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Old 26 February 2010, 17:41   #1
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Ebbw Vale, Gwent
Boat name: Seabay
Make: Avon, Bonwitco
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Loch Lomond

Having booked and paid a deposit for a place to stay this comming June.
I received a call this week to say that they have gone into receivership and are not able to accomadate us. Would anyone have any suggestions of where to stay?

8 Blokes,7 days end of june, 3 boats, Close to water prefered, Don't mind camping,

Thanks in anticipation
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Old 26 February 2010, 17:48   #2
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Hi Seabay suggest you drop Polwart a pm as he knows the area quite well and maybe able to help you.

'Carpe Diem'
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club
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Old 26 February 2010, 18:26   #3
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Ebbw Vale, Gwent
Boat name: Seabay
Make: Avon, Bonwitco
Length: 3m +
Engine: 4,25,35 Johnsons
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 172
Thanks for the Swift reply.
P.M Sent to Polwart
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Old 26 February 2010, 18:27   #4
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I received a call this week to say that they have gone into receivership and are not able to accomadate us.
that's a shame. I'd speculate that wherever that is, is back in business (under new ownership / name) by June as its the start of peak season... ...but that won't reassure you.
Would anyone have any suggestions of where to stay?

8 Blokes,7 days end of june, 3 boats, Close to water prefered, Don't mind camping,
that is quite an open description.

How close to water is preferred? As in literally a stone's throw or walking distance? Are you just coming to "RIB" for the week or do you want to be close to other ammenities? Are you planning to keep the boats afloat? If so do you need a mooring/pontoon or are you happy with anchoring? if not how close do you want to be to the slipway? Are you planning to cruise or water ski etc (in which case you probably want to be close to the faster speed limit areas).

When you say you don't mind camping - do you mean wild camping, or on a camp site? where do caravan parks fit in with your range of acceptability? what's your view on being in proximity to some of the more 'colourful' characters from Glasgow? i.e. do you want busy loch lomond or peaceful loch lomond?

Do you have a preference for which end of the loch (e.g. its quite a bit extra to add to a long journey from down south to get to the top of the loch - and same going back) but generally quieter etc (on the otherhand launching at the bottom is free, but it will cost at Ardlui!).
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Old 26 February 2010, 19:13   #5
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Ebbw Vale, Gwent
Boat name: Seabay
Make: Avon, Bonwitco
Length: 3m +
Engine: 4,25,35 Johnsons
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 172
Thanks for your reply...

How close to water is preferred? As in literally a stone's throw or walking distance?
>No more than a mile away from the Loch side.

Are you just coming to "RIB" for the week or do you want to be close to other ammenities?
>A week on the water is planned. Some will be exploring by car out and around

Are you planning to keep the boats afloat? If so do you need a mooring/pontoon or are you happy with anchoring?
>Would like to keep the speedboat afloat. Pontoon would be great but Mooring or anchored if secureish

if not how close do you want to be to the slipway?
Are you planning to cruise or water ski etc (in which case you probably want to be close to the faster speed limit areas).
>Watersking is planned aswell as cruising the sights..

When you say you don't mind camping - do you mean wild camping, or on a camp site?
where do caravan parks fit in with your range of acceptability?
>The older members insist that they can shower and sit on a china recepticale in the mornings. Caravan sites seen not to be fussy on groups of blokes

what's your view on being in proximity to some of the more 'colourful' characters from Glasgow?
>What's their veiw on outsiders, Do they play the banjo aswell as us?

i.e. do you want busy loch lomond or peaceful loch lomond?
>Don't really matter

Do you have a preference for which end of the loch (e.g. its quite a bit extra to add to a long journey from down south to get to the top of the loch - and same going back) but generally quieter etc (on the otherhand launching at the bottom is free, but it will cost at Ardlui!).
>Don't really matter, We were thinking about petrol/beer/food supplies

Hope this helps
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Old 26 February 2010, 20:40   #6
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Chris - i've just checked the school holidays and to put it blunlty your f*****d. I assume you are planning the 26th June - 3rd July. Essentially at some point during that period all the scottish schools break up. Worse the Glasgow schools are on holiday for all of that. I've pm'd you with a couple of possibilities but since the schools are off they'll be busy and I suspect full. I expect most of the nice 8 person self catering stuff is usually double your budget even if it were available. However maybe some of this might be of use... ...its just possible that because the English schools are still going and its not the Glasgow trades fortnight that you MIGHT still find somewhere.

However if its the 'holiday park' I think it is that has gone bust then its almost inconcievable that it will be still closed in June.

Originally Posted by Seabay View Post
Are you just coming to "RIB" for the week or do you want to be close to other ammenities?
>A week on the water is planned. Some will be exploring by car out and around

OK - bear in mind that the East side (i.e. rowardenen where you were planning to go) is not ideal for getting to anywhere else from - by road. I'd be tempted to leave one car somewhere on the West side (Luss?) and ferry people to / from it by boat. With holiday idiots on the Rowardenen rd - if the sun is out, you'll take over 30 minutes to get to Balloch by road - and thats just the beginning of your journey to where you want to go!

Are you planning to keep the boats afloat? If so do you need a mooring/pontoon or are you happy with anchoring?
>Would like to keep the speedboat afloat. Pontoon would be great but Mooring or anchored if secureish

From your PM I'd guess you've tried the obvious places. None of them are cheap! Security shouldn't be a problem for a sensibly picked anchorage. Worst case if its really hot (20 deg!) then anything too close to shore becomes a magnet for swimmers to get to and jump off - but (1) it will be cold and raining [compulsary for school hols] (2) keep away from the busy areas. In busy periods there will probably be a police, and certainly a ranger presence on the loch. Beware however that the wind can funnel down the valley with a 20 mile+ fetch and so not everywhere is a great anchorage depending on the weather.

if not how close do you want to be to the slipway?
Are you planning to cruise or water ski etc (in which case you probably want to be close to the faster speed limit areas).
>Watersking is planned aswell as cruising the sights..
So long as its not the ONLY activity - you'll be fine anywhere. If it was your only aim then avoid the restricted areas - but if its just part of the plan it won't matter if you have to spend 15 minutes tootling to the fast areas.

When you say you don't mind camping - do you mean wild camping, or on a camp site?
where do caravan parks fit in with your range of acceptability?
>The older members insist that they can shower and sit on a china recepticale in the mornings. Caravan sites seen not to be fussy on groups of blokes
Solution - leave the old buggers behind!

what's your view on being in proximity to some of the more 'colourful' characters from Glasgow?
>What's their veiw on outsiders, Do they play the banjo aswell as us?
Sounds like the 'characters' will be fine; its drunk 17 yr olds that will be a problem. Unfortunately quite a lot of them will have just left education and be out spending their first dole check! They'll be much less fussed about showers and toilets thought so you will probably end up somewhere else.

i.e. do you want busy loch lomond or peaceful loch lomond?
>Don't really matter
Does it really need to be Loch Lomond then? there are other places which are at least as nice but not so 'busy'.

Do you have a preference for which end of the loch (e.g. its quite a bit extra to add to a long journey from down south to get to the top of the loch - and same going back) but generally quieter etc (on the otherhand launching at the bottom is free, but it will cost at Ardlui!).
>Don't really matter, We were thinking about petrol/beer/food supplies

I think there is petrol on the loch - but it will be stupid prices! There is beer/food in most parts of the loch but often only 'one' option serving a 10 mile radius...
Don't despare - if the Loch is not going to be possible then I think there may be clyde options that are just as close but without quite so much 'reputation' that they are booked already.
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Old 26 February 2010, 22:10   #7
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Originally Posted by Seabay View Post
I received a call this week to say that they have gone into receivership and are not able to accomadate us.
Will you lose your money ? and who did you book with ?.. sorry to hear about it
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Old 26 February 2010, 23:27   #8
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Ebbw Vale, Gwent
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Make: Avon, Bonwitco
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
Will you lose your money ? and who did you book with ?.. sorry to hear about it
Booked through "Hoseasons" Fair play they phoned and explained the position and I belive they refunded the deposit. (Subject to seeing the Statement).. Thanks for your concern..


The "Clyde" Tell more, Please do?
We got a 28' Fletcher speedboat, 4m Avon Sportboat, 10ft Sailing Dinghy going for a week on the water.
We are travelling 12hrs+ from South Wales to get to Lomond, Should we concider the Clyde as an alternative?

What does the Clyde have to offer? Where is it near?
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Old 26 February 2010, 23:59   #9
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Originally Posted by Seabay View Post
Booked through "Hoseasons" Fair play they phoned and explained the position and I belive they refunded the deposit. (Subject to seeing the Statement).. Thanks for your concern..


The "Clyde" Tell more, Please do?
We got a 28' Fletcher speedboat, 4m Avon Sportboat, 10ft Sailing Dinghy going for a week on the water.
We are travelling 12hrs+ from South Wales to get to Lomond, Should we concider the Clyde as an alternative?

What does the Clyde have to offer? Where is it near?
My description of the Firth of Clyde includes Loch Long, the Gare Loch, Loch Goil, Loch Striven, Kyles of Bute, and even Loch Fyne. There are probably other people better placed than me to suggest where in the Firth of Clyde would be good for that mix of vessels, without adding another 2 hours to your journey. My experience is that anything from north of Arran is actually likely to be just as sheltered as Loch Lomond unless you are really unlucky.

You can muck about water skiing etc if thats your thing - but if you want to cruise to a pub for lunch then there is the potential to pick differnet places each day (by the end of a week 28' of speedboat might be a bit bored on Loch Lomond?).

Would have thought there are caravan / chalet parks in the Dunoon / Helensburgh / Largs directions which would be no further to drive to than Rowardenan. These are all popular "traditional holiday" / caravan type destinations so may be just as busy as Loch Lomond - but my gut feel tells me there is some marketting magic about the bonny banks of Loch Lomond, its National Park Status etc which just makes people feel it is "the" place to go.
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Old 27 February 2010, 07:28   #10
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Ebbw Vale, Gwent
Boat name: Seabay
Make: Avon, Bonwitco
Length: 3m +
Engine: 4,25,35 Johnsons
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Posts: 172
Thanks Polwart.
Time to talk to the others......
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Old 27 February 2010, 16:54   #11
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Ebbw Vale, Gwent
Boat name: Seabay
Make: Avon, Bonwitco
Length: 3m +
Engine: 4,25,35 Johnsons
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Posts: 172
Anyone know anything about this place?

Seems a little way from the water..
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