Just read this which has made my blood boil.
Whatever people think of nuclear power it is pretty obvious with countries like China expanding so much and the threat of global warming along with the rising price of oil - then nuclear power is here to stay. Not only that but there will be a massive increase in the number of nuclear powerplants built.
Alright maybe not in the UK due to politics but that is not the point.
I didn't realise that Britain actually owned Westinghouse - a massive American company or so I thought. It is amazing what Britian owns but the mdeia NEVER mention our success stories.
~Anyway it seems that on the verge of the new Nuclear age the British government is going to sell off Westinghouse!!! Just when there is money to be made!!!
That is so typical of British governments - they don't give a damn about the country - they just want a "quick fix" to make them look good - why not get a billion now and make our term look good is their attitude - never mind if they keep hold of it they could be worth far more down the line!!!