Good forum for model Helis.
I disagree with small is best to learn on.
The best thing to learn on is actually bigger and more stable.
A raptor 30 is without a doubt the best machine for learning on as it is a reasonable size but very cheap to repair and could easily lift the weight you are talking about however it is noisy.
If you want to go electric be prepared to spend a lot more money as good electric Helis such as the Joker or the new Miniature Aircraft Razor are not cheap when it comes to motors, battery packs and ESC's (speed controllers)
If you want to go down the Raptor Route then you can get almost all you need here very good site and they know how to ship to the UK avoiding import duty etc.
Finally have some lessons there are a number of places that can teach you to fly on your heli or one of theirs using dual controls, its worth doing a couple of lessons before you go and fork out a load of money on the hobby
Once you start you will find it addictive. To put it into perspective when I quit heli flying the money I got selling my two main competition Helis and all the gear paid for my Osprey.
(IMHO I far prefer RIBS though)