Has it realy been that long since I last signed on. The reason, I had a bad day in august 2004 recovering my rib out of the harbour where I live, It's a steep concrete slip and had only been out with my mate for an hour, seen a bloke with a video camera on the rocks filming us tearing around. I had an old fergy tractor (no roll cage) that I used just for that slip the brakes are no use for holding a load on a bank, as we came to the top the bloke with the video was at the top filming us yet again, my mate who had just had his leg out of plaster three days before after breaking it earlier on in the year when we was jumping off the rocks, was in the boat as he couldn't walk up the hill. So i decided to stop and have a chat with video man, as brakes won't hold on the hill I pulled the engine stop to hold on engine compression which I had done loads of times before with no incedent. Bloke with video said he would send me a copy of film, great I thinks, thanks man with video camera and I says ta ta, knock tractor out of gear to start but plonker features (me) had forgotten to put brake on (holds long enough to get engine going) tractor and trailer go hurtling backwards a very fast rate of knots, trailer jacknifes about halfway down throws tractor up in air turning upside down with me still on not quite enjoying the Alton towers style ride we hit the concrete slip and roll three times to the bottom. Now at this point due to the pain I was very suprised to be still alive even though I wasn't breathing, checked I could still move my arms and legs, yep they still moved so not going to have to have my mother bath and dress me AGIAN, then realised I hadnt just winded myself as I seemed to have a very soft chest, great smashed all my ribs front and back and punctured both lungs so I am dying, well that was a waste of money hiring the video film for that night and that was called boat trip. well with my last of my energy I wasn't going to die until I knew my mate was ok so grapped hold of the steering wheel and hauled myself up, this action just opened up my left lung enough to get a small amount of air in and keep me alive until I got to hospital and get the chest drains in, and for someone like me who can't shut up for five seconds not being able to talk for two hours was very annoying.
I wont bore you with injury details but I was moved around four different hospitals in twelve months having various bits stuck back on or stitched together.
What of my mate, well when he saw the boat heading towards the rocks he jumped out and broke his leg again, plonker
Well am back to the daily grind of work, the boat is out again
with no damage, the trailer didnt fair up to well been thrown onto the rocks but thats repaired the tractor has been sold so I use my land rover all the time now.
The man with the video was true to his word and sent me a copy of the film, makes interesting viewing even though he didn't get the actual accident but got all the ambulances and fire engines and police arriving and me disapearing off in an ambulance.
so thats my story no message to it, just that if anyone offers you a job as a roll cage don't take it on it's not worth the hassle