Originally Posted by codprawn
Well I think it's perfectly reasonable. Blair has done a wonderful job and to allow disgusting things like this would be a massive leap backwards to what a terrible place this country used to be. Roll on Nu Britain!!!
Alternatively we could maybe suspend our Daily Mail reading tendencies for long enough to consider whether there could possibly be more to this story. We could consider whether, perhaps, the book's creative director might not be entirely impartial in her comments. I agree that the BBC is not as sensationalist as some news sources, but even they might prefer to spice up a non-story to fill a bit of space.
Perhaps it would be worth seeing what Becta have to say about it before our collective blood pressure goes through the roof. In aboout 30 seconds we could find that, lo and behold, their take on the matter is slightly different:
"The reason The Three Little Cowboy Builders, from Shoo Fly Publishing was not shortlisted was that it failed to reach the required standard across a number of criteria. The feedback makes clear that the issues highlighted were a small selection from a much broader range of comments which in the round make clear why the product did not win. In particular, the product was not sufficiently convincing on curriculum and innovation grounds to be shortlisted." http://news.becta.org.uk/display.cfm...4D39FFC0FDA788
At the very least there are two sides to a story, but I wouldn't want to get in the way of anyone's ranting. In
the right place of course!