Well I thought I'd post this up as its a boat, a very yellow one though

& its been quite an interesting insight into the other side eg inboards & boats with more than the basics. I'm learning as I go along. Essentially its in very good nick for its age & definitely bordering on retro. However its 99% original & unmessed with which is quite nice. I wanted something I can go away on for a weekend or for a few days, going further afield & trying out new areas.
It's got an OMC Cobra 5.7L which can only be described as a boat anchor! Hideously old tech thing, with four drainholes called a Holley carb, it works but long term this will be getting a diesel transplant. It does sound nice though
The Bananaboat as I'm currently calling it, she will be renamed once I've finished the resto as it currently has the naffest boat name ever. Suggestions welcome!!!
As I picked it up, complete with a USA trailer that's way too big for it, currently choosing between retrofitting UK brakes & hitch or sourcing another trailer for it & selling this one.
So it's had a polish top & bottom, its very solid structurally & appears to be very well made.
Have had three sea trials in it so far, most things working well, its sounds awesome I have to say

It handles well too & a very smooth ride even in some big chop with some added swell (we got caught out in F8 last week!!) It's a relatively deep V for a sports boat & much better than I thought it'd be.
However, there are a few niggles
Temp gauge is faulty - water temps monitored with a IR gauge & all OK, However the original gauges are colour coded to the boat & you can't get new ones. So have ordered a generic gauge to swap the internals over. Hopefully it'll work & look original.
The original gauges are colour coded like this, as they only made two yellow 205's like mine I doubt I'll find another one.
The OMC dodgy gear change interrupter thingy not working - Its supposed to drop the revs midshift, it currently stalls it most shifts in the water! Some tinkering required. Currently disabled it until further checks done.
There is a small leak -

never a good thing on a boat, its not that bad but it is an obvious a concern. I think it was the bung fitting not very bunging... So re-gooed it in. Might also be a leaky exhaust Y-Pipe in which case thats an engine out job

next test will confirm
Bilge pump - The original one works fine, but its at the bow end of the bilge, so a lot of water can sit in the bilge until it pumps, have now fitted a second one at the stern as the originals are not especially big on capacity & its wise to double up imho. It's also wired up direct to the battery regardless of kill switch position.
It has a full camper kit of front section & rear section, all cleaned up & looking great. There is a slight fopar in the design there is no rear zip to get in or out at the stern. So its off to the canvas man to have some zips put in & make it more practical.
Been busy checking wiring & electrics, its not too bad & have redone a few sections.
So here she is looking rather shiny