I've kept this one quiet for a couple of years, to protect the main character.
Back a bit (see above) I was taking delivery of a refurb plotter from Raymarine in the UK. The nice laydee asked me to spell my name for the address:
Me: "It's Whiskey India Lima..."
Her (interrupting): "Excuse me Sir, please don't do that"
Me: "Do what?"
Her: "That Whiskey-Zulu thing, I just don't get it"
Me: OK, sorry about that, I just thought, you know, what with the Raymarine thing..."
Her: "No"
Me: "OK, sorry, that's w-i-l-l-k"
Her: "Sorry Sir, doubleyew what?"
Me: "Yeah, W for Woman, I for Intelligent, L for Linda..."
Her: "Oh thanks, that's better"