04 April 2006, 17:59
Country: UK - Wales
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Should women be allowed to vote?
This is fantastic!!!
Mind you they are Yanks!!!
04 April 2006, 21:07
Now back to being Mollers!
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Originally Posted by codprawn
This is fantastic!!!
Mind you they are Yanks!!!
I sincerely hope our US colleagues don't take this comment from a hypocritical, hyperbolic and punctuationally challenged Welshman too much to heart.
04 April 2006, 21:40
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
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Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by Alice
I sincerely hope our US colleagues don't take this comment from a hypocritical, hyperbolic and punctuationally challenged Welshman too much to heart.
You forgot Hyperactive and Hyperintelligent.........
05 April 2006, 01:06
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
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We can stand the ribbing by Codprawn, speaking of ribbing... Latest update on the Hugh/Codprawn meeting of the ribs? You need to put some pictures up soon... once some of the American contingent on this forum gets some of their boats up and running you might tire of us posting pics and comments. Being Yanks and all, you know how we can be... insufferable lots, rampaging across the internet we invented!
05 April 2006, 02:28
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
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Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by pathalla
We can stand the ribbing by Codprawn, speaking of ribbing... Latest update on the Hugh/Codprawn meeting of the ribs? You need to put some pictures up soon... once some of the American contingent on this forum gets some of their boats up and running you might tire of us posting pics and comments. Being Yanks and all, you know how we can be... insufferable lots, rampaging across the internet we invented!
You MAY have invented the "internet" but the problem is what everyone calls the internet is actually the World Wide Web which was invented by a British chap called Tim Berners Lee.
He created WWW - HTML - websites - the whole lot - if it wasn't for him we would still be using telnet!!!
05 April 2006, 02:54
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
Boat name: War Machine
Make: Falcon U.S.A.
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Posts: 936
Telnet... didn't a Scot by the name of Bell invent that? Wait.. I am mistaken.. he invented the telephone! Once he moved To the United States. Now who gets to claim that invention? Draw?
05 April 2006, 03:10
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
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Engine: Suzuki DT225
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Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by pathalla
Telnet... didn't a Scot by the name of Bell invent that? Wait.. I am mistaken.. he invented the telephone! Once he moved To the United States. Now who gets to claim that invention? Draw?
Often the original inventor is forgotten and the most successful businessman is the winner.
For example Eddison is often credited with inventing the electric lightbulb when it was Joseph Swan about 20yrs earlier!!!
Also Singer didn't invent the sewing machine and Hoover didn't invent the vacuum cleaner - nobody remembers the poor buggers who did!!!
05 April 2006, 03:12
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
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Posts: 12,791
Coming back to your original question - weather has been really bad here for a while - seems to be at least a force 6 everyday. Have also been waiting for some dials to be fitted and for some time off work.
Should be picking up my boat in about 7 - 10 days - I hope!!!
05 April 2006, 03:15
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
Boat name: War Machine
Make: Falcon U.S.A.
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Posts: 936
I bet there are a lot of poor bastards throughout history who did not get the credit they deserve for inventions/contributions they made. Much less the money...
05 April 2006, 03:18
Country: USA
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Posts: 936
Originally Posted by codprawn
Coming back to your original question - weather has been really bad here for a while - seems to be at least a force 6 everyday. Have also been waiting for some dials to be fitted and for some time off work.
Should be picking up my boat in about 7 - 10 days - I hope!!!
Look forward to seeing additional pictures/posts. I am sure you are feeling as antsy about your boat as I am about mine, actually probably much more so as it is new to you, I ran my boat about six weeks last year, Winter is too damn long!!!!
05 April 2006, 03:29
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
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Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by pathalla
Look forward to seeing additional pictures/posts. I am sure you are feeling as antsy about your boat as I am about mine, actually probably much more so as it is new to you, I ran my boat about six weeks last year, Winter is too damn long!!!!
Tell me about it - people don't realise just how far north Britain is - even our Southern most point is as far North as the Hudson Bay!!!
You may have read about the hosepipe bans in the SE of England - on the west coast - especially here in Wales we get 100mph+ winds and rain for much of the year. It can be really nice in the Summer though - for about 2.5 months!!!
14 April 2006, 12:34
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 54
Yanks on the forum.....I love um !
When I was in the Royal marines we loved to work with the USMC, they used to come up to us and say gee fella, what does that RM on your shoulder stand for ?
Of course the reply was "Real Marine !"
When we were in action the USMC jarhead would carry out any command. My old sergeant major would tell me "Sir a word please....don't be a twat, if you do that some of the guys will get killed!....do it this way......"
My later reply of course..."OK guy's I have had a better idea....." the old Sergeant major just winked , that was good enough for me and no one got wasted, that wink was worth a million pounds !
Still you got to love the yanks without them we would be goose stepping onto our ribs !
14 April 2006, 12:53
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
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Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by Bootneck
Yanks on the forum.....I love um !
Still you got to love the yanks without them we would be goose stepping onto our ribs !
No not quite!!! Nothing against the Yanks who fought and died with us though!!!
Britain stood alone during the worst time of the war - after the Battle of Britain there was NO chance of a German invasion. Britian controlled the air and the sea.
Now I am not saying we would have had the might to overthrow the Germans on our own - but we would not have been invaded - being an island is quite useful.
14 April 2006, 13:53
Country: UK - England
Town: Nottingham
Boat name: Boxer
Make: Quicksilver 450R
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Engine: Mariner 50
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 54
Interesting hypothesis ;
Sounds good, however without the Liberty ships, UK / US Merchant navy, lend / lease, protection in US waters for our ships, special relationships, US Eagle Sqd and moral fibre etc etc. The guy with the small tash would have left us to rot, then a few years later after taking the USSR he would have steam rolled us.
14 April 2006, 16:03
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Nah, the USSR was already mincing the German army before D-day. Without the yanks I think the Iron Curtain would have been as far as France-but not here.
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14 April 2006, 21:34
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
Length: 8m +
Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by Bootneck
Interesting hypothesis ;
Sounds good, however without the Liberty ships, UK / US Merchant navy, lend / lease, protection in US waters for our ships, special relationships, US Eagle Sqd and moral fibre etc etc. The guy with the small tash would have left us to rot, then a few years later after taking the USSR he would have steam rolled us.
To take that hypothesis even further I honestly believe that if the Yanks hadn't entered the war Britain would have ended up dropping a nuclear bomb on Berlin in about 1946 - 1947. After all we gave all our research projects over to the Americans - Radar - Jets and Nuclear. ICI actually patented all the processes for building a reactor but it didn't get them anywhere!!!
Also remember Britain had to PAY for most of what we had - why did we go from being a Superpower to where we are today? Because 2 World Wars brought us to our knees - the price of freedom!!!
The Yanks I really admire were the ones who started coming over to fight whilst their government sat on the fence!!! Like the Eagle squadrons you mentioned!!!
I am NOT trying to belittle all the Americans who died during the war - I just get annoyed with the British people who think we didn't stand a chance on our own or that we ONLY won because Hitler made mistakes etc!!!
It has been proved time and time again that the country who has air superiority wins the battle.
15 April 2006, 02:58
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
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Make: Falcon U.S.A.
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Posts: 936
Pearl Harbor changed everything. If Japan had attacked Russia rather than the U.S. the complexion of things would have been entirely different. When Germany invaded Russia they bit off more than they could chew. Germany had 60% of their troops committed to the Russian front. German troops were within 5-10 miles of Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad in 1941. Russia received a great deal of help in lend lease during the war in terms of machinery, steel, etc. If Japan had not attacked Pearl Harbor... the U.S. may not have gotten involved. The United States never declared war on Germany, Germany declared war on the U.S. due to our declaration of war on Japan. Russia would have probably lost a two front War with Germany and Japan without U.S. help. If Germany had won the ground war with Russia Britain would probably have had to sue for peace as the Nazi's would have had practically the whole of Europe. Add in continued development of V-1s V-2's and then the logical progression to a V-3'S, V-4's, Jet fighter's etc. etc. Germany was not shy when it came to new weapons technology... Take Russia out of the war everything could have been different. But the U.S. probably would not have let anything happen to Britain. WE LIKE YOU GUYS TOO MUCH!!! After all, you kicked our ASS constantly during the Revolutionary war and then basically lost interest and let us have our country. Thanks guys!
15 April 2006, 03:04
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
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Engine: Suzuki DT225
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 12,791
The V1s - V2s etc were flashy examples of propoganda that weren't really very effective. A plane carried a much bigger bombload and was much cheaper. In fact we can be greatfull that the Germans diverted their attention to such loony projects!!!
15 April 2006, 03:05
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
Boat name: War Machine
Make: Falcon U.S.A.
Length: 9m +
Engine: twin 250 Yamaha
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 936
Hey Cod, They were the first missiles, like it or not Germany was at the forefront of technology in wide use today, Missiles!
15 April 2006, 03:11
Country: USA
Town: Punta gorda Fl.
Boat name: War Machine
Make: Falcon U.S.A.
Length: 9m +
Engine: twin 250 Yamaha
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 936
Where are your latest boat pictures anyhow Codprawn? I am going to start posting new pics of you know what next week. Better get them up here on RIbnet.
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