21 November 2007, 21:02
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Jehovah's Witness
On a bbc tea time programme the other night, they did a piece on the above, and the reporter was taken to a meeting by a Hugo Montgomery-Swann and his family, would this be our man?
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!
21 November 2007, 21:25
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Wonder where his door knocking patch is?
21 November 2007, 21:28
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Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
21 November 2007, 22:25
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As far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter if it is him or not as long as he leaves it at the office.
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21 November 2007, 22:39
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Yep it was
22 November 2007, 07:06
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
As far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter if it is him or not as long as he leaves it at the office.
Yes agreed, as long as he doesn't knock on my door every other week just as I'm dishing up Sunday Lunch.
You'd have thought the sight of me with the carving knife in my hand telling them I'm not interested would be enough to give them the message, but oh No, every other week at 1pm on the dot the door gets knocked on. If its not answered it gets knocked again, despite me asking them not to come back.
People can believe what they want as far as I'm concerned as long as they don't knock on my door and want to tell me about it. B*stards.
Rant Over
23 November 2007, 17:11
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23 November 2007, 17:24
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When Rosanna was pregnant some years ago we had Jehovah witnesses come over and start pestering my missus at lunch times. Now for those of you that have met the wife, she's a tactile non agressive sort, after a week of this every lunchtime, the missus getting worried and the fact they started on the unborn child bit, well quite frankly I'd had enough! I came home lunch times the following week and found them on the doorstep after a couple of days. I quite politley stated that we were athiests and we as a family weren't interested in anything they had to offer. Then I escorted them off my property and told them that if they returned I would put a horrible curse on them and their families and failing that the old plod. Not a swear word was uttered!
They never returned.
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23 November 2007, 17:31
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I have discovered the perfect solution to that problem. I have a hose tap to one side of the front door with a coiled hose connected. If one of those J. W's or Mormons come knocking I walk outside turn the hose on and point it in their general direction. No words need to be uttered they get the message really quickly.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
23 November 2007, 18:29
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I just say " I am really sorry but I did not see the accident", smile turn away and close the door
24 November 2007, 08:31
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Of course, there are some religions that preach hatred and violence against the west and all that, but nobody seems to knock them here, just the easy targets. Bandwagon and jumping comes to mind. The ones i have known are thoroughly decent people.
Politicians, like nappies, have to be changed frequently - and for the very same reason.
24 November 2007, 09:11
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I've always been an aethist and have always respected other peoples religious beliefs, but they ain't for me. So I don't appreciate the door banging
I do however try and live my life with a degree of consideration for others, so the other day I was driving through Southampton along a very busy intersection and there was a Blind guy trying to cross the road, and it wasn't happening. So I pulled my truck across the two lanes blocking the traffic, nipped out and helped him across the road.
Now my fellow motorists were not impressed by this at all, so there was a lot of beeping and engine revving, which pissed me off. So I'm guiding the guy with one hand and giving people the finger with the other.
We get to the other side and I'm rushing to get back to the truck and unblock the traffic, and he whips out a copy of the Watchtower and starts to pitch me.
Classic  It cheered me up no end. still does
I also find I have to agree with Vince, if only they'd stop the door banging it's be OK.
I thought we weren't supposed to do religion or politics here
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
24 November 2007, 09:35
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I feel left out...  ...I've never had my door banged...  ...its a shame I like a good debate
24 November 2007, 12:46
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Originally Posted by vince
Of course, there are some religions that preach hatred and violence against the west and all that, but nobody seems to knock them here, just the easy targets. Bandwagon and jumping comes to mind. The ones i have known are thoroughly decent people.
I think what everyone can't do with is having it rammed down your throat and with all due respect that is what "most" JW will do.
Most people here have had them on the door step and hell they don't want to take no for an answer.
You don't get many fundamentalists door stepping you or do you?
I think that is why people will "have a go" about the JW's.
If it was HMS on the radio then fair play to him, have known him for many years and this side has never come up.
Each to their own, I guess, until it effects you.
24 November 2007, 22:51
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
I thought we weren't supposed to do religion or politics here
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