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Old 04 November 2014, 18:16   #1
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Motor legal cover...

is it necessary?

I've got two car insurances that need renewing this week (one for me and one for the missus). Both current insurances have legal motor protection but whilst researching if one policy would cover two drivers I discovered that I might not need one any legal cover at all.

what are your thoughts?

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Old 04 November 2014, 18:31   #2
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Legal cover is the new PPI. You probably have 5 legal covers which all overlap and which none may be any use.

If someone uninsured crashes into you, the legal cover should mean u can recover your costs by taking them to court. Only that assumes they can afford to pay and you know who they are. There will be some who can afford to, but most won't be able to.

It may be useful for some initial legal advice. But I'd rather be paying for that than having someone else decide what they will fund...
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Old 04 November 2014, 19:25   #3
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Like all insurance its difficult to say until you are at the point when you need to make a claim. It is completely an optional extra - you aren't compelled to have it - so they should be able to justify why it is value for money since its often 10% of the total cost. Its often missold (IMHO) as being in case you get sued - actually thats what your insurance is for anyway - its in case you want to claim from someone else. You CAN buy the legal cover policy separately usually for a lot less than as part of a car or house policy!

As with all insurances they are full of loopholes. Beware who is covered (any driver, any car?). House ("Family") policies often cover motoring matters too. Usually any help is subject entirely to their discretion of what a "reasonable prospect of success" means.

However, given the continual cuts to legal aid a policy which will represent you for driving offences (usually only if license is at risk) may not be a bad thing. But it must be better to have 1 good policy than 3 patchy ones!

Of course insurance is PeterM's home ground so it will be interesting to see if he has any specific advice.
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Old 04 November 2014, 20:00   #4
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I have one specific legal cover that's seperate from my insurances-covers me for most stuff including driving injuries at work. It keeps the insurance costs down.
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Old 04 November 2014, 21:21   #5
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Small price to pay in my book for something that could become drawn out if you have an accident.

Years ago I had a car written off by a double decker bus which wasn't my fault. I only had third party fire and theft as it was my first car, but I had legal protection. The case took over 4 months to resolve (the car was in Skipton at a salvage yard and I was being charged daily for its storage.
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 04 November 2014, 21:58   #6
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Thanks for your replys. Certainly would like to hear PeterM's thoughts Poly.

Matt, can you pm me details of your one covers all policy please. This I think is what I'm looking for.

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Old 05 November 2014, 08:57   #7
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Having been in a head on 120mph closing speed accident, where myself and my son suffered numerous breakages and other injuries including PTSD. Certainly glad of the Legal cover, they instructed our solicitor to handle everything to do with the accident. Although not our fault, there was always the worry that we would loose the court case, after refusing the other parties pittance of a settlement. !! It was reassuring to know that the "Safety net" was behind us.
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Old 05 November 2014, 09:13   #8
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Originally Posted by ashbypower View Post
Having been in a head on 120mph closing speed accident, where myself and my son suffered numerous breakages and other injuries including PTSD. Certainly glad of the Legal cover, they instructed our solicitor to handle everything to do with the accident. Although not our fault, there was always the worry that we would loose the court case, after refusing the other parties pittance of a settlement. !! It was reassuring to know that the "Safety net" was behind us.
+1 one for having it I have had two head on accidents both not my fault first with someone coming across the central reservation down a duel carriageway and the second some old chap driving the wrong way down a French autoroute!!
I was glad to have the cover and not the added hassle of appointing a solicitor.
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Old 05 November 2014, 13:22   #9
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Originally Posted by Hightower View Post
is it necessary?

I've got two car insurances that need renewing this week (one for me and one for the missus). Both current insurances have legal motor protection but whilst researching if one policy would cover two drivers I discovered that I might not need one any legal cover at all.

what are your thoughts?
Hi Andy - also known as 'uninsured loss recovery' . Not much to add to what has been said - in simple cases of an accident not being your fault the industry is quite well set up that you could manage this yourself with little effort. Brian & Nick have said in complex cases of injury etc or where liability is in dispute its worth every penny.

Been a Long time since I did much personal motor stuff - but worth checking into any exclusions around RTA / motor cases on household type covers and ensureing you don't confuse ' legal advice' helplines with this stuff.

Can get messy with hire cars and stuff credit hire etc - some high profile cases of the 'industry' getting that very wrong in the past will reveal them..

For the sake of the small cost - I'd always suggest its good value.....
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Old 05 November 2014, 18:37   #10
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Anyone got a recommendation for a stand alone policy that covers multiple cars or members family?

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Old 05 November 2014, 19:53   #11
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We've had legal cover on our separate car insurances for as long as I can remember. It is a very small sum in the overall cost of running a car and well worthwhile in my opinion.

We've had 3 occasions to use the cover over the past 20yrs and I would say there is an advantage in using the cover offered by the insurance co directly attached to a policy as the relationship between the legal folks and the insurer enables the administration and claims process to neatly dovetail at the point the legal cover needs to be brought into operation.
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Old 05 November 2014, 22:33   #12
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
We've had legal cover on our separate car insurances for as long as I can remember. It is a very small sum in the overall cost of running a car and well worthwhile in my opinion.

We've had 3 occasions to use the cover over the past 20yrs and I would say there is an advantage in using the cover offered by the insurance co directly attached to a policy as the relationship between the legal folks and the insurer enables the administration and claims process to neatly dovetail at the point the legal cover needs to be brought into operation.
I'm in agreement that legal cover is a good idea for peace of mind and all that, I've also used it once many years ago for a claim.

I now know that there are stand alone policies that cover several cars and possibly other insurances like home and boat. I'm not so sure I can get one policy that covers my wife and I together yet. But if I can I stand to save about £75 a year on legal protection and still be fully covered.

I've got some phoning around to do as there is little information on the detail of these protection policies.

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