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Old 02 August 2016, 18:13   #21
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Originally Posted by JA1000 View Post
So to clarify - photo was taken from the passenger seat so those accusations can be retracted.

As for putting it on social media what a load of rubbish, this person was wrong and breaking the law end of - if it raises awareness we may just have saved someone some points / fine

Good spot on the matrix got the photo in before this point but after 5 miles following from a way back watching him make no attempt to move out of that lane but only able to get photo at this point.

Comments regarding middle lane hoggers totally agree
Scenario time after time you pull up behind someone in the middle lane not allowed into 3rd lane towing and they won't pull over - I politely use the lights to make them aware and they still don't get it - thick!!

Did he actually inconvenience/hinder/cause you to change your driving position, or did he pass you as normal & just happen to be towing a trailer? What's your beef apart from he was technically in the wrong? The reason that trailers aren't allowed in the 3rd lane is because they are restricted to 60mph & would impede overtaking. This harks back to the days of unbraked trailers, no ABS/stability programs, leaf springs,drum brakes hard shoulders etc. We are progressively doing away with hard shoulders, vans that are limited to 60mph on dual carriage ways, have more stopping power than the Citroen Saxo driven by the spotty youth that screams past them( my VW transporter T32 has all round 18" double ventilated discs FFS) in 10 years we will see autonomous vehicles on the road. So some bloke passes you in the 3rd lane, I'll put a pound to a pinch of Chinese poo that he wasn't doing more than 60mph, get over it, and yersel😄

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Old 02 August 2016, 18:29   #22
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Originally Posted by matt h View Post
Yep me too. Its normally mr and mrs average that blocks lane with a complete disregard for any ribnobber who happens to be on the same road!
It would be awesome to have a mega blunderbuss and blast them off the planet. Bloody lane blockers. Dont give a toss about anyone else!

As for putting it on social media what a load of rubbish, this person was wrong and breaking the law end of - if it raises awareness we may just have saved someone some points / fine

Have you ever driven at 71mph? Course not. Posting this is wrong!!

Yet to see anyone or hear of any one pulled for lane hogging under this crackdown on it though
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Old 02 August 2016, 19:38   #23
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Originally Posted by JA1000 View Post
Yet to see anyone or hear of any one pulled for lane hogging under this crackdown on it though

My cousin is a motorway cop, he regularly hands out tickets for middle lane hoggers, inconsiderate driving. Makes my day when he lets me know he's done another😄

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Old 02 August 2016, 20:15   #24
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I don't believe it's unsafe to tow a well Maintained trailer at over 60 behind a modern vehicle, in a straight line, on a motorway.

It's not legal that's true. Neither is 80mph in a car, or 35 round town.

I understand you can (I do) tow in the 3rd lane if there's 4 lanes, or even the 4th lane on the m25 when there is 5... It's the outside lane of 3 or more that's prohibited and even then it's allowed in slow moving traffic.

I'm not a traffic cop but when the general traffic slows to less than maybe 50/60 i consider it acceptable if I can keep up with the fast lane to be in it towing.
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Old 02 August 2016, 20:35   #25
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Originally Posted by Daniel View Post
I don't believe it's unsafe to tow a well Maintained trailer at over 60 behind a modern vehicle, in a straight line, on a motorway.

It's not legal that's true. Neither is 80mph in a car, or 35 round town.

I understand you can (I do) tow in the 3rd lane if there's 4 lanes, or even the 4th lane on the m25 when there is 5... It's the outside lane of 3 or more that's prohibited and even then it's allowed in slow moving traffic.

I'm not a traffic cop but when the general traffic slows to less than maybe 50/60 i consider it acceptable if I can keep up with the fast lane to be in it towing.
I'd agree with all of the above
Sometimes a little discretion is not a bad thing
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Old 03 August 2016, 20:33   #26
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Nothing wrong with posting the photo it's in a public place perfectly legal, towing in 3rd lane well big deal.

Relax you'll live longer...
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Old 13 August 2016, 22:04   #27
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Originally Posted by Daniel View Post
I don't believe it's unsafe to tow a well Maintained trailer at over 60 behind a modern vehicle, in a straight line, on a motorway.

Whether or not YOU believe this, doesn't make doing it when it's contrary to the law, right or acceptable.

I wouldn't want to risk my passengers, other road users or my boat by having to brake very hard at 60mph++when towing - you can't predict what the trailer will do (or what situation other drivers might put you in). Even on a motorway you are not always driving "in a straight line"

How do you know the trailer's well maintained - bearings can fail unexpectedly, or know your real ability to control the rig if you have to brake hard and unexpectedly.

It's the sort of argument "I'm a good driver so normal laws designed for others less capable than me don't apply." I don't agree, and am speaking with 30 years experience in the transport industry and used to dealing with 44t semi trailers - much more than a rib behind me. I've seen the impact of excessive speed / poor handling within the industry. Stick to the rules, it doesn't cost much time.

Now climbs off soapbox.

Member of the Macmillan Round the Isle of Wight Club
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