Žaš er svo einfalt aš vera leišindapśki, bara vera žś sjįlfur ķ fżlu.
"It is so easy to be nuisance, just be yourself in bad mood"
En aš sjįlfsögšu ertu velkominn ķ klśbbinn mķn kęra Willowkis
"Ofcourse you are welcome to join the club my dear Willowkis"
Vandamįliš er aš žetta er svo leišinlegur klśbbur til lengdar
"The only problem is this club is so booring in long term"
Flestir žola mann ekki til lengdar og mašur er bannašur
"Most people doesn“t resist for long and you are banned"
Ef žś ert brjįlašur sakar žaš ekki, žś skilur !
"If you are menace it helps, you know !"
Bogi Baldursson