am not a hunter, but have a number of friends that hunt deer and moose. My impression is that the "fun" part is mostly the manly bonding that occurs in the bush. Like PTs trip, most of these guys will spend a week or more in the bush and kill nothing more than a few quarts of rye! (And still have an entirely enjoyable time...)
I am pretty much a vegetarian, and a card-carrying member of PETA. I have no problem at all with hunting assuming it's done in a competent manner. IMHO, an animal that's raised in a factory farm, under constant stress and then slaughtered, has a terrible life when compared to Bambi!
In our part of the world, there are so many deer that many starve over the winters. If more were taken by hunters, it would improve things for the remainder...
Personally, until they figure out how to install a gimballed drink holder on a bow, or a rifle, it's not an activity I could participate in!
18 September 2008, 02:50
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where's ted nugent when you need him?
Gawd... I am a devolved barbarian... Who knew? And merican to boot! Oh well, won't lose any sleep over that revelation. And hell, if for some reason I do happen to wake up in the middle of the night I can always go outside and shoot something just so's I sleep better the next night! Might get lucky and
Stumble across some a them anti-hunting, anti-gun, anti-bow tourists I keep hearing about, haven't seen one yet though, bout rare as tits on a bull moose round these parts... Tuber, I'm a little suprised at you, having a nonsensical debate with foreigners, shame on you!! You are tuber, in the great white north, god's country, hell, the only thing more popular than hunting in Canada Is beer drinking and hockey, not necessarily in that order. And us mericans love you canucks because ya got the balls to live in a beautiful country where you have to be tough, tough because its usually cold enough to freeze your beers solid, tough because of mosquitoes, black flies, bears, moose, etc. Etc. Tough enough for a moose hunt in a small boat. Wilderness... Country so beautiful it can make your heart ache... They don't know jack shit about hunting. Get your moose, or mooses. Do not ponder comment from outlanders whose whole country would fit inside one of your small lakes/bays you have up there, they just will never understand. Pity really, stunted development you know, poor souls, no moose... Just on the telly.
18 September 2008, 03:47
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18 September 2008, 06:39
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Why is it you kill these debates John ?  I was about to get fired up but I cant be arsed now
Kill the debate? I've promoted it to its very own thread!
18 September 2008, 06:48
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
Kill the debate? I've promoted it to its very own thread!
Aye .. that must've been a rage post
18 September 2008, 07:13
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Originally Posted by Stoo
….]My impression is that the "fun" part is mostly the manly bonding that occurs in the bush. Like PTs trip, most of these guys will spend a week or more in the bush and kill nothing more than a few quarts of rye! (And still have an entirely enjoyable time...)
So why bother with the killing part then? Sure, use your hunting skills and outdoor experience to track down these animals with your buddies, but why not shoot them with a camera instead? You’ve proved your point. You’ve had a week in the wilderness bonding with your buddies. You don’t need to kill to do that.
Originally Posted by Stoo
I am pretty much a vegetarian, and a card-carrying member of PETA. I have no problem at all with hunting assuming it's done in a competent manner.
I think you possible need to hand your PETA card back then. You do know their stance on hunting? They have a snappily titled flyer on the subject.. “Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary.”
Originally Posted by Stoo
IMHO, an animal that's raised in a factory farm, under constant stress and then slaughtered, has a terrible life when compared to Bambi!
Absolutely right . Factory farming is an abomination that really needs to be taken to task.
Originally Posted by Stoo
In our part of the world, there are so many deer that many starve over the winters. If more were taken by hunters, it would improve things for the remainder...
Or, if we hadn’t removed all the natural predators, then nature would swing back into balance. Unfortunately that’s never going to happen because Mankind’s needs conflict with that. So Deer do need to be culled. Not by people who enjoy killing but cleanly, efficiently and coldly.
18 September 2008, 07:16
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
Kill the debate? I've promoted it to its very own thread!
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
18 September 2008, 07:22
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by pathalla
...anti-hunting, anti-gun, anti-bow tourists I keep hearing about,
You don't have to be "anti gun" "anti bow" or even "anti killing" to be anti sport hunting...or haven't you been reading the post clearly? Missed an animal the size of a cow from 28 yards I believe. What would have happened if he just wounded the Moose? If you botch the shot as badly as that you have no right to take it. At least with the right tools you can get a second shot off real quick if you injure but don't drop your prey. Boys playing with bows and arrows... Hell even in our little Country if you can't put two killing shots in at ranges from 40 - 100 metres you don't get a ticket to "play".
18 September 2008, 07:22
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Dirk Diggler
Oi Nobba... how did it go?
18 September 2008, 08:08
Country: UK - England
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It was ok, I found your boat (little ship) but didn't speak to the salesman as he was constantly talking to interested punters.. Went to it 3 times, but each time he was deeply ingrossed in showing off the boat and generally being a good salesman. On 1 visit I watched him take down the potential customers details!
Had to duck and dive a bit to make sure none of my pals saw me looking at it!!!
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
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