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Old 23 June 2004, 19:27   #1
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PWC's "in danger"

From the MCA's site:

Press Notice No: Duty 1
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Posted 19:43 GMT

Clyde Coastguard were today alerted to the fact that members of the public in small
craft and personal water craft were approaching dangerously close at high speed
to military vessels in the Firth of Clyde.

This endangers them in two ways:
1. The physical effect of a large vessel moving through the water causes suction
around the hull called ‘interaction’ which could suck small craft into or under
the vessel.
2. With the heightened security state around the world, all military vessels and
establishments may take all possible means to protect themselves against
terrorist attack.

Small craft and personal water craft users are reminded of the serious ramifications of approaching large vessels and military vessels at high speed in what could be perceived as a threatening or malicious manner.

Surely no-one would be that daft......
Peter (nick, nick) T

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Old 23 June 2004, 19:51   #2
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if your so daft to own a jetski or jet bike i think chasing the ark royal would be the norm
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Old 23 June 2004, 20:31   #3
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The jet skiers driving between the hulls of the Condor catameran ferrys looked like an altogether more 'interesting' activity.
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Old 23 June 2004, 22:54   #4
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A couple of years ago, we saw Maiden making 28 knots up Southampton water (fantastic sight) when these two jet ski oiks appeared from nowhere and shot right between her two hulls with a closing speed in excess of 60 knots.

If only there had been a trailing warp.....
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Old 24 June 2004, 07:11   #5
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Why they do not ban jet skiers from the sea. They should!!
There are lakes where they can go and play with their falic extention
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Old 24 June 2004, 07:18   #6
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I would be very careful about calling for things to be banned. A lot of the arguments made about PWCs could equally be made about RIBs or other fast boats . . .

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Old 24 June 2004, 07:32   #7
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"Falic extension"
Why is it most of us want bigger & faster Ribs then?
Dose it not sound familiar?

Ban the B******!
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Old 24 June 2004, 08:47   #8
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In Europe, laws are very streaked and this is a sign that you see in many of the European swimming areas.

For your info PWC things are not permitted to operate or maneuver near the coastline (they can do just 3 knots max speed). PWC only permitted to operate 200 mtrs offshore and up to 3 miles.

The drivers must have a proper license and must be over 18 (pity it does not say OINKS DO NOT QUALIFY to have a PWC or RIB or BOAT in general). The crafts should carry, anchors, 20 mtr rope, life jackets (persons permitted on board +1 at all times), flares, approved 1st aid kit and approved and serviced 1.5 kg fire extinguisher, have a marine type horn and marine type compass and all the other staff a proper bnoat needs to go out at sea.

They are not permitted to go round moored boats and they should follow the 'rules of the road' at all times.

The fines are huge. Minimum Euro 600 + confiscation of the boat and in some cases minimum 2 years imprisonment (in Greece this is)

PS: and a few links of PWC accident data

and this one

and if you look the search engines you will find even more.
Attached Images
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Old 24 June 2004, 11:37   #9
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I used to own a PWC I rode it sensibly and with good consideration of others. You shouldn't tar everyone with the same brush. It's not the PWC's themselves that are inherently evil (although they are noisy!), the problem is with training / policing.
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Old 24 June 2004, 12:45   #10
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Originally Posted by jlanng
You shouldn't tar everyone with the same brush.

Never said that all of the PWC owners are irresponsible.

IMHO the majority of them are though. In my 46 years of age never met yet, a PWC craft owner that did not show-off irresponsibly in one way or the other endangering his life and worst other people’s lives and property

Have a look at the stats above. Most of them are from the US (do not understand why such data is not kept for Europe - haven't found one yet) but gives you an idea on how dangerous these little things can be when they fell in the hands of irresponsible people.

Policing those PWC things is another matter (don't think that exists in the UK or does it?) and IMHO policing and regulating should be very stricked, fines should be high (over £300.00/£400.00 at the time minimum), and on the spot with immediate confiscation of PWC and imprisonment for improper use i.e. when endagering the lives of others, should be an option too and excercised to the letter.

But I just wonder why such stricked policing is not that necessary or is not requested that frequent for ships, yachts, cruisers, sports boats and RIBs?? And why the majority of the owners of those type of craft behave in a reasonable manner?

I think that it would have been interesting to have a vote and see the reaction of people on this issue. However, this feature although working in other VBULLETIN powered forums doesn't work here (unfortunately).
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Old 24 June 2004, 13:16   #11
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Interesting Website Manos...

Interesting that most accidents involve open motor boats, inc RIBs!! (More of them around I guess).

Although PWCs are in second place, it says that most of the accidents involve other PWCs - so if that trend continues to it's logical conclusion, they will all become extinct soon anyway!!

My PWC near miss (driving it) happened when the other PWC changed direction rapidly whilst entering rough water and both travelling very quickly (although we didn't think that we were that close together) - and as I was airborne at the time, couldn't do anything about it. (I think I shut my eyes, and probably shouted or something.)

It taught me a thing or two about conditions, separation, speed, and PWCs with nobbers driving them . Luckily no-one was hurt, although my mates swimwear was never quite the same again .


(Now more responsible - I'd like to think...)
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Old 24 June 2004, 13:58   #12
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Manos, I wasn't replying directly to your post. I'm in full agreement with you. I think the reason jetskis are ridden by idiots is because they're cheaper and therefore more accessible than yachts, RIBs etc.
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Old 24 June 2004, 14:18   #13
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Originally Posted by jlanng
Manos, I wasn't replying directly to your post. I'm in full agreement with you. I think the reason jetskis are ridden by idiots is because they're cheaper and therefore more accessible than yachts, RIBs etc.

Dont entirely agree with this comment...... a top of the range seado will cost you 8k ish now log into boats and outboards and see what 8k will by you, it wont be new but it might be fast !!

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