Rollup rollup rollmop!!!!!
Lose two stone in six weeks on an exclusive North Sea Break!
Dr. Hopkins shares his secrets in the previously unpublished ‘
Hopkins Diet’ (now a 49p bestseller in ASDA!)
The all-inclusive break in the bracing North Sea includes full board, regular seaweed wraps and daily watersports under the watchful eye of your Personal Trainer (fondly known as ‘Breeze Block’).
The superb menu includes tempting seafood specials from an extremely inventive Chinese chef (e.g. ‘Dead Porpoise Floating Past’) all served onboard the Cruiser (which our chef imaginatively refers to as the ‘Surprise Ship’).
This Spa Break may be booked exclusively via a Travel Agent in Wolverhampton.
Why wait!!!! You too could look like this :

Also available in selective Book Clubs (two for the price of one), Dr. Hopkins’ latest novel :
‘My Passionate Affair With Breeze Block’. An ideal gift for friends and family
Previous tomes by this popular author including
‘Diving from your RIB in Alum Bay’ and the well-known collection of his Essays : ‘
On Marine Radio Manufacturers’ as well as
‘Where’s my Feckin Boat Gone?’ (an exhaustive list of Welsh Swearwords) are sadly out of print (some might indeed say unprintable).
(Autumn Extra!!! : Why not take advantage of our Autumn Offer to ‘Declutter your Life’ while you are away as well-known Super Nanny Dave visits your home and yard in his maid’s outfit (As Seen in Southampton and North Wales Nightclubs) and recycles your clutter, flogging it on E Bay to Pete 7 for a small fortune. )