05 June 2008, 16:18
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Also remember there are basically only 2 people to blame for the current oil price - Bush and Blair. Without the iraq war oil would be $45 a barrel now - remove out tax as well and you are looking at 25p per litre.......................
05 June 2008, 16:25
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Also remember there are basically only 2 people to blame for the current oil price - Bush and Blair. Without the iraq war oil would be $45 a barrel now - remove out tax as well and you are looking at 25p per litre.......................
So the Chinese and Indian economies have nothing to do with it? Get real.
05 June 2008, 16:41
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The government are rubbing their hands right now, because the oil hike is returning huge amounts of revenue that is filling up their coffers, which due to poor fiscal policy over the last few years, were being emptied fast. Darling was struggleing with his last budget to balance the books, what with public spending and government borrowing had overshot its targets, again, so at the moment, it is in their best interest to do nothing, as the extra revenue is filling in what the treasury has miscalculated for, as I see it.
Until public protest shows them the door,and threatens them with being an opposition party they will do nothing. So with a GE not far round the corner, the chance to apply leverage at the moment is good.
05 June 2008, 17:08
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
The government are rubbing their hands right now, because the oil hike is returning huge amounts of revenue that is filling up their coffers, which due to poor fiscal policy over the last few years, were being emptied fast. Darling was struggleing with his last budget to balance the books, what with public spending and government borrowing had overshot its targets, again, so at the moment, it is in their best interest to do nothing, as the extra revenue is filling in what the treasury has miscalculated for, as I see it.
Until public protest shows them the door,and threatens them with being an opposition party they will do nothing. So with a GE not far round the corner, the chance to apply leverage at the moment is good.
I don't want to, but I am having a really hard time not agreeing with that.
Does that make sense?
05 June 2008, 19:49
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
The government are rubbing their hands right now, because the oil hike is returning huge amounts of revenue that is filling up their coffers, which due to poor fiscal policy over the last few years, were being emptied fast. Darling was struggleing with his last budget to balance the books, what with public spending and government borrowing had overshot its targets, again, so at the moment, it is in their best interest to do nothing, as the extra revenue is filling in what the treasury has miscalculated for, as I see it.
Until public protest shows them the door,and threatens them with being an opposition party they will do nothing. So with a GE not far round the corner, the chance to apply leverage at the moment is good.
I agree.and i think you have hit the nail on the head,the country is broke and its not going to be long before they shaft us even more with yet another stealth tax,not to mention car tax (rfl)
05 June 2008, 19:59
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Originally Posted by Hightower
Because we're British.....We wouldn't want to create any fuss you know!
 Aaaaaahhhhhhhh, this really makes my blood boil, only the british would hold a fuel protest on a Sunday, the French blockade ports and bring the country and Kent (operation stack) to a standstill. What do we do, hold a peaceful protest on a Sunday at Midday.
I do not believe it, I totally agree with Codprawn on this, the Government need to be shown the level of feeling about this and they will not see it at the weekend when they are having a lovely time at their weekend retreats in the country, they will not care.
The protest SHOULD take place mid week and should involve all drivers, not just truckers, we are all struggling. People should take the day off work to register their anger.
Apathy is killing this country, people look at the fuel prices rising and say they don't like it but then just carry on paying it. The cost of living is getting worse day by day.
Gordon Brown says he may look at not increasing the fuel duty later in the year. NO, he should be looking at reducing it now.
We have got to do something more than a weekend protest, but any protest must be peaceful.
Well thats it off my chest, thanks for listening
05 June 2008, 20:03
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Also remember there are basically only 2 people to blame for the current oil price - Bush and Blair. Without the iraq war oil would be $45 a barrel now - remove out tax as well and you are looking at 25p per litre.......................
Now I know for certain that you are 'off your rocker"
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
05 June 2008, 20:10
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If you want to protest. How about everyone boycotting Chevron stations for 2 weeks, then BP the next 2 weeks, then Tesco the next 2 weeks It would take some organizing but could easily be done on the internet and media. I bet something will change.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
05 June 2008, 20:18
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Originally Posted by oxboy
The protest SHOULD take place mid week and should involve all drivers, not just truckers, we are all struggling.
No we aren't all struggling, my fuel costs this year will be the same as my fuel costs last year.. My driving habits might have changed slightly though..  I might start struggling if I am unable to do my job properly though.. (Long distance private-hire, average mileage 72000 p/a with fuel costs at £7600 p/a..)
I don't understand what compels a driver to fuel up at a garage that sells its fuel at premium prices.. Those who use over-priced motorway services without exploring other options make me scratch one's head..  The Shell on the Winnall roundabout at Winchester is always a few pence cheaper that the services on the M3.. (And is accessible to HGV's.) Anywhere is cheaper than the two Texaco's on the Chichester by-pass, yet they are always full in the morning, trucks, white vans, cars, etc.. etc..
Have your one day protests by all means, it shows unity, (of sorts, I didn't notice any 'Eddie's' in the last protest, perhaps its because he is concentrating on beating Johnny Foreigner on their own soil.. Talking of which, if it's profitable for Norbert and Willie to keep crossing the Channel, why isn't it profitable for Brit companies to do the same???) But ffs don't start blockading the fuel depots and bring the country to a standstill again..
05 June 2008, 20:26
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Originally Posted by tcwozere
No we aren't all struggling, my fuel costs this year will be the same as my fuel costs last year
I'm alright jack
I repeat Apathy is killing this country
I think we should all be camped outside fuel depots until something is done
05 June 2008, 20:35
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by oxboy
I'm alright jack 
Originally Posted by oxboy
I repeat Apathy is killing this country
Amongst other things.. Holding the country to ransom might kill it as well..  Or it might kill some small businesses who have had the common to change the way they operate so they can still make a profit.. But then, thats another form of apathy in itself.. The protesting motorcyclists didn't give a monkeys who they affected with their go slow this morning.. But I s'pose that sort of apathy is ok..
05 June 2008, 21:15
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Limey Linda
Now I know for certain that you are 'off your rocker" 
I can't believe how naive people are.
Bush and Blair love it when people think it is all down to China and India buying more!!!
The price of $45 a barrel I quoted was INCLUDING the demand from China and India!!! The price before the war started was $14 - yes $14 a barrel...........
05 June 2008, 21:19
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Jono
So the Chinese and Indian economies have nothing to do with it? Get real.
Yes I am getting real.................
Remember unstable markets are the real culprit - it's the same with Gold - it was $200 an ounce before the war - now it's over $1,000!!!
06 June 2008, 21:01
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Originally Posted by greenkeg
I agree.and i think you have hit the nail on the head,the country is broke and its not going to be long before they shaft us even more with yet another stealth tax,not to mention car tax (rfl) 
I think they've hit their limit and they know it...stealth taxes are now a nono . the car tax thing has yet to hit a lot of people because they dont understand its implications.. we do, in part thanks to this forum, and because we are aware, but so help Gordon.. Joe public hasnt got this one yet, but when they do, after all the other hikes .. New Labour will be dead.. what comes after is anyones guess
07 June 2008, 06:32
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
New Labour will be dead.. what comes after is anyones guess 
I think there's a gap for a new party now. The rapid expansion of information availability has meant that there's far more people who ARE aware of what's going on. The way British political parties play around and the sheer arrogance of MPs in thinking they won't get caught leaves the public more and more disgusted with the system.
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07 June 2008, 07:58
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
I think there's a gap for a new party now. The rapid expansion of information availability has meant that there's far more people who ARE aware of what's going on. The way British political parties play around and the sheer arrogance of MPs in thinking they won't get caught leaves the public more and more disgusted with the system.
Which just leads to disaffection, low voter turn out and general apathy, and thats the worst of all outcomes because then some non entity wins more seats not because they are wanted, but because there is no credible alternative.
Public disgust must be at an all time high though, and without going off topic its the Euro MEP's that take the biscuit for doing nothing and getting paid a fortune. The whole Euro gravy train is a wash with money that they cant claim (fiddle) expenses for fast enough ! Its those guys we should really be disgusted at.
Anyway .. back on topic .. I have the answer to Gordon's woes
HMRC charge two different rates of VAT on diesel already .. 5% on red and 17.5% on white
So there is scope to vary the VAT charge levied, If they are making so much extra revenue from the extra tax as the price of a barrel has risen, surely the tax can be varied to take account of this, and not impede those who 'have' to rely on fuel
07 June 2008, 08:14
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7
Which just leads to disaffection, low voter turn out and general apathy, and thats the worst of all outcomes because then some non entity wins more seats not because they are wanted, but because there is no credible alternative.
Normally I'd agree with you but the Crewe by-election had an abnormally high turn out of 64%. I think people are desperately looking for an alternative.
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07 June 2008, 08:31
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Originally Posted by oxboy
I think we should all be camped outside fuel depots until something is done
How about using our boats to blockade the quays where the oil is unloaded?
07 June 2008, 09:53
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Originally Posted by malthouse
How about using our boats to blockade the quays where the oil is unloaded?
what a bloody good idea,we have got pembroke dock and milford down this end,
07 June 2008, 10:11
Country: UK - Channel Islands
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Originally Posted by greenkeg
what a bloody good idea
There would be little disruption to the consumer, but it might just get the oil companies' attention?
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