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Old 04 July 2005, 00:03   #21
Country: UK - Wales
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I have to be honest but I have noticed the majority of aid workers/doctors tend to be European or Yank - nasty as it may sound very few african or indian doctors stay behind to help their OWN people!!!

This summned it up

Apparently it is NOT the fault of the Ghanian doctors for deserting their country but the fault of Britain for poaching them!!!!! Surely if they had any MORALS they would stay and help their own people???
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Old 04 July 2005, 00:27   #22
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
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In fairness though I can't really blame the educated ones for wanting to get out.

All my African friends know that there is no point in them staying because they will never be able to change anything.

One mate of mine actually used to sneak away from his home and walk miles through the bush every day to go to school - because his family wouldn't allow him to go!!! He eventually became a Doctor and tried really hard to change things but it was an uphill battle - in the end he came here to get away from it all.
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Old 04 July 2005, 10:33   #23
Country: UK - England
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Dead right there Codders, most are supressed by the government for fear of them getting too clever, a bit like some forum administrators

Plus the governments do not want to be shown up as the useless prats they are, perhaps the rest of the world should have a thorough review of these governments and make them detail exactly what they have spent the money on that they have been given in the past, PLUS get ALL government officials to give full access to ALL of their personal bank accounts WORLDWIDE. These accounts are awash with cash, I would use ALL that cash first then start helping.

There is NO hope with Africa in the immediate future, well my lifetime anyway, it has been going on for centuries, people will help for a short time for their own ego's and to make them feel better, but then go back to their cosy life and forget it all, the poor buggers out there live eat and breath it all the time. I have travelled to most of the world and have on a number of occassions been so glad to set foot on the BA plane to leave for home, after working in terrible conditions.

Shame the governments and expose their corruption I say, and make this known to all their populations. Errr... could we include the UK in this?
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