Horses for courses I guess but I don't recommend using any rope. If you use one with stretch it in, it would be bloody dangerous...
Personally my Milemarker hydraulic is spot on for everything I do, which has been pretty wide ranging and included things like righting upside down vehicles, straightening steering wheels bent around the dashboard during an accident, winching a boat up a very narrow slip (tyre sidewalls slightly wider than the slip!), self recovery (using a wireless remote/ground anchor), pulling out fence posts, putting up roof trusses building my garage, etc etc. No heat issues, no battery drain, only downside is low speed.
I could have done some (but not all) of those things with a capstan, but other than using very long ropes and stuff like pulling cables through ducting I don't know of many practical uses that require a capstan. Though I do like the look of capstans on an old Land Rover, so not completely biased