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Old 21 July 2019, 23:26   #1
RIBnet admin team
Nos4r2's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: The wilds of Wiltshire
Boat name: Dominator
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Posts: 13,070
I've had a bit of a rough couple of weeks/Fundraiser for a Dog Rescue organisation

I've had a pretty rough time of it over the past couple of weeks-some may have read the stuff on Facebook, but here's a quick recap because to tell the full awfulness of it all would take a week of typing:-

Coming home after a very nice week of ditchcrawling in Lancashire, we were southbound on M5 @ J5,and were hit from the N/S/R by a people carrier who crossed into my lane and spun us @70mph. Hit n/s barrier backwards at speed, which smashed the rear window and broke the dogs restraints, throwing him out onto the verge. Car bounced and stopped 30 yards away. Dog ran off down middle of M5,with me running after, but lost him. Police later told me he'd got onto northbound and been hit but ran off.
Started FaceBook appeal on local dogs lost sites for help to find him because I was stuck with wrecked car, panicking g/f and the other luckily uninjured dog and police wouldn't let me onto the M5 to look for him. At this point I was 90% sure he was dead and was just hoping someone might find a body so I had closure.

Loads of people appeared and searched for him! They found him alive, battered bruised etc. It was a bloody miracle! Mungle is now in the local paper.

Witness came forward, other driver found at fault, but still not back at work as injuries making it hard to walk.

Anyway, cutting to the chase, the rather lovely ladies who found him support a small dog rescue organisation who takes dogs that nobody else will. I'm completely and utterly indebted to them-my hairy boating buddy is still here, though battered, bruised, tatty and with pins holding one leg together. I'm absolutely certain that had they not found him, he'd be dead as I didn't even know how to access where to look.

Loads of people on Facebook offered to help pay his vets fees, but he was insured and I asked them if they were willing to donate to his fees, maybe they could donate to this charity instead

I know it's not usual,to be asking for donations on here but this was a bit extraordinary and apparently the donations from just posting it on FB have meant several dogs got taken from the pound before being PTS.
The rescue they support is https://www.baltoandco.co.uk/


The newspaper articles for anyone who's interested:-

Aaand Mungle now has his own facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/IRMungle
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