Not sure whether this fits in this forum ....... but can anyone help ?
Over the last three days I have been unable to view photo attachments in the Photo section.
I am broadband enabled and all scripts etc load as quick as ever ....... but it doesn't even seem to try to show piccies. There seems to be no activity on the connection once the page has loaded ?
Photo's etc on other websites ( inc Boatmad !!) work fine ...... but not here.
I have tried turning off Firewall etc but still no joy.
Any help ( in idiot speak ) much appreciated.
and I have just notice that even on the main forum page even though all looks normal - in the bar at the bottom its says -
" downloading picture hhhp://
....... and ....... no progress
Should have stuck to the abacus and library I suppose
Go to the User CP (control panel), select Edit options on the left and halfway down in thread display options box there is a tickbox - Show images. Think it must be this....
Edit: This is on the Ribnet site not your computer by the way!