13 November 2005, 20:52
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Sad remains of Rover.
13 November 2005, 21:18
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
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Engine: Suzuki DT225
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Makes you wonder just what our wonderfull government is playing at.
In Italy you see most authorities driving around in Fiats - in Germany Merc or BMWs - in France Pugeot's or Renaults.
In Britian the Police seem to love their Mercs - BMWs - Volvos and Pugs - of course money is NO object - a £45,000 Police car - well it's only tax payers money - and why bother to support British workers - much better to send our money to other countries!!!
13 November 2005, 22:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Somerset
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Engine: 150 Diesel
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Posts: 173
Come on Codmeister - Austin Morris BL Rover etc. couldn't make a bloody decent car if their lunch break depended on it. Longbridge has the unenviable reputation of being able to turn out some of the most poorly designed, unbpleasant and unreliable cars in all of Europe. A sodding Ital (marina in drag) nearly killed me in 1980 when all the lights decided to stop working at 70 mph at night on the A34.
Good riddance to crap motors. Thank God for Mercedes and BMW. At least our vanquished opponents remember how to make cars!
13 November 2005, 23:23
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
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Engine: Suzuki DT225
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Posts: 12,791
What sort of cars were the other makers building in those days?
I have just been helping fix a mates Ford Escort estate yet again - pile of junk - as is his wife's fiesta.
We had a small fleet of Rover 400 turbo diesels - all 1998 S reg - some of the most reliable cars we have ever had. I still have one left that we use as a spare. It has now done 180,000 miles - only trouble in all that time is one CV joint gone - all because the rubber gaiter split. It has had a hard life and is still great to drive!!!
Yes they built some crap in the past - just as many other manufacturers did. They may not have been great cars - but they don't deserve the reputation they have.
My mates wife would not let him buy a Rover so he bought her an S reg Fiesta instead - I know which I would rather drive any day!!!
14 November 2005, 06:42
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Bit grim alright.
(when I first saw the thread I thought you'd lost a beloved collie)
Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
14 November 2005, 07:06
Country: UK - England
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Make: Three Wise Monkeys
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Posts: 2,127
Originally Posted by codprawn
We had a small fleet of Rover 400 turbo diesels - all 1998 S reg - some of the most reliable cars we have ever had. I still have one left that we use as a spare. It has now done 180,000 miles - only trouble in all that time is one CV joint gone - all because the rubber gaiter split. It has had a hard life and is still great to drive!!!
I bought my (soon to be at the time) wife a Rover 418... when I say "bought" I mean I hauled it out of my mate “over the road’s” scrap yard...we were both completely broke following divorces....  ... however it only needed a drive shaft and a bloody good clean and she was mobile again.... She had it for a couple of years and then we passed it down to my little sister when we had enough money to "up grade" it ended its days with about 250,000 on the clock and was as reliable ..and exciting..as Terry Wogan..…..
…mind you… it did have the Peugeot engine…..
14 November 2005, 13:00
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by Jono
I bought my (soon to be at the time) wife a Rover 418... when I say "bought" I mean I hauled it out of my mate “over the road’s” scrap yard...we were both completely broke following divorces....  ... however it only needed a drive shaft and a bloody good clean and she was mobile again.... She had it for a couple of years and then we passed it down to my little sister when we had enough money to "up grade" it ended its days with about 250,000 on the clock and was as reliable ..and exciting..as Terry Wogan..…..
…mind you… it did have the Peugeot engine….. 
Yes the old 418 diesel was a Pug but the 2l diesel was all Rover's own design - bloody good engine as well - was used in the Freelander but then they decided to use the BMW engine for some strange reason - LR came to regret that decision because when the Freelander sales really took off BMW engines were in short supply.
Granted the Rovers aren't exactly "sporting" but then again are things like Mondeos - Escorts - Fiestas - earlier Vectras etc etc
14 November 2005, 13:15
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Posts: 551
Originally Posted by codprawn
Yes the old 418 diesel was a Pug but the 2l diesel was all Rover's own design - bloody good engine as well - was used in the Freelander but then they decided to use the BMW engine for some strange reason - LR came to regret that decision because when the Freelander sales really took off BMW engines were in short supply.
Granted the Rovers aren't exactly "sporting" but then again are things like Mondeos - Escorts - Fiestas - earlier Vectras etc etc
Don't forget the lovely K series (I think) that they put in the 1.8 petrol Freelanders. I have such fond memories of the engine being written off after 18000 miles.
14 November 2005, 13:39
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
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Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by Rodan
Don't forget the lovely K series (I think) that they put in the 1.8 petrol Freelanders. I have such fond memories of the engine being written off after 18000 miles.
The engine itself is great - used in Caterham 7s and Lotus Elises. Also used in many Hondas without any problems at all - apparently the problems only started when BMW started interfering at Powertrain - the factory where the engines were made!!!
14 November 2005, 15:22
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Posts: 623
Originally Posted by codprawn
We had a small fleet of
Rover 400 turbo diesels - all 1998 S reg - some of the most reliable cars we have ever had. I still have one left that we use as a spare. It has now done 180,000 miles - only trouble in all that time is one CV joint gone - all because the rubber gaiter split. It has had a hard life and is still great to drive!!!
That's 'cos the body/chassis is mostly Honda and the lump is a Peugot nobba.
14 November 2005, 16:17
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by hard1
That's 'cos the body/chassis is mostly Honda and the lump is a Peugot nobba.
Engine is NOT a Peugeot - can't you READ???? Body is NOT a Honda - and it does NOT have a chassis - and you call ME nobba???
14 November 2005, 16:37
Country: UK - England
Town: Somerset
Make: Halmatic P22
Length: 6m +
Engine: 150 Diesel
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 173
Sad Remains of Rover...
sounds like a tale about an rheumy eyed old labrador that was kept going well past his due date by misplaced kindness; friends and visitors ingnoring the increasing arthritis and frequest mistakes on the carpet...
I remember my pride when I took delivery of a brand new SD1 3.5 in 1988 and my subsequent surprise when all the paint fell off. Ah happy days.
14 November 2005, 16:40
Country: Other
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Posts: 623
Originally Posted by codprawn
Engine is NOT a Peugeot - can't you READ???? Body is NOT a Honda - and it does NOT have a chassis - and you call ME nobba???
Oooo touchy touchy. Bad day at scho..sorry the office? Nobba is a term of respect and affection my boy!!!!!! And try not to use too many punctuations marks!!!!!
Well, how do I start. Right, I have out the back of my house a Rover 400 1998. The body and suspension components are designed by Honda who use the same (or very similar)body and comes directly from when they owned the marque (or part of it). the engine is most definitely a Peugot. Please prove otherwise conclusively. Discuss.
And now you have lost the right to be called Nobba by using too many punctuation marks in one paragraph I shall have to call you a Mush. Now a Mush is also sort of a compliment as it signifies a native of Southampton. Now clearly you claim to come from some place called Wales and so are not entitled to be called a straight Mush so we would have to grant you the honourable title of Mush preceeded by your area of origin. Because you claim to be Welsh presumably you're therefore a Taff so, you would be a TaffMush or TaffyMush.
Simple really.
14 November 2005, 16:41
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
Length: 3m +
Engine: 44lbs of thrust....
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 2,127
Originally Posted by Nate
I remember my pride when I took delivery of a brand new SD1 3.5 in 1988 and my subsequent surprise when all the paint fell off. Ah happy days.
I'd have asked for my money back...... considering it must have been nearly 2 years old when you got it "new"....
14 November 2005, 16:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Somerset
Make: Halmatic P22
Length: 6m +
Engine: 150 Diesel
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 173
Originally Posted by Jono
I'd have asked for my money back...... considering it must have been nearly 2 years old when you got it "new".... 
Err... right - good point. I seem to recall it was in 1978.
The older I get the better I was...
14 November 2005, 17:02
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by hard1
Oooo touchy touchy. Bad day at scho..sorry the office? Nobba is a term of respect and affection my boy!!!!!! And try not to use too many punctuations marks!!!!!
Well, how do I start. Right, I have out the back of my house a Rover 400 1998. The body and suspension components are designed by Honda who use the same (or very similar)body and comes directly from when they owned the marque (or part of it). the engine is most definitely a Peugot. Please prove otherwise conclusively. Discuss.
And now you have lost the right to be called Nobba by using too many punctuation marks in one paragraph I shall have to call you a Mush. Now a Mush is also sort of a compliment as it signifies a native of Southampton. Now clearly you claim to come from some place called Wales and so are not entitled to be called a straight Mush so we would have to grant you the honourable title of Mush preceeded by your area of origin. Because you claim to be Welsh presumably you're therefore a Taff so, you would be a TaffMush or TaffyMush.
Simple really.
Ok you are forgiven.....
If the Rover is a 1.8 diesel it IS a Pug engine. Ours were the newer 2L diesels which are 105bhp as standard - not bad for 1998 - the engine is known as the L series and was all Rover's own work.
Yes the bodywork and other components were based on a Honda design but there was a lot of 2 way talk and various improvements/changes were made.
The fact that the cars haven't rusted or fallen apart is down to the build team more than anything else. and they WERE built by Rover.
As to calling me Mush that is very interesting.
In Swansea it is used extensively - I am really suprised to know it is also used in Southampton. In fact it is specific to certain areas of Swansea - the roughest parts of all. Blaenymais - Townhill - Penlan - the car crime capital of the whole world!!!
The contrast in certain areas of swansea is incredible - some areas are incredibly upmarket with £1 million houses - others are like the Wild West!!!
There was actually a fantastic song done which sums up the people who call each other Mush - it was called townhill rap or "Oi Mush" - REALLY funny.
In Cardiff they tend to call each other "Butt" - short for "Butty" and in Newport/Bristol it is "flo" short for "flower"!!!
14 November 2005, 17:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Over here
Boat name: S.S. Nobstick
Make: Three Wise Monkeys
Length: 3m +
Engine: 44lbs of thrust....
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 2,127
Beaten to it...
14 November 2005, 17:07
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Oi mush lyrics by Paul Allen
Can be found on various file swapping sites
REALLY funny song and very well done - was actually popular around the clubs in Ibiza etc last year!!!
14 November 2005, 18:39
Country: Other
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 623
Originally Posted by codprawn
Ok you are forgiven.....
If the Rover is a 1.8 diesel it IS a Pug engine. Ours were the newer 2L diesels which are 105bhp as standard - not bad for 1998 - the engine is known as the L series and was all Rover's own work.
Yes the bodywork and other components were based on a Honda design but there was a lot of 2 way talk and various improvements/changes were made.
The fact that the cars haven't rusted or fallen apart is down to the build team more than anything else. and they WERE built by Rover.
As to calling me Mush that is very interesting.
In Swansea it is used extensively - I am really suprised to know it is also used in Southampton. In fact it is specific to certain areas of Swansea - the roughest parts of all. Blaenymais - Townhill - Penlan - the car crime capital of the whole world!!!
The contrast in certain areas of swansea is incredible - some areas are incredibly upmarket with £1 million houses - others are like the Wild West!!!
There was actually a fantastic song done which sums up the people who call each other Mush - it was called townhill rap or "Oi Mush" - REALLY funny.
In Cardiff they tend to call each other "Butt" - short for "Butty" and in Newport/Bristol it is "flo" short for "flower"!!!
Now that IS interesting. I thought mush peculiar to Soton. OK, here's a challenge. Apart from the obvious (and dubious) eskimo term for "I say chaps would you mind awfully getting up, stop crapping and tow my sledge" I wonder where it's origins are, as it is in much wider use than I supposed. Sooo, whaddya say TaffMushButtFlo? Blimey, that's actually got a ring to it if you say it quickly.....
14 November 2005, 18:57
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Apparently it is also used by Cockneys and is derived from the Romany word for man but nobody really seems to know.
What amazes me is how some words are specific to certain parts of the country or even certain parts of cities - 70% of the people in Swansea would NEVER use the term - it is considered very "common".
The people who call each other Mush around here also have a distinct accent of their own and also call people "me old mukka" - to be honest most of them are also the dregs of society!!!
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