Shaft seal/stuffing box
Hello all.
I'm working on a project at the moment and have come up against a small hurdle.
The boat has a small inboard engine with a sterntube and propshaft.
I need a stuffing box or modern rotating seal type replacement, but am struggling with it being so small.
The propshaft Diameter is only 5/8in and the sterntube only 1,3/64in.
All the ranges I can find at my end of the cost scale start at 3/4in propshaft diameter.
Does anyone have anything hanging around or have any suggestions?
My next move as usual will be to fire up the lathe and make one from scratch, but I'll need some Bars of Brass/Bronze/Ali.
I'm also going to need a 5/8 to 5/8 flexible coupling to join the propshaft to the engine.