07 August 2013, 06:45
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Originally Posted by m chappelow
I had just fitted out a new shower room a few days before so goes into the garden finds a bit of old tile , out with the angle grinder and fashions a new false tooth to fit & sticks it back in with some glass fibre resin .
I dident do a bad job as it lasted 2 weeks until I could get to the dentist though she was a bit miffed that the grp clogged up her drill bit
colour wasent a bad match either ,,, good job the tile was a cream coloured one : )
You win.
07 August 2013, 09:10
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Originally Posted by m chappelow
, ............... good job the tile was a cream coloured one : )
Like it.  I'll keep that one in the bank.
07 August 2013, 09:39
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Heath Robinson eat your heart out. This is getting colourful now.
07 August 2013, 10:53
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Originally Posted by Festinghouse
gonna build one for my own funeral - good luck to the bearers! 
Can you do me a Viking funeral mate ... Not leaving my rib to any fooker me
When you get to the end of your rope..tie a knot and hang on..!!
Aberdovey Ribs
07 August 2013, 11:48
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Originally Posted by tony t
Can you do me a Viking funeral mate ... Not leaving my rib to any fooker me 
don't you be worrying Mr T, I think Kerny has got it all sorted for you
07 August 2013, 11:51
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Originally Posted by biffer
To many big words for me. I'm talking from experience not on what I read
How do you know if something is sterile?
07 August 2013, 12:03
Country: UK - England
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By stitching the wound you had a greater chance of causing an infection by creating another 6 holes through the flesh. The normal "repair" for this sort of wound would be to let it bleed to get ouit as much debris as possible, suck the rest out. Then a splint underneath the joint of the finger and then normal superglue. Personaly I would not have stitched the sort of wound. I may have considered putting a small staple in but super glue and a lollypop stick would have done the job.
Trust me, I am a doctor! Alan P
07 August 2013, 14:51
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Originally Posted by Alan Priddy
By stitching the wound you had a greater chance of causing an infection by creating another 6 holes through the flesh. The normal "repair" for this sort of wound would be to let it bleed to get ouit as much debris as possible, suck the rest out. Then a splint underneath the joint of the finger and then normal superglue. Personaly I would not have stitched the sort of wound. I may have considered putting a small staple in but super glue and a lollypop stick would have done the job.
Trust me, I am a doctor! Alan P
Oh come on! Don't piss on the blokes parade, he did a cracking job & brought it into school to show us  If it falls off, it falls off, it's worth a finger just for the story. Can you imagine it in a few years time..."so Granddad, what really happened to your finger........"
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
07 August 2013, 15:58
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
Oh come on! Don't piss on the blokes parade, he did a cracking job & brought it into school to show us  If it falls off, it falls off, it's worth a finger just for the story. Can you imagine it in a few years time..."so Granddad, what really happened to your finger........" 
07 August 2013, 16:15
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Originally Posted by tony t
Can you do me a Viking funeral mate ... Not leaving my rib to any fooker me 
a mate of mine has already asked me to do one for him - his only stipulation though was that his ex wife has to be driving it at the time
"Life may often suck, but the alternative is unacceptable"
MMSI Sticker
07 August 2013, 16:53
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
Oh come on! Don't piss on the blokes parade, he did a cracking job & brought it into school to show us  If it falls off, it falls off, it's worth a finger just for the story. Can you imagine it in a few years time..."so Granddad, what really happened to your finger........" 
Fair point!  Alan P
07 August 2013, 18:30
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GP here. Personally I would have had it seen in A&E / minor injuries unit, as the risk of infection is very real and really wouldn't be fun. Tetanus up to date? No one can make you go, so if you decide against going to hospital, at least give the following a read.
If you find the range of movement in the finger is reduced go to hospital - you might have partially lacerated the extensor tendon and it could rupture - a finger stuck in a flexed position forever is going to get annoying.
You could have damaged the nerve in the finger (they run down the sides and back of the digits) so you could end up with some numbness if you are unlucky. If the finger goes white or cold, it needs to be seen as you may have sliced one of its arteries (bled a lot, didn't it!).
I wouldn't leave sutures in for more than 5-7 days (what did you use?) to try and reduce (!) the risk of infection. At least see a practice nurse for a wound check and to have the sutures out - appointments should be easy to come by. For reference, when we close a wound with sutures we try to halve the wound with each suture - that way you dont have so much tension and are less likely to end up with dog ears at the end of the wound.
Obviously none of this counts as formal medical advice as I haven't seen the finger, but at least give it some thought.
07 August 2013, 19:51
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MMSI: Yeah right!
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Originally Posted by rik_elliott
GP here. P
All perfect sense Doc. Do you do home visits?
07 August 2013, 20:10
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if the infection results in death then let me know
"Life may often suck, but the alternative is unacceptable"
MMSI Sticker
07 August 2013, 20:58
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Originally Posted by Festinghouse
if the infection results in death then let me know 
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
07 August 2013, 21:27
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Originally Posted by rik_elliott
GP here.
Obviously none of this counts as formal medical advice.
Woyt yew rit iz rit inn blak an wite
Az a jeneral practishoner yew noww av a dewty ov cair to de trayler fikser
Ifn iz fingir droops orf yool av too giv im wan ov yors.
mi bowlt cuttirs wil doo de nessesary ampewtashun
de traylor fikser wil av too gett yewsed too de finger wantin too be stuk upp iz owen arrse.
fuk mee crismus leeve wiv noe ankul tagg
Wher doo I beegin?😃
07 August 2013, 21:28
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Look guys, pointing at it wont help him
Come on TG pull your finger out
This threads got me in stitches
Wow TG! that quote was cheep! I think you must have a digit missing.....
Errr, I'll get me coat
12 August 2013, 14:58
Country: UK - England
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Bastards. The lot of you
Actually, thank you all for your constructive advice and pointers. I will ensure that the Landy has a first aid kit installed asap. To include some Loctite 401 and a hair dryer, amongst other things.
Well, you'll be disappointed to learn that I didn't suffer septicaemia, have to lop it off with a pair of bolt cutters (don't put it past me...), drop in to A&E or have it sorted properly.
Being of mixed Celtic heritage I have the fortune of being blessed with the constitution of an Ox, a high pain threshold, and being impervious to rain and cold  Handy with the work I do, but not such a hit with ladies.
The healed/healing digit!
12 August 2013, 15:09
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What did you do to your thumb?
Looks Slow but is Fast
Member of the ebay Blue RIB cover club.
12 August 2013, 15:11
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Hightower
What did you do to your thumb? 
 i wondered if someone might notice! Lord knows - hazard of the job unfortunately!
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