19 June 2009, 09:25
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The Fine Line Between Really Dumb and Astoundingly Stupid...
... has not only been crossed, but has now likely reached a level never previously seen in human history. Behold;
19 June 2009, 09:38
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It's perfect for Rib's though!
19 June 2009, 10:19
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It'll be glass hammers next and a chissel that's just a handle.
19 June 2009, 10:38
Country: UK - Scotland
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And rubber nails..........
19 June 2009, 11:02
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Originally Posted by prairie tuber
... has not only been crossed, but has now likely reached a level never previously seen in human history.
If legislation is passed to ban non-lethal kitchen appliances then it could have interesting ramifications! Not least of which the government's acceptance that they cannot police knife crime and would rather accept it and make the knives "safer".
19 June 2009, 11:06
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Originally Posted by prairie tuber
Think I'm missing a trick here...so, honest, well intentioned measures to try and counter knife crime is to be ridiculed then, is it?
To be honest and candid, I think your post is Really Dumb and Astoundingly Stupid as well as being in awful taste and an insult to all victims of knife crime and their families
19 June 2009, 11:35
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Leapy
Think I'm missing a trick here...so, honest, well intentioned measures to try and counter knife crime is to be ridiculed then, is it?
Yes, completely, it's PC bullsh1t and a waste of breath...
"Knife crime" - there's a term to conjure with in a bright new future -
How about "Screwdriver crime" and "Steel capped boot crime" and "Fist crime" or say, "Hammer crime". Ha! - it's the wee scroats that are the problem, not their weapon of choice, which will be the nearest sharp/heavy/blunt object - hard to stop that kind of "Thought Crime", hey - there's a good one
The rozzer who wants to decommission my set of Wustof Tridents will have to prise them from my cold dead hands
Mind the step getting off that PC horse
19 June 2009, 11:52
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by willk
Yes, completely, it's PC bullsh1t and a waste of breath...
The more I think about this guff, the crosser it's making me. I think I may be channelling Codprawn.
One of the first tools early humans made was a stone blade/spear point. We have survived remarkably well in spite of (huh, because of) this clear and present danger.
Our prisons are rife with stabbings. How many knives do we allow the inmates? That's right, none. A shim can be made from a piece of PVC.
So! We are going to redesign the Knife to make us feel some "empathy" for victims and a little less "guilty" about the state we have allowed our society to get into.
Prairie Spud is bang on the money - it's bonkers!
19 June 2009, 12:59
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There are far too many "well intentioned" people around these days. Thugs will find plenty of ways of hurting other people.
It is the same "well intentioned" people who set up knife amnesties. What real criminal will hand over a knife?
The Police have admitted they have no effect.
The problem is the whole nanny culture in this country will jump at this. The supermarkets will love this sort of thing - you can't even buy strike anywhere matches in the big shops now - only safety ones. Quite why our supermarkets think they are our moral saviours is beyond me..............
And just so our overseas friends realise how low this country has sunk what about the school that insists that kids wear goggles before using blutack or teachers having to have a safety briefing before handling a Pritt glue stick???
Ah well hopefully a change of government wil sort a lot of this out - with 300,000 superfluous public sector jobs going they won't have so many people trying to justify their existance!!!
19 June 2009, 13:17
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What a complete waste of time ! I recently cleaned out my kitchen - ended up with 5 or six biggish kitchen knives I didn't want, but what the hell am I supposed to do with them - the council had helpfully given us a leaflet saying not to leave them in the bin with the normal rubbish - the tip wont let me in if I have them in case they are murder weapons that I am trying to get rid if - so I wallked into the local nic (when it was open & I am lucky to have one) and passed them over the counter sying - you deal with it - prompt near panic as they try & take my details before I leave !
In my day you were given boxing gloves at school - put in a ring & told to 'sort it out' . Nowadays the schools say - do what you want as long as its outside the grounds so its not our fault. By this I learnt respect - now all anyone seems to be raised with is that everything is someone elses fault !
Its the fault of the poeple making the knives now- not the little gits who use them - please ! I'd laugh if poeple weren't getting stabbed every day . This country has gone down the tubes big time.
Why cant we make people responsible for thier action instead of excusing it. Being a criminal is choice , taking drugs is a choice, stabbing someone is a choice - I dont see any of these being the 'illness' or 'problem' that the soppy idiots in charge seem to like saying it is.
NO-one in with any sense will buy this knife & then think 'damn , I cant stab anything with it' . I remember doing my axe cutting badge in scouts - I bet it doesn't even exisit any more due to PC/ H&S stupidity !
19 June 2009, 14:34
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What a complete waste of time ! I recently cleaned out my kitchen - ended up with 5 or six biggish kitchen knives I didn't want, but what the hell am I supposed to do with them -
Grind the tips of and sell them for £40? IMO The only thing to stop knife crime is massive prison sentences for carrying them, build prisons (USA style prisons) and lock em for years.
Big waves, small boat ;)
19 June 2009, 14:54
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Originally Posted by tinker
Grind the tips of and sell them for £40? IMO The only thing to stop knife crime is massive prison sentences for carrying them, build prisons (USA style prisons) and lock em for years.
What we need is a dose of common sense!!! The Police won't tackle the REAL problem people - it's much easier to pick on a pensioner carrying a multitool with a so called locking blade.Should he end up in Prison???
19 June 2009, 15:06
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by codprawn
What we need is a dose of common sense!!! The Police won't tackle the REAL problem people - it's much easier to pick on a pensioner carrying a multitool with a so called locking blade.Should he end up in Prison???
Its obvious he will be up to no -good! But if an 17 year old was carrying one of these 'new knives' - thats OK - he 'cant' stab anyone with that ,and was on his way to his one day a month catering course at the local college ( for which he gates paid £70 a month !)
19 June 2009, 16:08
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Originally Posted by willk
Our prisons are rife with stabbings. How many knives do we allow the inmates? That's right, none. A shim can be made from a piece of PVC.
strikes me as though this is probably the only limited market for these - presumably security of knives in prison kitchens is a concern (and I suppose in school kitchens etc if they still teach cookery).
however on the plus side - it does get people talking about the "true problem" and that is probably worth the design effort behind the gimmick
19 June 2009, 16:19
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Originally Posted by JSP
It'll be glass hammers next and a chissel that's just a handle. 
Already been done, about 40 years ago at a trade show by the then Pyrex
New boat is here, very happy!
19 June 2009, 16:42
Country: UK - England
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What we need is a dose of common sense!!! The Police won't tackle the REAL problem people - it's much easier to pick on a pensioner carrying a multitool with a so called locking blade.Should he end up in Prison???
The police are told what to do under certain circumstances and this is fed from budget constraints (no prisons) and a politically correct agenda that is costing lives, in my world. I am sure if it was to cost's or destroy lives in the "politically correct brigades world" then the response would be very different. As the recent widely publicised knifing case has proven, large sentences given because of the public interest.
What we need is a solution to a problem thats not just killing innocent people, its producing a society that is in fear of going out after dark or engaging in their local communities. Even infants school children are threatening to stab each other.
IMO its not time to stand back and react to incidents after they have occurred (like our politicians seem to be great at) its time to find a solution and use it.
What would your solution be?
Big waves, small boat ;)
19 June 2009, 17:13
RIBnet admin team
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I'm ashamed to say that the PC idiot that invented these lives in the same town as I do.
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19 June 2009, 17:14
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by tinker
What would your solution be?
National Service - alot would be solved very quickly
19 June 2009, 17:32
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Before you know it 'addressing a haggis' will be a thing of the past , no fooker will be able to get into it
19 June 2009, 18:54
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Originally Posted by tinker
Grind the tips of and sell them for £40? IMO The only thing to stop knife crime is massive prison sentences for carrying them, build prisons (USA style prisons) and lock em for years.
Cause I've got to pay for them, bring back hard time no TV's pool tables where you really learn how to be a crim;solitary and breaking rock or cleaning public toilets with they're tougue....you could halve the sentances, less cost..? and they won't want back in.
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