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Old 26 September 2007, 15:19   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Ramsgate/Plymouth
Make: Ribcraft/Humber
Length: 10m +
Engine: Suzuki/Yam 250x2
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 32
RYA- supporting all ???????

Whilst nothing to do with ribs, I hope you can understand why I am bringing this to your attention.

It has been leaked that the RYA has decided to try and get catamarans (Tornado) from the 2012 Olympics and beyond, as well as this they have asked that the youth catamaran be dropped from the ISAF youth worlds from 2009.

These submissions by the RYA were made without any consultation with the sailing community.

I myself am a Catamaran sailor and race all over Europe in the Formula 18 fleet and am appalled that the RYA (of which I am a member) is representing its members like this. The fact they tried to sneak this submission in through the back door really aggravates me. There is already a movement from the cat sailors to cancel their memberships in protest! The RYA has always promoted dinghys extremely well but due to the powers that be dis-liking catamarans, it has always been a case of us and them. This issue seems to be the final nail in the coffin and the catamaran sailors are now up in arms trying to show the ill- treatment they recieve from the governing body.

If anyone on here sails would like to do something then there is an I-petition http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/C...ion/index.html
One life so live it........
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