07 June 2005, 08:44
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Sail 8
I heard Bob Geldoff request that the boats of the south, nip over to France and bring back french people.
It could be a great thing to get involed with, then again, having every man and their dog go to sea in every manner of craft, bringing back boat loads of people they dont know could be a real mess.
Does anyone have more info?
07 June 2005, 09:10
Country: UK - England
Town: nr Lymington
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Make: Halmatic PAC22
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I think that BG is loosing it and this makes no sense.
A) what is wrong with the ferries or tunnel?
B) Do the French want to come and protest?
C) Does BG even know how much time it would take to collect people from France?
D) who is going to run them back afterwards?
I think BG was having a bit of a churchillian moment brought on by being stood in a boat yard at the time.
Had he been at Heathrow I’m sure he would be looking for pilots.
07 June 2005, 09:38
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Edinburgh
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Posts: 43
Well, as a resident of Edinburgh
we don't want them! No problem if they are to be genuine protestors but how do you tell the difference between them and those from a European 'rent a mob' just coming for bother. By the sounds of things we will have enough idiots of our own anyway.
Whilst I sympathise with the cause and have no problem with the initiative, I, and everyone I have spoken to here, consider some of Geldof & Cos recent calls to be totally irresponsible. This is just not a case of NIMBY but if the numbers they are looking for were to descend on any city it coudn't cope without a strong risk of chaos and anarchy. Perhaps this is what they want but in my opinion the public backlash would make it totally counter productive.
Anyway, would there be regulations which would have implications for small boat owners/skippers going across to pick people up?
07 June 2005, 09:56
Country: UK - England
Town: sunny south coast
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Ellen is taking the B&Q Trimaran to bring back protestors.. I bet the tickets to sail back on that are harder to get hold of than the Live 8 tickets..
07 June 2005, 10:05
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Happy New Resolutions!!! : RIBbing for the craic!!!
07 June 2005, 10:14
Country: UK - England
Town: nr Truro
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Make: Osprey
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Engine: OB 90
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Posts: 6
Sail8 - info
More info on this can be found at
Whatever your views are of Bob Geldoff, at least he is trying to do something about the "African situation".
The 8 leaders need a kick up their collective back-sides - they have the power to make change quickly and radically, but they choose to ignore the situation.
Children are dying in Africa, that is the plain simple reality.
Who cares if residents of Edinburgh don't like it ? Who cares if the Daily Mail reading public don't like it ? Not me!!
Rib Net people have the chance to help out and make a differenec to the thousands of people who are dying daily.
This is YOUR chance to help!!
(as he steps off his soap-box......)
: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
: : Chris : :
: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
07 June 2005, 10:42
Country: UK - England
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HM Prison
Hollesley Bay
July 2005
Dear Sir Bob
I hope you can help me get out of jail (no pun intended)
I mean, can YOU tell the difference between a French and an Afgani accent?And you know with the sun and all that any one could be deceived.
Sail 8 was a fantastic idea so I set off in my black rib to Ostend (I KNOW thats Belgium and not France but hey there's not many nautical miles in it)
Anyway these 22 med type geezers claim to be up for the G8 and were offering a few shillings for the journey across.Said they preferred a night crossing .Hopped onboard with a few prvisions and off we go
I blame it on the gaffer tape round the nav lights but any way not far off Ofordness the nav lights come on -and lo and behold those nice chaps at Customs pull me over.
To my suprise the med types lacked a bit of documentation and had a few (thousand) smokes on board - the rest as they say is history
But 'onest Sir Bob it was all in a good cause
07 June 2005, 10:45
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 531
I share your views on the issue Chris but, there are more implications than just popping over there to pick a few people up.
There is a mass of documentation to get in place for a trip to France, as well as the huge safety issues to deal with.
Personally I would not be happy taking part in a venture like this as the safety and welfare of those on my RIB is my primary thought at all times and I can't keep people safe if we don't speak the same language and they don't have suitable lifejackets etc.
I think this call by Bob Geldoff was either a spur of the moment thing or something that is at the least foolhardy and at most has the potential to be bloody dangerous.
As previously stated, it would be far safer for those who wished to join in this venture to come over by ferry.
This call to action could encourage people with craft not capable of such a crossing to try it so endangering themselves and those who would have to rescue them.
(Climbs off soap box! )
Born to stuff!!
07 June 2005, 10:54
Country: UK - England
Town: nr Lymington
Boat name: JU-JU
Make: Halmatic PAC22
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Posts: 1,400
I love the pic on the BBC BG has forgotten his oars still he probably doesn’t need them because if he put his mind to it HE could walk Des
07 June 2005, 12:47
Country: UK - Wales
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Bod Geldorf's heart may be in the right place bu twhat the hell is the point in giving even more money to Africa??? And why wipe out all their loans? Who is going to suffer for this? US of course!!!
Africa's problems are NOT caused by droughts or famines or disease - they are caused by PEOPLE. These people are corupt and do nothing but make WAR.
I have lived in Africa and have several African friends - just ask them what they think about the people in power in Africa - the ONLY thing that will sort them out is to remove the corrupt governments and all the other corrupt leaders - not so easy in Africa - because another lot will spring up in their place!!!
07 June 2005, 13:26
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Africa's problems are NOT caused by droughts or famines or disease - they are caused by PEOPLE. These people are corupt and do nothing but make WAR.
I have lived in Africa and have several African friends - just ask them what they think about the people in power in Africa - the ONLY thing that will sort them out is to remove the corrupt governments and all the other corrupt leaders - not so easy in Africa - because another lot will spring up in their place!!!
You are spot on!! I am an African - err, South African and I can tell you Africa is a bloody basket case. As long as these despots like Mugabe, Nujoma etc continue to get voted in, their gravy trains will keep steaming along. Their wives are on continual shopping sprees to Bern, Switzerland and a perfect example of this is the King of Swaziland (a country on its knees by the way) has ordered a £300 million state of the art International airport to be built in the north of the country. Johannesburg international is a short 20 minute flight away yet these African leaders seem to spend money on flights of fancy they can ill afford while their people die of starvation. I could go on and on citing examples such as this .....
Get to the root of the problem and then assist with financial aid by purchasing farming and irrigation equipment so that they can feed themselves - FOREVER! I salute Bob, but am afraid he has got this one completely wrong.
08 June 2005, 16:42
Country: UK - England
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Length: 3m +
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'Apathy, the real evil'
Even though it's not the answer to all of the problem's in Africa it will help to raise the problem of starving children into the public arena. If enough people turn out or show support the politicians of this world will take notice.
The money to build these airports, palaces and weapons comes from the west, from banks and other sources, its western greed that feeds the problem. Lets help to show our leaders that enough is enough.
There are flaws to what BG is doing but he is 90% right and that’s 90% more than anyone on else with the power on this planet to make a difference, a great man who will be remembered in history for what he is attempting, for his drive, courage and shear bloody greatness a true modern day saint, so big up to BG
Big waves, small boat ;)
08 June 2005, 16:59
Country: UK - England
Town: nr Lymington
Boat name: JU-JU
Make: Halmatic PAC22
Length: 6m +
Engine: 140.5 Mermaid
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 1,400
Originally Posted by tinker
........If enough people turn out or show support the politicians of this world will take notice. .....
Don’t share your confidence that politicians will listen ½ a million people march opposing the ban on fox hunting and Phony still banned it Politicians will only do what is politically expedient and not what is right the only way that Phony Tony will be moved by a protest is if he can see some way of furthering his career
The failure of the European constitution must be really p*ssing Tony off now, had it gone through he would be top of the list for European president Today Europe, tomorrow the world Rant rant rant rant rant Des
09 June 2005, 19:17
Country: UK - Wales
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Boat name: Too Blue
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Engine: Suzuki DT225
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Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by tinker
Even though it's not the answer to all of the problem's in Africa it will help to raise the problem of starving children into the public arena. If enough people turn out or show support the politicians of this world will take notice.
The money to build these airports, palaces and weapons comes from the west, from banks and other sources, its western greed that feeds the problem. Lets help to show our leaders that enough is enough.
There are flaws to what BG is doing but he is 90% right and that’s 90% more than anyone on else with the power on this planet to make a difference, a great man who will be remembered in history for what he is attempting, for his drive, courage and shear bloody greatness a true modern day saint, so big up to BG
Unfortunately a kind heart never got anyone anywhere!!!
The problems of Africa are unfortunately VERY simple but political correctness stops anyone from acting in the proper fashion!!!
Money will NOT solve their problems - bit like the NHS really..............
09 June 2005, 19:40
Country: UK - England
Town: The sunny IOW
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Posts: 40
She is good but....
Originally Posted by tcwozere
Ellen is taking the B&Q Trimaran to bring back protestors..
She will have a job - B&Q is still outside the big union jack building in Cowes with no mast and probably still ot the big hole in one of her bows..
life is a dream but its beauty is real...
10 June 2005, 04:39
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
If BOB cares so much why doesn't he do something about Zimbabwe???
Civil war has to be the next step!!!
Funny how Gerorge and Tony thought a regime change was in order in Iraq but not in Zimbabwe!!!
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