04 June 2008, 12:41
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Sunday 22nd June National Fuel Protest
The aim to get as many vehicles of whatever age and type, cars, lorries motorbikes and taxis to central locations in the cities to paralyse the road network, hopefully since it's a Sunday more people can turn up, and show that it's not just the truckers that are angry at the situation. We need to show we are serious and want the government to do something, if they do not then we do it again and again and again until the message sticks, let us shake their ivory tower and show that we are reaching our breaking point.
More here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=20777874045
and where it all started here:
London - 11am Heston Services M4 - Then cruise into London at 12noon
Edinburgh - 11am - Corstorphine road and then down towards castle at 12noon
Sheffield - 11am - Meadowhell - Then cruise to centre at 12noon
Brighton - Kingsway for 12noon
More locations being added throughout the day. Sky news, BBC News, Tabloid newspapers, The Independant and The Guardian as well as local radio stations and national radio stations keeping updated.
Posted on over a thousand Club forums. Please come and join this Peaceful protest against fuel rises, it's about time we all did something.
04 June 2008, 16:48
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Would someone explain to me why the "truckers are angry" ? Seems to me all they do is pass the increase straight on to their customers……. Who then pass it on to their customers…you and me…where they can.
So why are the truckers angry? Who are they angry with? The oil producers? The refiners? The suppliers? The commodity brokers? The Government? George “W” for kicking off in Iraq? The Chinese for sucking up everything they can?
04 June 2008, 19:02
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Smaller firms can NOT pass it onto the customers - they have to compete with foreign firms who's running costs are FAR lower.
Many Irish firms operate over here and you have the continental companies running on cheaper fuel and with far lower tax levels.
Why do you think so many haulage firms are going out of business?
04 June 2008, 19:25
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I am fully in favour of the fuel protest - why a Sunday though? A weekday would be much better and most people love any excuse to take a day off work............
04 June 2008, 20:40
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Originally Posted by codprawn
I am fully in favour of the fuel protest - why a Sunday though? A weekday would be much better and most people love any excuse to take a day off work............
Because we're British.....We wouldn't want to create any fuss you know!
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04 June 2008, 20:40
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My nieghbour is a free lance lorry driver , he sugested that instead of protests lorry drivers across the country should just all take a day or two off then we would see what happens .
The french stick together and bring things to a standstill and get what they want but that sort of solidarity has been lost here .
04 June 2008, 21:56
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Jono
Would someone explain to me why the "truckers are angry" ? Seems to me all they do is pass the increase straight on to their customers……. Who then pass it on to their customers…you and me…where they can.
So why are the truckers angry? Who are they angry with? The oil producers? The refiners? The suppliers? The commodity brokers? The Government? George “W” for kicking off in Iraq? The Chinese for sucking up everything they can?
The logistics companies are on contract for x amount per pallet/load/mile.
They can't increase quotes without the contract expiring-and if they go under, we're all f*cked. Try living for a week without something that's been on a truck.
Oh, and we're pretty pissed off that even though we're being royally a***f*cked by the government and the oil companies already, we're going to get hit by yet another tax rise...
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04 June 2008, 22:19
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Originally Posted by Jono
Would someone explain to me why the "truckers are angry" ? Seems to me all they do is pass the increase straight on to their customers……. Who then pass it on to their customers…you and me…where they can.
So why are the truckers angry? Who are they angry with? The oil producers? The refiners? The suppliers? The commodity brokers? The Government? George “W” for kicking off in Iraq? The Chinese for sucking up everything they can?
Let me explain.
I run a minibus shuttle service for a company 7 days a week recently we met to discuss our annual increase, in the past i can normally negotiate around 4% to take into consideration the rate of inflation. I explained the fuel has increased from 92 p a litre this time last year to 125p this year an increase of 34%, as fuel is 18% of cost that equates to 6% just to cover the increase in fuel they however only want to increase the contract by 5%.
If i don't except they will go to tender and someone out there will always go in cheap just to get the contract
04 June 2008, 22:33
Country: UK - England
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i have similar problems . a recent job i quoted for in january just came in and the timber price alone has risen from £15 to 23 a cube . If I put the price up i risk losing the job and work is not that plentiful at present .
05 June 2008, 07:50
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Smaller firms can NOT pass it onto the customers - they have to compete with foreign firms who's running costs are FAR lower.
Many Irish firms operate over here and you have the continental companies running on cheaper fuel and with far lower tax levels.
Why do you think so many haulage firms are going out of business?
Well, seeing as I run a business that is heavily reliant on transport, local, continental and World-wide both for receipt of raw materials and sending out finished products, I feel I am qualified to comment.
Haulage firms are going out of business for several reasons, as I understand it
1) The manufacturing base of the UK has all but disappeared, ergo there are fewer goods to be transported.. less work and similar levels of service providers leads to Basic Economics 101.. supply and demand.
2) Greed. Everyone wants to pay less for more. Hence the huge quantities of goods that come from areas of significantly lower cost. Local goods requiring local services, such as transport, are being made elsewhere, because we are always trying to buy cheaper. Vicious circle, but it’s still down to Basic Economics 101 …
3) I’m in exactly the position you stated as your opening argument, so you’re really agreeing with my position, but why should the Truckers be angrier than I should? I’m willing to bet that if you have a good look around the goods in the average truckers home “Made in China” Etc will appear a lot more times than “Made in the UK”. Hypocrisy at work….
Originally Posted by Nos4r2
The logistics companies are on contract for x amount per pallet/load/mile.
They can't increase quotes without the contract expiring-and if they go under,
Welcome to the world of competitive tendering…fun ain’t it?
Originally Posted by Nos4r2
we're all f*cked. Try living for a week without something that's been on a truck.
That would be a bloody good idea. Let’s rethink our transport strategy and see if we can cut down our reliance on trucks. It would be painful at first, but with the help of sensible, well thought out planning at national and inter-national level, we could work it out. Trouble is, we’re governed by Politicians, who by definition, haven’t got anyone but their own best interests at heart.
Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Oh, and we're pretty pissed off that even though we're being royally a***f*cked by the government and the oil companies already, we're going to get hit by yet another tax rise...
Firstly, yes, you’re right we’re being financially penalised by the Government of the day to fund their own agendas and ambitions. Secondly, you’ve missed out huge groups of people who are responsible for the price of oil going up.
Originally Posted by the bandit
Let me explain.
If i don't except they will go to tender and someone out there will always go in cheap just to get the contract
Competitive tendering, like it or loathe it, there’s always someone willing to do it cheaper. Welcome to the Global economy.
Originally Posted by ian parkes
i have similar problems . a recent job i quoted for in january just came in and the timber price alone has risen from £15 to 23 a cube . If I put the price up i risk losing the job and work is not that plentiful at present .
05 June 2008, 11:31
Country: UK - Wales
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Fewer goods to be transported? Are you serious??? With the massive increase in online shopping etc with the likes of amazon etc there are MORE goods being transported now than ever!
And who are these mysterious people to blame for the price of fuel? In the UK there is only ONE culprit - our stupid greedy government. remember without TAX our fuel would be about 45p per litre - I could live with that as could our haulage firms!!!
If the oil companies started giving away fuel for FREE it would still cost us over 75p per litre because of TAX.
05 June 2008, 13:43
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Fewer goods to be transported? Are you serious??? With the massive increase in online shopping etc with the likes of amazon etc there are MORE goods being transported now than ever!
Think about this.... does it matter if they are bought on-line or in a shop? They still need to be transported, whether it is by carrier from a depot direct to your house or to a shop if you still buy the "old fashioned way". So yes, I’m serious…. Although I was, in fact, referring to manufactured goods in this Country.
Originally Posted by codprawn
And who are these mysterious people to blame for the price of fuel?
They ain’t mysterious at all, in fact if you look at my first post on this thread, I thought I’d listed a few.
Originally Posted by codprawn
In the UK there is only ONE culprit - our stupid greedy government. remember without TAX our fuel would be about 45p per litre - I could live with that as could our haulage firms!!!
If the oil companies started giving away fuel for FREE it would still cost us over 75p per litre because of TAX.
So your argument would appear to be solely with the tax on the fuel, not the net cost at “45p per litre” ? It’s taxation, pure and simple, if they don’t raise the money on fuel, they’ll get it somewhere to be sure. I’ll reiterate by quoting my second post..
Originally Posted by Jono
Trouble is, we’re governed by Politicians, who by definition, haven’t got anyone but their own best interests at heart………
Originally Posted by Jono
we’re being financially penalised by the Government of the day to fund their own agendas and ambitions. …………
Even you wouldn’t object to the cost of fuel, if..and it’s a non-existent, mythical “if”…. The Govt of the day was spending OUR money on things that would truly benefit those who pay into the system or those who genuinely should be helped in a civilised society……….would you?
Oh yeah? ..and for what it's worth, I'm pretty sure that any "new" Govt of this Country will continue the same way..regardless of what it says on the tin....
05 June 2008, 14:27
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We could always re evaluate the way supply chains operate, especially with the retailers. My local Coop sells a large percentage of fresh produce grown, raised or caught within 20 miles. Whereas my (not quite so local) Tesco imports huge percentages of produce from all round the world! They also buy some stuff from local farms. Trouble is, they then ship it to a disti hub 100 miles away before shipping it BACK to the store. I understand the economics of supply chains, but only if the transport cost is not the prime lever. Now it is becoming so, lets encouage local stuff to be sold and bought locally. Not just food.
"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."
- Mario Andretti
05 June 2008, 15:09
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by genoa
We could always re evaluate the way supply chains operate, especially with the retailers. My local Coop sells a large percentage of fresh produce grown, raised or caught within 20 miles. Whereas my (not quite so local) Tesco imports huge percentages of produce from all round the world! They also buy some stuff from local farms. Trouble is, they then ship it to a disti hub 100 miles away before shipping it BACK to the store. I understand the economics of supply chains, but only if the transport cost is not the prime lever. Now it is becoming so, lets encouage local stuff to be sold and bought locally. Not just food.
Try doing just that. You'll see fuel costs rising dramatically. It's not financially viable to move small amounts.
Let me put it this way.
My truck does around 9.5mpg with 28 tonnes of goods onboard.
A transit does around 22mpg with 1.5 tonnes onboard.
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05 June 2008, 15:20
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Try doing just that. You'll see fuel costs rising dramatically. It's not financially viable to move small amounts.
Let me put it this way.
My truck does around 9.5mpg with 28 tonnes of goods onboard.
A transit does around 22mpg with 1.5 tonnes onboard.
..Lead Foot!!  Nah..just kidding..your figures make sense.... right up to the point of driving feckin' big trucks through our antiquated (and we ARE a small heavily populated country) road system..so they don't take into account the impact on our lives generally.... but why would "fuel costs" rise? Don't you mean transport costs?
It still all boils down to us wanting more for less and not being willing to pay the price for "locally produced" goods, be it food or otherwise. I would love to see a rise in consumption of local produce, but economic pressure says that won't happen....
05 June 2008, 15:28
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Jono
..Lead Foot!!  Nah..just kidding..your figures make sense.... right up to the point of driving feckin' big trucks through our antiquated (and we ARE a small heavily populated country) road system..so they don't take into account the impact on our lives generally.... but why would "fuel costs" rise? Don't you mean transport costs?
It still all boils down to us wanting more for less and not being willing to pay the price for "locally produced" goods, be it food or otherwise. I would love to see a rise in consumption of local produce, but economic pressure says that won't happen....
Ok then, transport costs-but we'd still be looking at around a 40-fold (guesstimate) increase in transport costs. The country won't ever be in a state where it can survive that. Least of all now.
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05 June 2008, 15:35
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
Ok then, transport costs-but we'd still be looking at around a 40-fold (guesstimate) increase in transport costs. The country won't ever be in a state where it can survive that. Least of all now.
..but all that extra money would be going into the UK economy..not being "exported"... To the producers and therefore to local workers.. and to the Govt in taxes..including on fuel...
05 June 2008, 15:37
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Jono
..but all that extra money would be going into the UK economy..not being "exported"... To the producers and therefore to local workers.. and to the Govt in taxes..including on fuel...
No it won't. It'll be minimum wage going to migrants who'll be sending it home. It's not possible to live in this country on a van drivers wages unless you're living 3 up in a B&B.
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05 June 2008, 15:44
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2
No it won't. It'll be minimum wage going to migrants who'll be sending it home. It's not possible to live in this country on a van drivers wages unless you're living 3 up in a B&B.
I agree... but it's all down to Government, Greed and Economic basics..and there's only one group of people to blame for that.....us. 
It's a bitch ain't it?
05 June 2008, 15:53
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: The wilds of Wiltshire
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Make: SR5.4
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Originally Posted by Jono
I agree... but it's all down to Government, Greed and Economic basics..and there's only one group of people to blame for that.....us. 
It's a bitch ain't it?
We can't do anything about the 2nd and 3rd though but we can sure as hell put pressure on the 1st...
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