Originally Posted by codprawn
Quite why people can't work out the risks for themselves is beyond me.
It's called "informed consent" Cod. A member of the public in most countries can't can't legally absolve a company of liability unless they are truly aware of the risks they are about to become involved with. My guess is that many people on these rides listen carefully to the operator explain that they might die or be maimed, then sign the waiver anyway because they "know" that the operator wouldn't do anything to hurt them. They probably have never been on a jet boat, and most certainly haven't been shot up a river like that! Like lambs to slaughter!
I taught SCUBA for 25 years here, and in the Carribbean, from basic level programs to advanced technical courses. The simple reality is that the waivers I had students sign were worthless, especialy at the basic levels. How could a person off the street assume responsibility for risk when they couldn't possibly understand the dangers involved in the sport... That is, after all, what they were paying their money to learn after all, right?
As I said earlier, I am all for the pursuit of "extreme" sports... but a ride like that, where the individual has no ability to control events, is nuts. It's just a matter of statistics until another passenger gets whacked. Mind you, it's not like the human race is on the endangered species list or anything... Darwin had it right after all, didn't he...