18 September 2005, 18:55
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Killed a seagull !
Doinng 38 kts on nice flat water this morning and played chicken with a big seagull..... He lost  . Within seconds I too lost (power). Lifted the engine clear of the remains  and started up again. It was like running over a big dog in a car  . Anyone else play this game ??
Fast... Very feckin fast please.
18 September 2005, 18:59
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 1,850
There was me thinking you were on about those old skool engines known as seagulls!
18 September 2005, 19:08
Country: Other
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Originally Posted by Scotty
Doinng 38 kts on nice flat water this morning and played chicken with a big seagull..... He lost  . Within seconds I too lost (power). Lifted the engine clear of the remains  and started up again. It was like running over a big dog in a car  . Anyone else play this game ??
Damn I've been trying to get a Seagull for ages. Don't think I'll bother now.
Does your insurance cover this eventuality if the deceased old bird breaks something ?
18 September 2005, 19:14
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
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Well done!! I've been trying to do that for years. Never managed it. Now just another 17.5 million to go and thats just in Falmouth!! Shite hawks are a huge menace in the towns around here these days. There's talk of putting them on the Pill!!
18 September 2005, 19:34
Country: UK - England
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I tried to catch one once but I only have a mere 40HP but I finally caught up with it and it bombed all over my nice clean tubes!
18 September 2005, 21:02
Country: UK - England
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well we were in meva this year on holiday and one day i was thinking how horrible it must be to have a seagull shit on your chips and food
next day we went into the harbour on me sib and sent son to get some chips
we sat on the boat in the harbour floating about eating chips and drinking coke when splat, a seagul shat on us, it was unbelievable, it was everywhere and all around the boat, all over us, everything in a 4 m radius got hit.
must have been a view into the future..
moral of the story, i am not sad one of the little buggers got killed as i dislike the things, the amount of time i have seen them take food off people and kids. just try it with me is what i say my feathered friend.
18 September 2005, 21:08
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by ADS
I tried to catch one once but I only have a mere 40HP but I finally caught up with it and it bombed all over my nice clean tubes! 
Get your revenge ADS. Stuff a small soft bap full of caustic soda and keep chucking it in the air until one grabs it. When it mixes with the potent brew of acids in it's stomach, wallop! Down she comes.  Or, two mackerel tied together with 30ft of catgut is quite entertaining. I didn't actually ever do any of this as a kid I wish to make clear.  We're gonna have a bird lover going loopy on here shortly.
18 September 2005, 21:09
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Mollulnan
We're gonna have a bird lover going loopy on here shortly. 
Look, we've told you before, this is NOT that sort of forum
18 September 2005, 21:17
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
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Chris, In Looe, which is just up the coast from Meva, they have a huge Seagull problem. The Emmetts have fed them so often over the years that fish and chips are now their staple diet. They now litterally attack anyone near the quay eating chips. It's bloody scarey!! We jumped in the car for cover and they attacked the car!! We had to drive off in order to eat in peace.
18 September 2005, 21:21
Country: UK - England
Town: Mighty Penryn
Boat name: Little Joe.
Make: Avon Searider
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
Look, we've told you before, this is NOT that sort of forum 
Hey Jimbo. It's you Solent boys that go in for all the "Bird Luvvin". I've seen the photo's. Us Cornish boys, we're quite happy with our sisters!!  Just ask my 3rd cousin Shaggy.
18 September 2005, 21:40
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Mollulnan
Hey Jimbo. It's you Solent boys that go in for all the "Bird Luvvin". I've seen the photo's. Us Cornish boys, we're quite happy with our sisters!!  Just ask my 3rd cousin Shaggy.
I refer my learned colleague, to this thread!
It has also just been pointed out to me that we are not limited to "bird luvvin", we also have seals in langstone harbour...
18 September 2005, 21:56
Country: Other
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
I refer my learned colleague, to this thread!
It has also just been pointed out to me that we are not limited to "bird luvvin", we also have seals in langstone harbour...
Jimbo where are the seals in Langstone mate........
18 September 2005, 22:00
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Biggles
Jimbo where are the seals in Langstone mate........
50° 48' 00s N, 1° 59' 09s W
19 September 2005, 12:23
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The Seagulls are bad in St.Ives but I was amazed at seeing a seal with a little yellow hat on climbing up the quay stairs to get to a kid with a fish!
This was before I went into the Slope for me pint of Speckled Hen
P.S I don’t think running over Seagulls is a very humane way of addressing the over population, did you I do run over other surfers when there is too many in the break.
19 September 2005, 13:03
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
50° 48' 00s N, 1° 59' 09s W
Someone moved Langstone, have they, Jimbo?
Mark H
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools" Douglas Adams
19 September 2005, 14:17
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Originally Posted by Mark Halliday
Someone moved Langstone, have they, Jimbo?
Er, ummm, yes, I mean no, I mean er, whoops! Someone has forgotten how to read a chart when tired!!
19 September 2005, 14:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Manchester - Abersoc
Boat name: MeMe
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Any type of shit is bad however...........
............only the other week there we all are - me and the dragons - sat at the islands (St Tudwals - Abersoch) awaiting several other friends to make a raft when BANG - SCREAM - CA-POW a massive and I mean massive big wet stinky fishgut seagul shite lands right on baby dragons head
Well you've never seen anything like it - it was god damn everywhere, hair, face, down her neck, hands, clothes, everywhere. I myself nearly puked at the sight. Now funny thing is, it didn't stink - not like shite usually does - very strange - a smell yes but not a terrible one.
Anyway - once we'd gotten over the shock we just about managed to clean her up but regrettably had to return to shore in order to change.
It was the funniest **CK*** thing I've ever seen
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
19 September 2005, 14:31
Country: UK - England
Town: Manchester - Abersoc
Boat name: MeMe
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Then only a day or so later........
...........me and a pal were sat outside the pub on a yogi bear bench when, like a spitfire this seagul let rip from about 6 ft above us - eeeeeeeeeeooooowwwwwwwwwwwww - splat - right between my mates legs as he sat astride the bench. Quite unbelievably not one single drop touched him - in fact he didn't even move, we just finished our pint and strolled off. Again - no bad/pungent smell
Buy it & Use it, then sell it and buy something bigger
19 September 2005, 14:59
Country: UK - England
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they always fly away when i chase em !!!
19 September 2005, 15:04
exspyrd trayd membir
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Originally Posted by MeMe
right between my mates legs
didd yew gett de rejistrayshun nummber ov dis berd. itt mite luk lyke a seegul butt itts reely a gArchikkin wich iz hily trayned too shitt onn ribnobburs heds . dis wan sownds lyke itt neads morr traynin.
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
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