21 October 2012, 22:07
Country: UK - England
Town: Ashton-under-Lyne Lancs
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Originally Posted by huntsman81
The main killer on the A9 is people still thinking they are on a dual carriageway when it is single and they have a head on. Are you sure it was dual carriageway? I would suggest you have been nabbed because your doing 71 on a single carriageway.
Best of luck
Could this be the case then Muz7 ??
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
21 October 2012, 23:15
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Posts: 1,012
Confession, I was caught on fixed cam doing 82 on a marked 60 nat speed sign duel carrage, the steel barrier type, but the summons said 82 on a 70,  so I didn't argue. also pic'd doing 38 in a 30 approching Blakpool where the signs seem to alter from 40 to 30 to 40 every few hundred yrd,  on another occasion can't say where overtook poli doing 95  on M way and got headlamp flash to slow down but not pulled or done  . another occasion near the German border no poli round reached 135 and though this ain't for me   , slowed down to 90 and thought that's a reasonable speed. now I drive the 4x4's everywhere I don't feel the need to go any faster that 60.  There we go I feel better i've got that off my vest.
22 October 2012, 05:36
Country: UK - England
Town: Sticks, N.Yorks
Boat name: Tamanco
Make: Honwave 3.5AE
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Posts: 1,177
I find it difficult to speed on the A1 (70) in my defender 90 TDi but manage it easily in the ML 
As I said in an earlier post we all speed sometimes & hate to get caught/fined/points but it did slow me down for a while. 
I don't think it helps when you hear of police officers getting off stating they didn't know who was driving at the time or celebrities with loads of cash getting off on an obscure technicality that the rest of us can't afford !!! 
Heading off to see some grouse shot today so I'd better keep an eye on my speed on the A1.............
22 October 2012, 13:18
Country: UK - England
Town: macclessfield
Boat name: Reach Out
Make: Quicksilver
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Posts: 301
There are not many vehicle types that are suppost to do 70mph on a dual carriage way....... only cars / small vans based on cars... So every transit or VW / merc van you see doing over 60 (except on the motorway) is speeding....
transit connect is also a real commercial van so max 60mph on a d.c. ...
Type of Vehicle Built-up Areas, Single Carriageways, Dual Carriageways, Motorways .
Cars (including car derived vans up to 2 tonnes maximum laden weight) 30, 60, 70, 70
Cars towing caravans or trailers (including car delivery vans) 30, 50, 60, 60
Buses and coaches (not exceeding 12 metres in overall length) 30, 50, 60, 70
Goods vehicles (not exceeding 7.5 tonnes maximum laden weight) 30, 50, 60, 70 (60 if articulated or towing a trailer)
Goods vehicles (exceeding 7.5 tonnes maximum laden weight) 30, 40, 50, 60
These are the national speed limits and apply to all roads unless signs show otherwise.
‘Car-derived’ vans weigh no more than 2 tonnes when loaded and are based on car designs, for example:
Ford Fiesta van
Vauxhall Astra van
Fiat Punto van
Peugeot 207 van
Renault Clio van
Every HGV you see doing over 40 on a normal A road is speeding...
To get a ticket for 71, you may have had an indicated speed a fair bit higher on your dash... I feel for a competent driver getting a ticket, but this is a case were the law is clear and for good reason....
22 October 2012, 18:03
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: stramash
Make: Tornado
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Engine: Etec 90
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Posts: 5,090
Originally Posted by huntsman81
Are you sure it was dual carriageway? I would suggest you have been nabbed because your doing 71 on a single carriageway. Double check your location
Quite certain now, (Location311 North Bound) I had thought 71 was fine at that point because I didnt know a Gatso could distinguish between a car and car+trailer and 71 would not trigger the camera, usually a car going over 80 would for sure though, and I still never saw a flash in my mirror and being an HGV driver you have a second sense of your mirrors 24/7
Originally Posted by huntsman81
The main killer on the A9 is people still thinking they are on a dual carriageway when it is single and they have a head on.
Its certainly one of them, but also, its quite a tiresome drive, most people are going from central Scotland to Inverness or beyond (cos there aint much in between) and driver fatigue plays a huge part, which requires a 2-3 hours stint that a lot of people do non stop to get from A to B, and their skills get jaded after a few hours, they should stop for a leg stretch more often , it really does a world of good.
A lot of accidents are caused just by generaly bad drivers, such as people who get frustrated at those that overtake them, and they wont let them into the traffic stream, that is hugely dangerous.
Personally I usually prefer to wait for the dual carriageway sections for overtaking because its safer, but on this road, even thats not the answer because, when they finally arrive, you get a string of cars either doing 90+ to get past the slower ones, or all 10 in a string(say) move to the offside lane to get past an HGV 1 mile ahead  and by the time you get there the dual section has ended
Also in this scenario, If you are overtaking on a dual carriageway another major problem is the driver half asleep , who doesnt check his mirrors and he's doing 50 and pulls out in front of you as you are approaching overtaking
Over the 30 odd years Ive been driving (Agri stuff ,HGV's cars trailers you name it) this will only be my second endorsement, and in that time. I have seen some horrendous driving, just last week on the same road I watched in horror as a car overtook on a blind bend, and any HGV driver will tell you, the idiotic things people do just to get past you.
As some people seem to think here, I'm definately not against doing my 'bird' , I'm an experienced driver, as I'm sure most of us are.. the main point of this thread was to acertain the 'face on' question which we've now answered, (for now) but as it appears, a more important issue is to highlight the ever increasing sneakyness of the states methods of catching us out, even those that tow, in the hope of some of you avoiding what I have found out the hard way.
The pious may scoff and proclaim sticking to the limit where ever you go is the only way, and that they themselves would never error, but for all we know, the guy I overtook in post # 1 speeded up when I overtook him, and acted just like one of the idiots I outlined above...you'd better believe it happens
03 November 2012, 17:07
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
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Posts: 5,090
Well tank fook .... the NIP was aquired on my journey North on the A9 .. I had to wait for 14 days after my journey South to make sure I didnt get another one on the way south as well,  as I went through a similiar amount of cameras at the same speed including a mobile van unit at the side of the road. The offence has to be notified within 14 days of it taking place for the NIP to be valid. So hopefully it should just be 3 points and a £60 fine.
It would sure be an easy thing to lose your licence in one trip
The next big push by the cops seems to be using/handling mobile phones, up our way even unmarked cars are being used to collar drivers, and thats gonna get you 3 points and a £60 fine too. Even just handling the phone could get you a 'Not in control of your vehicle' tug
I have to say, from a truck drivers perspective I see people using them or texting all the time and clearly unaware of whats going on round about them.
I have to say the next biggest risk on the roads that I see, are private hire taxi drivers,  doing monumental shifts, without regulation. I was in one that scared me shitless last night, suspension shot to pieces and rattling like an old tin can .. and managed to almost run up the ar$e of a stationary vehicle ..  when do you think they will get fitted with tachos ?
20 November 2012, 21:56
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Glasgow
Boat name: stramash
Make: Tornado
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Engine: Etec 90
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Posts: 5,090
Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
So hopefully it should just be 3 points and a £60 fine. 
Finally, the Conditional offer of fixed penalty came in yesterday .. I'm glad the drones at central processing looked upon me as a good character cannon fodder  3 points it is  Ive seen me go faster in a fooking lay by tho
21 November 2012, 10:49
Country: UK - N Ireland
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Posts: 265
Is it legal to break a speed limit when overtaking ?
my understanding is: no
22 November 2012, 10:52
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by T 15
Is it legal to break a speed limit when overtaking ?
my understanding is: no
I'm sure when I passed my test, yonks ago, you were allowed to speed momentarily in order to overtake. That's probably changed now. Or I'm talking bollix
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
22 November 2012, 11:24
Country: France
Town: Huisnes sur Mer
Boat name: Raufoss
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mercury 50
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 789
A few years ago now (2004) i was "done" leaving Portsmouth.
I was driving Mrs's Anchorhandlers car at the time and, although i was only doing 40....it was in a 30 limit (although to this day i still think it looks like and should be a 40, central reservation barrier's etc... see picture)
Anyway, Mrs Ancnhorhandler recieved letter of intent informing her that, in no uncertain terms, SHE was driving the vehicle at the time.....
I decided to challenge this and requested the photographic evidence in order to prove that she was actually driving, even though i knew damn well it was me.
The photo was duly sent out to me and, well....see for yourself. If you can make out whether the driver is male or female then your a better person than me because i was fu*ked if i could!
So i wrote letter after letter trying to fight this saying that we could not remember who was driving but each time we were told that it is our responsibility to know who is driving our vehicles at any given date and time.
We backed away from taking it to court but thinking back about it now, I wish i had done. How can the Police prosecute someone for anything, be it a speeding fine or someting more serious when THEY cannot prove for certain who actually commited the offence???
If it happened to me again i would be tempted to take it to court for sure.
Anyway, Mrs Anchorhandler paid the fine but luckilly, being French she never recieved any points as it is not possible to endorse a foreign licence.
C'est pas l'homme qui prend la mer, c'est la mer qui prend l'homme....
22 November 2012, 11:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Ashton-under-Lyne Lancs
Boat name: IMOGEN
Make: Air-Craft 5.4
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MMSI: 235087492
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Posts: 7,078
Originally Posted by Anchorhandler
A few years ago now (2004) i was "done" leaving Portsmouth.
I was driving Mrs's Anchorhandlers car at the time and, although i was only doing 40....it was in a 30 limit (although to this day i still think it looks like and should be a 40, central reservation barrier's etc... see picture)
Anyway, Mrs Ancnhorhandler recieved letter of intent informing her that, in no uncertain terms, SHE was driving the vehicle at the time.....
I decided to challenge this and requested the photographic evidence in order to prove that she was actually driving, even though i knew damn well it was me.
The photo was duly sent out to me and, well....see for yourself. If you can make out whether the driver is male or female then your a better person than me because i was fu*ked if i could!
So i wrote letter after letter trying to fight this saying that we could not remember who was driving but each time we were told that it is our responsibility to know who is driving our vehicles at any given date and time.
We backed away from taking it to court but thinking back about it now, I wish i had done. How can the Police prosecute someone for anything, be it a speeding fine or someting more serious when THEY cannot prove for certain who actually commited the offence???
If it happened to me again i would be tempted to take it to court for sure.
Anyway, Mrs Anchorhandler paid the fine but luckilly, being French she never recieved any points as it is not possible to endorse a foreign licence.
Looks like the person driving is wearing a beret and has a string of onions round his neck
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
22 November 2012, 12:27
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 12,210
Originally Posted by Anchorhandler
A few years ago now (2004) i was "done" leaving Portsmouth.
I was driving Mrs's Anchorhandlers car at the time and, although i was only doing 40....it was in a 30 limit (although to this day i still think it looks like and should be a 40, central reservation barrier's etc... see picture)
Anyway, Mrs Ancnhorhandler recieved letter of intent informing her that, in no uncertain terms, SHE was driving the vehicle at the time.....
I decided to challenge this and requested the photographic evidence in order to prove that she was actually driving, even though i knew damn well it was me.
The photo was duly sent out to me and, well....see for yourself. If you can make out whether the driver is male or female then your a better person than me because i was fu*ked if i could!
So i wrote letter after letter trying to fight this saying that we could not remember who was driving but each time we were told that it is our responsibility to know who is driving our vehicles at any given date and time.
We backed away from taking it to court but thinking back about it now, I wish i had done. How can the Police prosecute someone for anything, be it a speeding fine or someting more serious when THEY cannot prove for certain who actually commited the offence???
If it happened to me again i would be tempted to take it to court for sure.
Anyway, Mrs Anchorhandler paid the fine but luckilly, being French she never recieved any points as it is not possible to endorse a foreign licence.
When my French friend visits us, he ignores speed cameras, never pays to park & just acts like.....well....french  He's never had a ticket from the UK. I, on the other hand, have been had twice in France, they don't take prisoners over there. They literally "frog marched" me to a cash machine & I paid up on the spot. Pity they weren't that keen in 1939
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
22 November 2012, 13:26
Country: France
Town: Huisnes sur Mer
Boat name: Raufoss
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: Mercury 50
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 789
Originally Posted by kerny
Looks like the person driving is wearing a beret and has a string of onions round his neck 
 Sacré Bleu!
As i typed the post i thought to myself..." I bet that Kerny rips into me for this" and bang on cue........
Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
When my French friend visits us, he ignores speed cameras, never pays to park & just acts like.....well....french  He's never had a ticket from the UK. I, on the other hand, have been had twice in France, they don't take prisoners over there. They literally "frog marched" me to a cash machine & I paid up on the spot. Pity they weren't that keen in 1939 
 Yep, been there also... Was nearly done for "delie de fuite" (evading arrest) a few years ago.... Failed to stop at a stop sign that the Gendarmes were stood next to while they checked for seatbelts....(I know,... i was tired  ) I had only just pulled out of a nearby car park as i approached them and, in my effort to quickly put me seatbelt on...forgot to stop at the junction causing an oncomming 4x4 to brake rather urgently  ...
Anyway, while the "men of weapons" ran for their Transit van i sped off and hid at the service entrance at the back of a nearby Ibis hotel (not very discretly either as i was driving a red Renault Traffic van with a full roof gallery and the same british reg you see in the speed camera picture)
Neadless to say they caught up to me and, just like you PD, marched me into a nearby Carrefour in order to withdraw 90euros's. Still, at least i didnt get points though  .
I suppose you have to ask which country is doing right though, i for one wouldn't mind if foreighners in the UK were treated the same and for that reason didnt complain too much when i was 'done".
C'est pas l'homme qui prend la mer, c'est la mer qui prend l'homme....
22 November 2012, 13:29
RIBnet supporter
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Originally Posted by Anchorhandler
A few years ago now (2004) i was "done" leaving Portsmouth.
I was driving Mrs's Anchorhandlers car at the time and, although i was only doing 40....it was in a 30 limit (although to this day i still think it looks like and should be a 40, central reservation barrier's etc... see picture)
Anyway, Mrs Ancnhorhandler recieved letter of intent informing her that, in no uncertain terms, SHE was driving the vehicle at the time.....
I decided to challenge this and requested the photographic evidence in order to prove that she was actually driving, even though i knew damn well it was me.
The photo was duly sent out to me and, well....see for yourself. If you can make out whether the driver is male or female then your a better person than me because i was fu*ked if i could!
So i wrote letter after letter trying to fight this saying that we could not remember who was driving but each time we were told that it is our responsibility to know who is driving our vehicles at any given date and time.
We backed away from taking it to court but thinking back about it now, I wish i had done. How can the Police prosecute someone for anything, be it a speeding fine or someting more serious when THEY cannot prove for certain who actually commited the offence???
If it happened to me again i would be tempted to take it to court for sure.
Anyway, Mrs Anchorhandler paid the fine but luckilly, being French she never recieved any points as it is not possible to endorse a foreign licence.
Simon there was a Tory MP and his wife who had the same issue and court could not find against them as I recall as prosecution have to prove offence and you do not have to incriminate yourself by telling them! Interesting
22 November 2012, 13:39
Country: UK - England
Town: Sticks, N.Yorks
Boat name: Tamanco
Make: Honwave 3.5AE
Length: 3m +
Engine: Tohatsu Outboard
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 1,177
A few years ago a police officer used the same defence of 'can't remember' & got off !!! Made the papers.
22 November 2012, 13:43
Country: UK - England
Town: macclessfield
Boat name: Reach Out
Make: Quicksilver
Length: 4m +
Engine: 30hp Tohatsu EFI
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 301
I have seen;::::::::::::
points -- 'from 2013 any country can enforce them via the dvla on your UK licence'.
Law in now that the registered keeper of the car will be fined unless someone else owns up to speeding...... Vehicle manager of a company maybe liable for the fine if they can not proove who is driving a company car....!
22 November 2012, 14:42
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
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Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Originally Posted by C2 RIBS
Simon there was a Tory MP and his wife who had the same issue and court could not find against them as I recall as prosecution have to prove offence and you do not have to incriminate yourself by telling them! Interesting
It's not quite as easy as that, and there's the possibility of being done for failing to identify the driver. The friendly camera people seem to be getting a bit more organised now and are taking a harder line about taking these cases to court rather than just making them go away like they used to a few years ago.
As ever, with all things speeding ticket related you are best off reading up the latest info at pepipoo.com
22 November 2012, 14:49
RIBnet supporter
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
As ever, with all things speeding ticket related you are best off reading up the latest info at pepipoo.com
Totally agree John
22 November 2012, 15:42
Country: UK - England
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Make: Pac 22 & Porter 6.5
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Posts: 681
The latest thing in these parts is the onslaught of community volunteers, who the Police have armed with a radar gun, clip boards and Hi Vis jackets. These are the busy bodies who have nothing better to do than be a pain in the ass. The local ones all act like nazis and let their mates off but report everyone else. I got busted in the next village doing 37 in a 30 about the 6th car in a long line of cars going both directions. As I approached them, they were both futiously scribbling on their clipboards with neither of them actually using the gun. 3 weeks later I received a letter advising me that my car had been clocked doing 37 through the village and that I was not being prosecuted but was being shown a yellow card that would now be a black mark against me and that they were now operating the "football" system of yellow then red cards!
I contacted the local cop responsible (3 phone messages and an e mail before I got a reply) complaining that these wankers weren't even using the gun, they were estimating speeds and were busy clocking every plate they could. There has been a movement to try and get the speed reduced to 20 MPH in the village and I believe they are simply pumping the numbers to help their cause. When I asked what he was going to do about it as I objected to having a black mark against me unfairly, he said he wasn't prepared to do anything
They had better have their running shoes on next time I see them in action, I will have that gun off them!
22 November 2012, 16:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Wakefield
Boat name: Bouncer
Make: Redbay Stormforce
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A friend of mine got done on the A1 single lane doing 54 mph in his truck so he didn't hold traffic up to much,but now he goes up there at 45 mph and has a long Q of frustrated drivers
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