07 November 2005, 16:50
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Originally Posted by roycruse
Who reckons this !!!!!
It may well be true but only for the first couple of plays on a record that is played in a sealed dust free environment - I have a lot of vinyl and some pretty descent decks as I used to be resident DJ in a night club in Newquay.
There is a world of difference between the treatment an audiophile gives his record collection and equipment compared to a club DJ!!! Can't really imagine anyone "scratching" with a Linn Sondek and an audio Note cartridge!!!
I have seen the sort of decks used by club DJs - and the state of their vinyl - yuch!!!
07 November 2005, 17:02
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And has anyone heard horn speakers? What a difference - amazing noise and from such low power. Most idiots seem to think the higher the wattage the better - when they see an AMP that puts out 15w per channel and speakers that only handle about 40w they just think "crap" until they actually FEEL the air moving in the room with the power of the things.
Mind you the setup I mentioned does cost about £45,000!!!
What I am trying to point out is you should NEVER just look at numbers.
07 November 2005, 17:22
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Originally Posted by hard1
I blame it on stereo. 
07 November 2005, 17:30
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Steady on, lads. I was only joking when I said I listened to vinyls. I am a bit more up to date than that.
My eight track wired to a car battery is a state of the art home entertainment system.
07 November 2005, 20:40
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
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Boogie Woogiw Bugle Boy from Company B
Originally Posted by davidmanning
This threads a bit over my head. What speed do these things run at? 45 or 33rpm
Thanks for the help guys I'll try the packages out.
To avoid any confusion whilst I have been an Audiophile for many many years and even more thousand of pounds it's always been important to me not to lose the music (the emotional part of it anyway). with this in mind it became apparent to me that certain types of music performed better on different systems. Which is why my 8K Audiolab system is in the loft and the Marantz is in the living room!
And it is my perception ( so it can't be wrong can it?) that certain types of moozik recordings lend them selves to vynyl and others to CD. Talking Book by Stevie Wonder , Northern Lights Southern Cross by the band as examples are better albums on Analogue than on CD.......but hey guess what they was mixed and mastered for Analogue. SRV, Kraftwerk and Radiohead and Guy Davis are better on Digital. Also the different mastering techniques use different frequency EQ curves which leans toward a particewlar type of media. So if your ears like a roll off at 18 Hz then you need a stylus
I actually am most impressed with my MP3 player and love it's portability but the encoding does lose something, however "a couple of quartz of beer will fix it so the intonation will not offend the ear" RIP Frank
It's good to see that a kwesjun on music has sparked some passion, cos that's what music is supposed to dooooo doo dooo bee dooo!
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07 November 2005, 20:44
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This all looks very informative, I've picked up a lot I never knew about audio from this thread!
A lot of people have said to me that most portable music players of any kind are usually let down by the speakers. When my Grandad was in hospital, he borrowed my uncles noise cancelling headphones, and being a bit of a kwality buff I thought he'd be hard to impress, and blame the headphones for ruining his mozart, but he said they were amazing!
I dont know make and model (I do know they were expensive) but what do people reckon to these (external) noise cancelling things?
07 November 2005, 20:58
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by davidmanning
Steady on, lads. I was only joking when I said I listened to vinyls. I am a bit more up to date than that.
My eight track wired to a car battery is a state of the art home entertainment system.
Newer isn't always better!!! Betamax for example was streets ahead of VHS and still is - just like many others things - it is the marketing that makes or breaks something rather than it's quality!!!
07 November 2005, 21:06
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
This all looks very informative, I've picked up a lot I never knew about audio from this thread!
A lot of people have said to me that most portable music players of any kind are usually let down by the speakers. When my Grandad was in hospital, he borrowed my uncles noise cancelling headphones, and being a bit of a kwality buff I thought he'd be hard to impress, and blame the headphones for ruining his mozart, but he said they were amazing!
I dont know make and model (I do know they were expensive) but what do people reckon to these (external) noise cancelling things?
Have used them in planes and whilst shooting and they are pretty good - you do get the odd bit of clipping now and again though.
There was a test on TV of a few different makes of these headphones and they concluded the best were the normal in ear type with the conical plugs that fit inside your ear properly!!!
My brother has a set of Sony Fontopia in ear headphones and he reckons they are the best he has ever used - far better than other so called in ear types.
MDR-EX71SL is the type and they are about £28 - he says they cut out external noise a treat and offer fantastic bass.
07 November 2005, 21:17
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
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Originally Posted by eupa
You must be one of those who still believes that a bow and arrow is better than an AK -47???.
Depend if you have run out of Bullets or arrows I guess!
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Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
07 November 2005, 21:47
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
A lot of people have said to me that most portable music players of any kind are usually let down by the speakers.
Well, yes and no. Whilst lotsa amplifiers, active crossovers, lotsa power supplies and wonderful speakers are desirable, if the source is crap the music will be crap. Get the source right first.
07 November 2005, 21:54
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
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Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
07 November 2005, 22:06
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
07 November 2005, 22:26
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Ask the average bloke in the street about good quality audio equipment and he will harp on about Technics or Sony etc - he will never have heard of the high end stuff. A lot of it British - especially speakers with names like Mission - KEF - Tannoy - Linn etc etc.\
The average bloke in the street aint going to hand out 45.000 quid to listen to his music!!!!!!!!!!!I dont listen to audio systems - i prefer to listen to MUSIC. Anyway you are missing the point.- just tell me if at your age Codders ,you can hear the difference between 19000mhtz and 21000 mhtz? The ear aint that good. Oh by the way - that man who is in court in Swansea for taking the Halifax ( and a few others ) to the cleaners - no relation of yours I hope??????????
08 November 2005, 00:57
Country: UK - Wales
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Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by eupa
Ask the average bloke in the street about good quality audio equipment and he will harp on about Technics or Sony etc - he will never have heard of the high end stuff. A lot of it British - especially speakers with names like Mission - KEF - Tannoy - Linn etc etc.\
The average bloke in the street aint going to hand out 45.000 quid to listen to his music!!!!!!!!!!!I dont listen to audio systems - i prefer to listen to MUSIC. Anyway you are missing the point.- just tell me if at your age Codders ,you can hear the difference between 19000mhtz and 21000 mhtz? The ear aint that good. Oh by the way - that man who is in court in Swansea for taking the Halifax ( and a few others ) to the cleaners - no relation of yours I hope??????????
I DID say earlier there was plenty of decent stuff for reasonable money!!!
I wish - don't think I would have wasted £10 million on horses!!!
08 November 2005, 03:53
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
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Originally Posted by jwalker

Bit like this threads gone really.
Of the relevant things that have been said!
Buying Pre bought MP3 files. I have a lot of CD's which I want to transfer to MP3 format. I also have a large collection of Comedy tapes which I would lso like to transfer.
I don't think I can do the tapes without inputting the source to the PC hence my request for a soundcard. Mt PC has an AC87 which i don't think much of!
Buying MP3 Files I wouldn't have a problem buying my music online. I am trying to replace two Albums that I have lost and would welcome them on MP3 does anybody know if they are available and where I could find em!
Marcia Ball Let Me Play With Your Poodle
Jimmy Vivino and the Rekooperators Do What Now
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
08 November 2005, 07:41
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ok - if the final destination of your music is going to be mp3 then your ac87 sound card will be fine. just plug your casset player line out into the line in and use some audio recording software such as steinburg wavelab.
as far as getting hold of lost tracks are concerned you have the illegal option of downloading them from a peer to peer network or a bit torrent site. Or you can stay legal and buy most tracks on line from places like tescos or itunes for about 80p per track.
itunes have a particularly good library off stuff but the do send you the stuff as encrypted mp4 files which is great if you got an ipod but not much use for other mp3 players. you can however download some decoders and converters to make them into mp3s.
for your ripping of your existing stuff CDEX really is the best bit of kit download it from the link in my fiest post or do a google search for it.
08 November 2005, 08:40
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
I have recently bought an MP3 player and was wondering what is the best ripping software and Soundcard is!
Why has no one mentioned iTunes?
08 November 2005, 08:53
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Originally Posted by Andy Moore
Why has no one mentioned iTunes?
I did - about an hour before you posted - but as i said it is not ideal as the files it downloads are protected mp4's and you need to find a decrypter / converter to convert them to mp3s - When i get some time i will find one and post a link...
08 November 2005, 09:06
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by roycruse
I did - about an hour before you posted - but as i said it is not ideal as the files it downloads are protected mp4's and you need to find a decrypter / converter to convert them to mp3s - When i get some time i will find one and post a link...
But you can use iTunes to rip existing CDs as MP3s. Then you can export the files and put them on to any player you want.
Why anyone would buy a player other than an iPod is another matter though.
08 November 2005, 09:27
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Originally Posted by Andy Moore
Why anyone would buy a player other than an iPod is another matter though.
Aghhhhhhh get a grip.
Apple Ipods are a huge success for one reason only - MARKETING
Yes they are great players - fantastic even.
But there are loads of other great mp3 players.
http://www.creative.com/products/mp3/ for a start - these guys were making mp3 players when apple were still struggling to sell there Macs and mobile audio was just a twinkle in their R&D departments eye.
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